At the beginning, after learning some basic knowledge of martial arts cultivation, Ge Tian also had some confusion about his martial arts cultivation, because others pay attention to meditation and Qi training. Only his wonderful skill focuses on physical training, and Qi is relatively just a tool to assist cultivation.

In the process of cultivation, he also naturally broke through to the realm of true Qi cultivation, but once he entered the realm of true Qi cultivation, all the true Qi he cultivated was absorbed by the body, and there was not much real Qi stored in the Dantian field, which was the reason why the forest and herdsmen could not feel it when they started.

It's not that GE Tian doesn't want to use real Qi to enhance his strength, but there is not much real Qi in the Dantian field for him to mobilize. Every time he cultivates real Qi, those real Qi will quickly flow in the meridians and finally be absorbed by his body.

In this process, even if Ge Tian consciously controlled Qi to enter the Dantian, he could not save too much. Compared with the practitioners of the same level, the Qi in his Dantian was pitiful, let alone compared with people like Lin Mu.

However, as the cultivation continued, Ge Tian gradually discovered the advantage of this wonderful skill, that is, without the fluctuation of the true Qi, he was very hidden and powerful, but at the same time, it was not easy for people to detect it, and he was very dominant.

Ge Tian is always the winner when he competes with his brothers. Only those brothers who have been practicing for a long time can suppress Ge Tian by virtue of the gap in realm. However, it is not easy to defeat him.

With his experience in dealing with other martial arts practitioners, Ge Tian was also full of confidence in the contest. However, the appearance of Lin Mu and Pang Tong, including the later appearance of Lu Qingqing, gave him a blow.

Everyone's true Qi is as powerful as the elders of the purple forest valley. The skill of nearly a Jia Zi is not a joke. Even if he attacks with true Qi, he can't easily resist it.

It was because of this that Zifeng Taoist priest sighed. The chance to revitalize the sect was gone. Ge Tian's advantage could not be brought into full play when he met these people.

"If you meet Lin Mu or Lu Qingqing in the martial arts contest tomorrow, you can just admit defeat. Even if you go back and ask the leader, you won't blame you if you know the reason."

Slightly shook his head, Zifeng Taoist whispered, see apprentice face some ugly, can't help but gently patted the apprentice's back of the hand, a little comfort.

"Master, I still want to have a try. It's a martial arts contest. After all, it's not a fight between life and death. Even if I can't defeat those people like Lin Mu, I can admit defeat at that time. If I don't have a contest, I'm afraid it will have an impact on my later cultivation."

Ge Tian thought for a while and said something unexpected to Zifeng Taoist.

"Not bad."

Zifeng Taoist thought carefully for a while, and thought Ge Tian's words were reasonable. If he admitted defeat directly, he would be afraid that there would be demons in the process of cultivation in the future. It's better to have a fair competition. If he lost, he would lose. It's no big deal.

"Well, master, don't worry. There are still hundreds of people left. You don't have to meet such abnormal opponents as Lin Mu or Lu Qingqing. Maybe you can have another chance."

There was a smile on Ge Tian's face.

"You're right. How could you have such bad luck? I came up and met some of them."

Zifeng Taoist also laughs. He can't see that the pressure in Ge Tian's heart is still great. Now he is just trying to smile. But even if he knows, he won't say it.

The master and the apprentice talked for a while, then Zifeng Taoist left the room and went back to have a rest. He also asked Ge Tian to have a good rest and prepare for tomorrow's martial arts competition.

What they did not expect was that GE Tian drew Lin Mu as soon as he came up in the fifth round of the competition. After knowing the result, Ge Tian immediately got up and walked down the stand without hesitation. He was afraid that he would not even have the courage to stand up after sitting a little longer.

Not everyone has the courage to stand in the challenge arena again after seeing Lin Mu's strength. After all, it's equivalent to a sect elder or a sect master level expert. I'm afraid that no one in a smaller sect can compete with Lin Mu.

However, after standing in the challenge arena, Ge Tian's heart relaxed. Everything around him seemed to be quiet, and his mind was especially ethereal. The mental moves he practiced at ordinary times suddenly flashed across his mind like lightning, and a kind of feeling that was like shadow had already appeared in his mind.

