By the time Zuo Qiuwen took control of the scene again, Lin Mu had already arrested all the people.

"Commander Zuo, these terrorists have all been captured, and the most severe interrogation will be waiting for them."

In the office, Lin Mu met Zuo Qiuwen.

"Please, Mr. Lin. if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid this attack would have caused huge internet access to the citizens. I'd like to express my sincere thanks to those citizens."

Zuo Qiuwen stood up and saluted Lin Mu.

"You don't have to be so polite, senior colonel Zuo. It's our duty. I don't know where the Japanese mission is?"

Lin Mu waved his hand with a smile.

"I landed at the International Airport 20 minutes ago, but considering the situation here, I decided to escort Yaodao village to another place for those Japanese experts to test. This place is not suitable for testing any more."

Zuo Qiuwen nodded and then put forward a suggestion.

"That's OK. There are a lot of people injured here, and they still need timely treatment. It's really not suitable. In the opinion of Senior Colonel Zuo, move the demon sword village now!"

After thinking for a while, Lin Mu agreed with Zuo Qiuwen.

Zuo Qiuwen's office was really vigorous and efficient. In less than five minutes, he had already arranged all the related matters, including the rescue of the injured citizens below. He also arranged the vehicles of the military hospital for special transportation. He was very responsible.

Ten minutes later, the military vehicle carrying the demon sword left the museum again, followed by two vehicles full of armed soldiers and two black Mercedes Benz bulletproof cars.

"It's really a bunch of rubbish. I don't know if I want to rob the villager's sword with such strength!"

Sitting in the car, Hongyi Zhitian disdained to say a word.

"Mr. Zhitian, the Chinese side has well protected the cunzheng magic knife, and has not suffered any harm. Their protection measures are quite good."

The gentleman in the front row turned to smile.

"Well! If you can't cope with these wastes, I don't think Huaxia will have to deal with them. However, that fierce boy didn't start his hand in the morning. It seems that he doesn't look up to those wastes and disdains to do it. "

Zhitian turned his eyes, then looked out of the window. His eyes were very sharp, as if he saw Lin Mu's face on the glass.

"It's true. Today, these people who come to rob the villager's evil swords are just ordinary mercenaries. They are not powerful characters, and the experts in China have not come out."

The gentleman nodded.

Just as they were chatting, the motorcade turned several avenues and got on a road leading to the military camp of the East China Sea military region. As this road leads directly to the military camp, no vehicles would drive on it at ordinary times.

"Stop the car!"

At this time, the front of the team is suddenly came the order to stop.

"What's the matter?"

Sitting in the rear of Zhitian Hongyi and gentleman male see the situation in front, because the truck with soldiers blocked, gentleman male immediately asked.

"I don't know. They've got the order to stop."

The soldier who was driving didn't know what was going on, so he shook his head in doubt.

On the road, I don't know when there are several rows of people in camouflage clothes. All of these people are wearing half face masks, blocking half of the faces. It's really chilly to see such a group of people in broad daylight.

These people are standing on the road in batches. The echelon ranks are very clear. They all have powerful assault rifles in their hands. They are all the latest models developed by Northern Europe. They can provide great firepower suppression in a short distance. They are now the secret weapons of the military of northern Europe. I don't know how they appear in these people's hands.

"Who are you? We are soldiers of the East China Sea military region. Please get out of the way immediately, otherwise it will be regarded as a provocation to the Chinese military! "

An officer sitting in the first car, looking at the person in front of him, frowned in doubt. Then he picked up the car's loudspeaker and yelled out.

"Kill them all!"

A man standing in front of the group of masked men was also wearing a half face mask, but his mask was pale gold, which was obviously different from other people's silver masks. As soon as his voice fell, the masked men behind him immediately raised their guns.

"Dada dada!"

Crazy tongue of fire in the pour, countless bullets fired out of the dense, in the car can not leave the soldiers immediately become a target, constantly someone issued the scream of being shot.

On the two cars at the back, a large number of soldiers jumped out of the car and started a fierce exchange of fire with the masked men in front with the help of the car as a shelter. However, the fire of the other side was very fierce, and these soldiers could not cope with it at all.

