Under the carpet like search of forest and animal husbandry, the scope of the oasis within a radius of more than ten miles is getting smaller and smaller. Soon, a large circle outside has been thoroughly explored by him, and gradually approaches the position of the central section.

At this time, when Lin Mu drew a mark on a tree, his head suddenly deviated slightly without warning, and a short blow arrow shot directly from his ear, and Ding went into a tree.

He turned his head and took a look. Lin Mu found that the place where the tree was tied had become dark. He could smell the sweet and greasy smell in the air with a slight sniff. It was obvious that the blow arrow also contained poison. Otherwise, he would not have blackened the surface of a big tree so easily.

Judging from the speed of the arrow blowing, it should not be from an expert, but rather from someone using a blowpipe. This is an old concealed weapon, and few people use it now.

The person who uses it needs strong vital capacity to blow the arrow far enough. Compared with the strength of the arm, the strength of the arm is stronger. Therefore, most of the later concealed weapons are thrown by the hand, and the hand is much more flexible than the mouth. It can play all kinds of strange concealed weapons and use more complex skills.

However, it doesn't mean that the skill of using concealed weapons in the mouth has been lost. At least Shaolin Mu knows that the Tang clan still has this skill of using concealed weapons. Concealed weapons such as silver needles are usually hidden in the mouth. They are small and easy to carry. Once they are suddenly used close to each other in the process of fighting, few people can avoid this strange attack.

However, I'm afraid that no one in the Tang clan can use this ancient thing any more. After all, there are too many single ways to use it, and it's not very powerful. It's been eliminated in the long history. I didn't expect to see such an ancient thing in this desert oasis today. It's a bit of a surprise to Lin Mu.

Now that it has been attacked by people, it means that there must be human beings here. However, looking at the ancient attack tool of blow arrow, it is obvious that the people who use it are not modern people, but should be some kind of tribal people left behind.

Lin Mu was more interested in the hidden skills of these people. Even he didn't notice that someone had lurked nearby.

With the five senses fully open, after a careful induction, he finally found five different breath. These breath are not very weak and can't be detected. On the contrary, the intensity of these breath is not low, but they are all imitated into all kinds of creatures in the oasis. At first, they feel like ordinary animals and plants. They don't think it's actually people there.

Just when Lin Mu stood still, five blowarrows shot from different directions at the same time. The speed was much faster than that of the first time. If the general practitioners didn't pay attention, they might be attacked. Obviously, the fierce poison attached to this kind of blowarrow can kill people in a short time.

After special treatment, the surface of the arrows used by these people is very smooth, and there is almost no friction with the air, so the sound is also very small. Fortunately, Lin Mu, a natural warrior with amazing perception, can still detect the subtle sound when he is distracted. If someone else comes here, he might have been caught.

However, since Lin Mu had increased his attention, it was impossible for these arrows to hit him. On the contrary, the real Qi in front of him suddenly rushed, and the invisible real Qi immediately spread in the air in front of him. The thick real Qi directly fixed the five arrows in the air in front of him, as if they were bound by an invisible force, and strangely suspended in front of him.

He reached out and took down a blow arrow. After careful observation, Lin Mu found that the blow arrow seemed to be made of a kind of bone, which was not the traditional method of wooden pole. The surface of this kind of bone was naturally smooth and hardly needed to be polished later. After finishing the front end of the bone, a tiny poison sac was formed and filled with a little poison.

The venom had a fishy and sweet smell. Lin Mu sniffed it and then put the arrow to one side.

"I'm in xialinmu. There's no harm coming from afar. I'm just looking for a deep pool. Don't be nervous."

He put away the blowing arrow floating in front of him, and Lin Mu chuckled. His voice was sent out by Zhenqi. His voice could be heard in a large area around him. Anyway, it was a deserted place, and he was not afraid to make a noise.