Under the great pressure of Lin Mu, he had a vague feeling of Epiphany before he started the martial arts competition.

However, Lin Mu came up soon. After they said a few words, the competition began. Ge Tian was eager to verify his feelings. When the referee announced the beginning of the competition, he chose to attack Lin Mu first.

However, Lin Mu's strength was there after all. Even if he didn't do it, he was forced to open up just by his true Qi. His powerful strength was revealed for a while, and he was not a level master at all.

In his mind, he recalled all these things like lightning. Ge Tian's mind came back to reality again in a trance. He saw that Lin Mu was standing there, just looking at him quietly without any action. The light in Lin Mu's eyes has clearly expressed his meaning, that is, he has just found Ge Tian's absence, but for him, he doesn't disdain to attack his opponent at this time, even if his opponent has revealed his flaws“ Brother Lin, please give me some advice! " A trace of gratitude reverberated in his heart. Ge Tian knew that just now Lin Mu had found that he was distracted, but he didn't beat him directly. Instead, he was waiting for him to come back to his senses. When he found this, he immediately restrained his mind and set out a new starting point again. Hands in front of the chest slowly across a semicircle, a clockwise, a counter clockwise, in this process, there are some slightly changed fingers like fingerprints general imprint, the surface muscles suddenly like water general shaking up. The sound of an inexplicable running water suddenly rang up and stirred slowly around Ge Tian. At first, Lin Mu was a little confused. He didn't understand where the sound of running water came from. Later, he came to know that it was the sound of blood flowing rapidly in Ge celestial body. After the strange gesture just now, the blood in the body was flowing at such a fast speed, and the sound even spread to the outside through the body surface! The human body needs strenuous exercise. The heart will certainly beat faster, and the blood will flow to the whole body at a faster speed, so as to bring enough oxygen to supply the consumption of the body. This is normal physiological knowledge, and also the entry-level knowledge of modern medicine. However, the speed of blood flow in Ge Tian's body can stimulate such a loud voice, which really surprised Lin Mu. Just from this preparation, we can see how fierce Ge Tian's attack will be later. Since it takes some time for GE Tian to prepare for his attack, Lin Mu just stands there and waits for a while. Anyway, he is not in a hurry. Besides, he is more interested in Ge Tian's martial arts. He just takes this opportunity to have a look. What is the most powerful move“ This silly boy actually wants to use that move. With his current strength, it's too dangerous to use that move. Ah In the distant grandstand, Zifeng Taoist saw Ge Tian's starting gesture and sighed“ Forget it, Ge Tian is calm. Since he wants to use this move, let him use it. Maybe he has some new insights, and his grasp of this move will be improved. " Another old man with a white beard on the side, stroked his beard and said. The Purple Maple Taoist didn't answer. He just looked anxiously over there. The expression of concern in his eyes was beyond expression, but let the old man with white beard shake his head helplessly. It took about half a minute to prepare for it, and the sound of blood in Ge Tian's body slowly stopped. Lin Mu was still standing there, apparently waiting for GE Tian to start“ Brother Lin, I haven't understood this move before, but I've got some new insights after two hands. I don't know if you will be satisfied with this move. It's also a thank you for waiting until now. " A thread of blood flashed in his eyes. Ge Tian said slowly. It's obvious that it's hard for him to control this move now, but it must be ready to finish“ Please Lin Mu didn't say much, just nodded. As soon as Lin Mu's voice fell, Ge Tian's figure had disappeared in the same place. Where he disappeared, two deep footprints were left on the bluestone slab. With the gentle breeze, the dust suddenly floated. The two footprints were not trampled down by GE Tian, but at the moment when he started, they were directly crushed into powder by the trampling force. Although the footprints were not deep, they were only about an inch, but the shocking physical explosive force was also extremely good. The fuzzy figure in front of Lin Mu's body was shaking, and a black shadow like a snake letter came out. Just when Lin Mu was ready to take the shadow, the fuzzy figure disappeared from his body. Almost at the same time, the shadow came back to Lin Mu's back. This time, two shadows came out, one left and one right, and directly attacked Lin Mu's waist. If he hit hard, I'm afraid that even Lin Mu would end up dead and seriously injured.