In less than a minute, the Chinese military had already sacrificed at least 100 people. They were all shot to death. They even died before they could see the enemy.

"Don't let one go!"

The man with the golden mask said coldly, and then two men with the silver mask immediately came out behind them. They were both carrying rockets on their shoulders, aiming at the front and rear cars, and fired a rocket.

With a loud bang, two military vehicles were completely bombed into ruins.

"Well! This time, the plan is safe. After being raided by us, Zuo Qiuwen is really in a hurry to transfer the village leader of the magic sword. We can stop them here. We can not only avoid the secret script of the crowd, but also prevent them from reinforcement quickly. Kill two birds with one stone. "

Zhang Yingsheng, who is located in a hotel room in Donghai, is watching the pictures of masked men slaughtering soldiers in real time through the surveillance screen, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Boss, it seems that we will win this time."

Hongli stood aside and said respectfully.

"You've done a good job this time, Hongli. It seems that after so many years with me, you can finally take charge of yourself."

Zhang Yingsheng takes up a cigar with a smile and gently subtracts the hard leaves in front of the cigar. Standing on one side, Hongli quickly takes out a lighter and goes up.

"It's right to do your best for the boss."

After lighting the cigarette, hollyton retreated to one side.

"This mission is well completed. The two humanoid robots that the man gave us are useless, and the battle has ended. It's great, so the two robots are mine!"

Zhang Yingsheng showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Those two robots are very advanced and powerful. Even some people with martial arts skills are not necessarily their opponents, and they don't know where they got their hands."

Hongli agreed.

"I don't care what kind of people they are, as long as they can support me with weapons, but now it seems that the other side is not small, it is very likely that they will also have contact with the military, we still can't take it lightly."

After all, this is his way to survive.

"Check to see if there's a live one!"

After a few minutes of frantic shooting, the golden masked man waved and stopped attacking.

There are three vehicles escorting the village leader of Yaodao. One in front and one in back is used to transport soldiers. In the middle is the village leader of Yaodao. There are special soldiers to protect him. In the back are two Mercedes Benz. One of them is Hongyi Zhitian and gentleman.

At this moment, the gentleman man was already shaking all over. He turned around and wanted to say something to Zhitian Hong, but his teeth trembled and he couldn't say a word.

"You stay here, don't move, get your head under it!"

Zhitian Hong said a word, then opened the door, and walked down from the car, the knife was carried to his shoulder.

"Find the enemy!"

The masked men, who were checking the soldiers one by one to see if they were alive, saw that hiroichi Zhitian got out of the car, and all of them immediately raised their guns and pointed them straight at hiroichi Zhitian.

"What do you want to do?"

Tilted his head, Zhitian Hongyi looked at a group of masked men holding guns in front of him with disdain, and asked haughtily.

"Kill him!"

The golden mask man didn't pay attention to the words of Hongyi Zhitian. After looking at him coldly, he gave the order to kill him.

Countless bullets poured out without hesitation. The masked men were surprisingly consistent and efficient in executing orders. In a moment, countless bullet holes appeared in the position of Hongyi Zhitian, and the ground became pitted.

"Well! A bunch of trash. Is that what you rely on? "

Zhitian Hongyi is still standing in the same place, not even the slightest injury on his body, even the dust from the bullet did not fall on him. At the moment when the other side opened fire, he had avoided by virtue of his high-speed movement.

"Who are you?"

There was a dignified look in the eyes of the man with the golden mask. He didn't see the action of hiroichi Zhitian at all. Knowing that the other person was not an ordinary person, he immediately raised his vigilance.

"When you go to hell, I'll burn my name to you!"

With a slight sneer from the scabbard in his hand, Zhitian Hongyi's body has been shot into the masked men like lightning. A bright light of the sword flashed by, and the masked men were stabbed one after another. In front of the ancient martial arts masters, they had no anti resistance ability.


The man with the golden mask gave a cold drink.

"Dada dada!"

Another wave of bullets poured out. The golden masked man didn't care about the people who were entangled with Zhitian Hongyi. He directly ordered his men to continue to shoot, and the men didn't hesitate to consider that their teammates were still there.