However, after he spoke, the other side didn't respond for a long time, which made him frown slightly. If the people here don't understand Mandarin, they will be in great trouble. They can't communicate at all. It's very likely that such a remote tribe will not understand Mandarin.

Just when Lin Mu was thinking about how to communicate with these people, there was a sudden sound not far in front of him. Then he saw several men with dark cyan paint on their faces coming out. These men were simply surrounded by a few pieces of cloth, most of their bodies were exposed, showing their strong bodies and powerful muscles.

One of them, a middle-aged man with a yellow grass ring on his head, looked at Lin Mu suspiciously in the distance. Another young man from the tribe was ready to step forward, but he was stopped by the middle-aged man and gave him a warning look.

"Where are you from?" After reading for a long time, the middle-aged man with yellow grass ring slowly spits out a few words and characters. Obviously, he is not very familiar with Putonghua, but can simply say a few words“ I've come from a long distance to find a deep pool, a small lake with water in it Lin Mu also said slowly, and from time to time he drew the shape of the deep pool with his hands, trying to make the people of these tribes understand what he was saying“ Acurus! Akurus However, not long after Lin Mu finished the painting, the young tribal man standing next to the middle-aged strong man suddenly cried out in surprise and pointed to Lin Mu's random points. With a slight frown, although Lin Mu didn't know what akurus was, after the young man said akurus, he obviously noticed that the killing intention of the people of those tribes increased obviously. Some people obviously picked up the slender blowing tube in their hands. When something went wrong, they immediately killed him“ Are you looking for that, tan? " The middle-aged man's eyes narrowed and his dark blue face showed a strange expression“ Yes, I want to find that pool. Where is it? " Lin Mu nodded, but he didn't mean to beat around the bush. Although he didn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately, these people in front of him really didn't threaten him. As long as he was willing, he could easily pay these people, but it would take a little effort to find this deep pool. For a moment, the middle-aged man didn't speak. He looked at Lin Mu suspiciously, as if he was thinking about the credibility of Lin Mu's words. Just as he thought about it, there was a sound of knowing about it in the woods behind Lin Mu. After a while, three other people from the same tribe appeared. They were the three people who had been observing Lin Mu's car outside the oasis before. Seeing the three men coming, the middle-aged man immediately muttered a lot of words. The three men behind Lin Mu also muttered. After some communication, Lin Mu suddenly realized that the killing chance on the other side had weakened. Although he didn't understand why, it was a good thing for Lin Mu. Although it's easy for him to defeat these people, he is obviously a native who has lived here for a long time. If he offends these people, maybe he will be hindered step by step. There's no need to get into trouble. Lin Mu never gets into trouble“ You, alone, come The middle-aged man looked at Lin Mu again and asked word by word“ Yes, I came alone Lin Mu definitely nodded“ You, come with me. " With a slight nod, the middle-aged man turned to leave. The tribal youth on the side immediately began to say something, but after being glared by the middle-aged strong man, he immediately stopped saying anything, just looking at Lin Mu's eyes a little strange. After the middle-aged men took the lead to leave, the people of other tribes also left. Naturally, Lin Mu followed. It was not enough for the men of the later three tribes to follow Lin Mu all the time, as if they were monitoring Lin Mu. If he wants to go, let alone the people in front of him, even if there are another 100 people, he can't stop him. Now it's just an expedient. Follow the middle-aged man first to see what will happen. This middle-aged strong man is obviously the highest in the group. Other people are obviously afraid of this middle-aged strong man. Among all the people present, this middle-aged strong man has the strongest breath. After walking for some distance, Lin Mu obviously noticed that the air began to become moist, indicating that the surrounding water increased. In the oasis, such a situation would only appear on the edge of the water source, that is, the deep pool was not far away from this. Lin Mu, who was very happy in his heart, could not help but quicken his pace. The three men behind immediately snorted. The sound of warning was very obvious, which made the leader in front of him turn his head and look at Lin Mu.