Lin Mu is such a master, and Yuri is also such a master, so they have done their best from the beginning. No one underestimates anyone. This battle is very dangerous. If one is not good, they may die on the spot.

"Old man, although respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional Chinese virtue, today I can't follow it. We will know who is stronger after the first World War!"

Looking at Yuri in front of him, Lin Mu's voice changed and he said solemnly that the powerful Qi ran all over his body immediately. The fighting state had been fully opened, and the Qiuhong sword in his hand began to sing softly.

Yuri burst out laughing. His feeling is the same as that of Lin Mu. He is also a strong man and a lonely strong man. He has been in the White House for 15 years, and he has never touched anyone again. Naturally, he is eager to have a rival.

After 15 years of loneliness, he finally ushered in the second battle that could make his blood boil. From the young man in front of him, he felt the enthusiasm and vitality of the young man. It was like a dream, and he returned to the man he was.

The broad Epee in his hand seems to have come to life. Most of the people who use this kind of big sword use big open and close moves, but Yuri uses his small Kung Fu to form all kinds of strange sword power.

Even Lin Mu was forced to be embarrassed for a while. He had never seen these sword moves before, and they were three consecutive sword moves. But this time, Lin Mu was forced to retreat three steps. The sword of Qiu Hong, which he held in his right hand, was a little shocked.

Although his Qiuhong sword is full of genuine Qi, the old man in front of him has powerful power. The Epee in his hand naturally infuses powerful power, which makes Lin Mu extremely alert and can't relax for a moment.

"Old man, you are not bad either. At such a big age, you are still very flexible behind you."

Lin Mu laughed.

"Well, it's too early to say that now. I have a better way to do it."

After decades of hard training, Yuri thinks that he has practiced his powers to the extreme. Because of this, he is more introverted and ordinary. Every time he walks on the street, no one will look at him more, because he is too ordinary.

Not everyone has the same eyesight as Lin Mu. In most people's eyes, Yuri is a very ordinary funny old man with a big nose of distiller's grains. He looks like a clown.

However, Lin Mu's eyesight is not weak. He clearly knows that in the face of such a strong man, he doesn't need to keep his hands. This is not the kind of weak man who can subdue his opponent and give him an injection of degenerative medicine after he keeps his hands, but the real super strong men who have experienced many battles.

The sword move used by the opponent has reached the state of no edge and no skill. Although the move is very simple, it is very powerful, otherwise he will not be forced to retreat again and again.

As soon as he picked the sword, he drew a circle in the air, just like a blazing flame, floating quietly in the air. He used his most powerful power and honed his power for decades. His power of fire control has already reached its peak.

To be able to achieve this peaceful and abnormal state as a fire control power can show that Yuri's state is very high, at least not affected by the negative emotions of the alien energy.

The sword had been waved tightly, but Lin Mu didn't expect that Yuri had strengthened the power of the power and formed a complex circle of fire. The net was not the power of the spatial powers, but the energy contained was also very powerful.

Lin Mu's Qiuhong sword cuts six swords in a row, but it doesn't break the net of the fire circle. Every time the fire circle breaks, it will continue to repair itself at a speed that is difficult to see.

"Old man, I have to admit that you are really good at it, but you want to trap me with this ring of fire. I'm afraid you think it's too simple."

Lin Mu's body stood upright for a moment, and his Qiuhong sword fell down. He was in a state of extreme silence. Although on the surface, he seemed to have given up his resistance, Yuri could take advantage of the situation to attack.

But Yuri was standing in the same place quietly, and didn't move. Although Lin Mu was standing in front of him, he found that Lin Mu had disappeared in front of him, and he couldn't feel someone in front of him.

This kind of feeling is very strange, clearly standing in front of you, but you can't feel it. The huge contrast makes it difficult for Yuri to change his mind for a while.

Yuri didn't know that at this time, Lin Mu had already used the profound meaning of Taijiquan. With the help of the integration of yin and Yang, he could perfectly hide his own breath. At this time, he just tried it out.

