At this time today, there should not be so many tourists and pedestrians. The exhibition of Yaodao village has not been announced to the outside world. For these tourists and pedestrians, the museum is no different from usual.

Although he didn't see any obvious abnormality, Zuo Qiuwen picked up his walkie talkie and told the inspectors below to be vigilant. They should not be careless. Changes often appear suddenly from calm.

Just when the museum is on full alert, three blocks away from the museum, is the famous leisure Street in Donghai, which gathers famous brands from all over the world. In one of the coffee shops, a young man with a dull expression is sitting there with a cup of steaming coffee in front of him.

This young man is yellow. He doesn't know which country in Asia he is from. The coffee in front of him doesn't move. He just puts it there. From the heat just now to the light heat behind him, he never moves.

As the young man sat by the window, naturally attracted a lot of people's attention, but now the society is so busy, no one has time to care about why others sit there with a dull look, order a cup of coffee but don't drink it. Everyone is chatting on their own, and no one will pay attention to others.

However, this young man is bound to attract others' attention, because at this time, a very tall man came in, looked around and walked directly to the young man's desk. Suddenly, everyone's eyes were attracted by them again.

Because not only the young man looked strange, but also the big man who just arrived was very strange. Although it was September, the weather in Donghai was still very hot, and the people sitting around were still wearing short sleeves and shirts.

But the big man who just came in was wearing gorgeous fur and a big hat on his head, which wrapped his whole head up. A wisp of hair hung down from the brim of the hat and covered half of his cheek.

Not to mention whether the big man is hot or not, the passers-by nearby are all hot for him. As long as they have a look more, they even feel that they are hot.

"When did you come?"

The big man sat opposite the dull man and asked the waiter to bring him an iced drink.

"Not long ago."

The dull man's eyes turned slightly and said, looking straight at the big man.

"The news has been confirmed. At this time tomorrow morning, the magic knife will be sent away, so we have a very tight time. We must get the knife before tonight, otherwise it will be difficult to do tomorrow morning. At that time, without the cover of tourists, their guard will reach the highest state."

The big man took a sip of the iced drink from the waiter and made a very comfortable sound.

"OK, I see."

The dull man nodded dully, and there was still no look on his face.

"Well, I'm really convinced. Why did you send this guy over? Is there no other candidate?"

The big man looked at the dull man's face, but shook his head and sighed.

"Let me do it, and I'll do it."

The dull man said softly, his eyes didn't move. People who didn't know thought it was just a doll.

"They're all freaks, but your strength is OK, just a little bit. I hope this mission is successful. Don't let me down!"

The big man sighed. He didn't intend to continue to struggle with this problem. He had nothing to say with a wood. He drank the ice drink in front of him. Then he left the coffee shop and went out in the sun again. He soon lost sight.

After the big man left, the dull man's eyes slowly shifted to the drink he had drunk. There were five finger marks on the drink, which were made by the big man just now.

These five finger marks are very clear, as if they were carved into the wall of the cup. It seems that the big man's hand has an abnormal high temperature. When he touches the wall of the cup, he directly imprints five marks on the wall of the cup. Looking at the five finger marks, the dull man's eyes appear for the first time, but soon the light is dim again, and he returns to the previous dull appearance again.

As time goes by, it's almost noon. The air is the hottest time. In order to avoid the summer, many pedestrians and tourists walk to the museum to have a look around. For a moment, the flow of people in the museum increases.

"The scheduled location has arrived and is ready to move."

"We've reached the target, confirm!"


In the hidden corner around the museum, a group of people are locating through the micro communication device in their ears.

"Good! Let's go

With the confirmation of the position of the people, the person in charge of the command immediately gave the order to attack.

"Stop! Traffic control has been implemented here. No traffic is allowed! " A silver white super motorcycle came to the road in front of the museum. Seeing that the situation was not right, the soldier immediately stood up and stopped the motorcycle with a big horn. However, although the soldier yelled several times with the horn, the driver of the motorcycle didn't mean to slow down at all. He even hit the accelerator twice on purpose, and the speed suddenly soared again. He rushed to the soldier, ignoring the no traffic sign on the ground“ Attack! All on alert When the soldiers saw that the situation was not good, they immediately yelled loudly, and the volume of the loudspeaker immediately attracted everyone's attention. Soldiers on duty in various places immediately gathered and loaded their weapons, ready to kill criminals at any time. However, the motorcyclist didn't seem to care about these things at all. On the way to high speed, a hole suddenly opened in front of the motorcycle, and then several unknown balls flew out at high speed. Just in the blink of an eye, those spheres had already reached the top of the soldiers' heads. Then the spheres suddenly exploded, and a strange wave radiated around. Everyone had nothing to do, but the electronic communication tools failed one after another, and even the car couldn't start. This was just the first wave of motorcycle attack. After the ball, two small missiles shot out from the front of the motorcycle and directly hit two military vehicles parked on the side of the road. Immediately, the military vehicles exploded violently. One of them was even rushed up to a height of more than ten meters by the blast, and then hit the ground heavily. The sudden attack immediately scared the passers-by to scream and run around. Some tourists and passers-by who are close to the museum simply come to the museum, as if it would be safer in the museum, because they have seen a large number of soldiers patrolling around the museum“ senior colonel! Someone has raided the cordon at the gate and has destroyed the first line of defense. Now they are attacking the second line of defense at the gate! " A soldier immediately ran into Zuo Qiuwen's temporary office and quickly reported“ I see. Who is it? " Zuo Qiuwen had known about it for a long time. When he was upstairs just now, he had seen the riot at the door and noticed the strange motorcycle that could fire weapons“ It's not clear yet. So far, the other side has not shown their true colors. They have been wearing motorcycle helmets. " Soldiers report immediately“ Go ahead and defend according to the original plan! " Zuo Qiuwen nodded and then took the lead“ The senior commander ordered us to carry out the original plan and evacuate the crowd immediately! " After delivering the order, the soldier followed Zuo Qiuwen“ Buzz, buzz Just as Zuo Qiuwen came to the stairway, a slight vibration came. In the chaotic and noisy environment of the museum, this slight sound was very hidden, but it attracted Zuo Qiuwen's attention. His strength was very strong, and his ears and eyes were very sensitive. Aware of the abnormal sound, he immediately raised his head and looked around. Then he saw a small black dot a little bigger than a fly hovering over the heads of the people. He had no intention of leaving. It was from there that the buzzing vibration came out. At first glance, no one would pay attention to the small black spot that kept circling. However, Zuo Qiuwen's brain turned much faster than ordinary people. With a lightning like turn in his head, he already understood what it was“ I can't believe they even use this kind of thing. " There was a look of fun on his face. Zuo Qiuwen pulled out his gun like lightning. He didn't need to aim. He raised his hand to shoot. After hearing the sound of the gun, the black dot in the sky immediately burst out a spark, and then disappeared“ Senior Colonel, that seems to be the most advanced bionic monitoring instrument? " The soldier who followed Zuochu's tattoo didn't react until Zuochu hit the little black spot in the sky. He suddenly asked strangely“ Yes, it is indeed a monitor. The other party uses this kind of monitor to observe the situation in the museum, so as to facilitate their action. " Zuo Qiuwen nodded and shot around with fierce eyes, trying to see if there was such a small monitoring instrument in other places“ Found the location of Zuo Qiuwen. Do you need to eradicate it? " Just when Zuo Qiuwen hit the surveillance instrument, a group of people on the other side who had just violently attacked the defense line immediately sent a new instruction in the earphone“ The nearest man, kill him A grim smile came out of the earphone immediately.