The big sword was in his hand. No matter what Lin Mu was doing, Yuri swung his arms directly, and a bigger fire circle net composed of different energies was formed again.

Although the feeling of Lin Mu made him feel a little strange and dangerous, he didn't shrink back, but his attack power became stronger. Under his push, a total of 12 circles of flame were squeezed towards Lin Mu.

By this time, it was getting dark, and the twelve rings of fire were like strange ghost fire. It was quiet everywhere. The periphery of the place had been blocked by the army, and the battle belonged to them only. Just in front of darlin's body, the twelve flame circles suddenly fused together, forming a raging fire, and then the sea of fire exploded in an instant, forming a large dense flame falling from the sky. It was at this moment that Lin Mu's eyes suddenly flashed, and his Qiuhong sword suddenly came out of his hand. The sword carried powerful Qi, forming a curved moon. The bright moon shot into the fire, and immediately the sea of fire was split into two parts by the sword light. In the twinkling of an eye, the sea of fire had been cut out by him“ Did you break through? " The power of that sword was so powerful that Yuri couldn't believe it for a moment. He thought that Lin Mu had made such a breakthrough in the battle“ Old man, this is my real strength. Although I haven't made a breakthrough yet, my power is still the same! " In the body of Lin Mu, Qi flows slowly. Everywhere he goes, everything is familiar and friendly“ Interesting! It seems that I can finally do my best. I hope this battle won't disappoint me! " Yuri jumped forward, and his Epee shot at Lin Mu somehow. Then he pulled out a short sword from the hilt, which was only about 40 cm long. He was ready for close combat. Lin Mu uses a flexible slender short sword. Compared with Lin Mu, Yuri takes advantage of epee. In order to make a good fight, he gives up his advantage and chooses a short sword which is shorter than Qiuhong sword. However, Lin Mu doesn't care. If the opponent wants to fight hand to hand, he can't be more willing to fight a psionic master. He's afraid that the opponent will use a long-range attack. In a tight fight, the ancient martial arts masters in China won't be afraid of the practitioners of any country. Qi converged on Qiuhong sword. In a moment, he attacked nine swords. The sword was powerful enough for Yuri to eat a pot. Although the old man was also very powerful, he was also an old man anyway. His physical strength was definitely worse than that of Lin Mu. After nine attacks in a row, Yuri gasped. He looked tired. For a moment, he regretted throwing away the big sword, because Lin Mu's Qiuhong sword seemed slender, but its power was so powerful. The nine swords just now, with the characteristics of true Qi, he added a lot of strength to Qiuhong sword, so even if it is a light Chinese sword, it is very powerful in the hands of those who can use it“ Old man, you seem to be a little tired. Why don't you stop here? " Lin Mu said with a smile. On the other hand, Yuri's relaxation was different from that just now. He was in a state of extreme prudence, and his face was not good-looking. The dagger in his hand was shaking. Although he was old and strong, his body was still consumed too much to compare with young people like Lin Mu“ You are very good, young man. It seems that the ancient martial arts are in your hands. You have reached a new height. It seems that you have practiced more than one martial arts. Otherwise, there will never be such a change. It seems that I have to work hard at the bottom of the box, otherwise I will not be your opponent. " Yuri gasped and said calmly. As soon as the words were over, Yuri's body shape changed, and his hair suddenly burned. However, it was not that he burned all his hair, but that the flame just burned on every hair. This was something he dared to do after he had absolute control over the energy. Yuri, who had already stooped, rose from about 1.7 meters to about 2 meters. The wrinkles on his face were all plumped up by the rapid growth of each“ It turns out that there are still some back moves. Come on, let me see how powerful they are. " Lin Mu was very interested. He shook his Qiuhong sword and said with a smile. Yuri's face is a little dignified. Although his power of fire control has been controlled as pure as fire, growing in size is a secret skill of yoga that he has just practiced and understood. At present, he has not completed his practice thoroughly, so it is imperative to show it. However, it's useless to think about it at this time. You won't have so much time to think about it when you fight with each other. What's more, Lin Mu is a master of this level. If he catches any small details, he may launch a fatal attack at any time.