"Chief, the identity of the other party is very mysterious. It's definitely not a simple person. Otherwise, the CIA will not investigate for such a long time and have not found out the real identity of the other party. We can't act rashly."

Powell said slowly that at this time, he didn't care about any infighting. Although the CIA people were not good at things, which made him very unhappy, he had to admit that Huaxia's confidentiality work was really in place.

"I think general Powell is right. The identity of the other side is extremely mysterious. Up to now, we haven't got any exact information. It's really inappropriate to rashly confront the Chinese side because of this."

At this time, SIAS is also on Powell's side. They are all in this position. They can only unite temporarily. Otherwise, it is still a question whether they can keep their position, not to mention taking charge of forestry and animal husbandry.

"Chief, the people of our police station have surrounded the whole area. As long as Lin Mu is still there, he will not be able to escape. This time we have mobilized the strongest team. We must hit the target immediately."

"The best team? Do you have anyone stronger than the psionic group? "

The black chief looked scornfully at the two leaders of the police station.

"Powell, as the head of the first district, you are responsible for handling all emergencies. You are fully responsible for this matter. Now I need you to give me an explanation, because tomorrow I need to give the public an explanation. I need a reasonable explanation. Do you understand?"

The defense chief knocked on the table, calmed down and said.

This matter has become so serious that the government can never hide it. This explanation is very important. If the truth is exposed, the credibility of the country will be greatly reduced immediately. He also wants to be re elected as the chief executive. This kind of thing can never happen.

Powell also knew that he was responsible for this, but how could he know that Lin Mu had escaped with such a powerful force? He thought it was a safe plan. How could he think that someone could slip away under the eyes of three Apache.

"Chief, apply to mobilize the S-level experts of the White House defense. I will send more elite and comprehensive cooperation. As long as the CIA finds out the whereabouts of this person, I will not let today's tragedy repeat itself."

Sias thought for a while, then looked at the chief and said.

The S-level masters are also from the power group, but these people are real combat masters, which can't be compared with some of the powers in the power group. They are fighting machines that have really experienced the experience of blood mountain and fire sea.

It doesn't mean that an S-level master must be a high-level one. Of course, he won't be a very low-level one, or at least a level 4 or above. But it's not very difficult for a level 4 S-level one to deal with a level 5 one.

So these S-level masters will stay in the White House, because this is the political center of the United States, which can not tolerate any mistakes. Anyone who dares to do something wrong here will be attacked by the strongest sniper.

"Good! Sias! I believe you once. Now I'll give you the authorization to go to Yuri and tell him that America needs him now. I hope you can bring me good news at this time tomorrow. Now you go to arrange the action immediately! "

The defense chief rubbed his brows in distress and thought for a while. Then a decisive look flashed in his eyes and nodded to agree with SIAS' proposal.

Yuri is an old man who looks very interesting. If he goes to the amusement park to play a clown, he will be better than a professional. But such an old man is an S-class strong man in the White House and lives in the backyard of the white house all the year round.

The president has been changed for three times, but Yuri's identity has never changed, which also shows that his strength is really very strong. At least in recent years, under his protection, the White House has not made any mistakes.

Yuri is a psionic. As early as 15 years ago, when he was first selected as a strong S-level player, he was already a level 4 psionic. After so many years, no one knows how strong he is now.

However, there is one thing to prove, that is, few of the experts in the current ability group dare to challenge Yuri, which can explain the problem. This old man is definitely an expert among the experts, not an ordinary person who plays with tickets.

In the White House, in the president's office, a white man with a serious look was dealing with the documents in front of him. He was Colin sley, the current supreme leader of the United States.

Just as collinsley was reviewing the papers, several middle-aged men in suits filed into the president's office.

"Here we are. Sit down!"

Looking up slightly, collinsley pointed to the sofa at his desk.

"President, this time we are here to propose that all actions against forestry and animal husbandry be cancelled."

Several middle-aged men looked at each other and sat down. One of them said directly.

"Cancel? Why? We have just got the whereabouts of the other party. Now is a good time to strike while the iron is hot. As long as we work harder, we can catch him in one fell swoop. Why cancel this time? "

Said collinsley, putting down his pen and frowning“ President, we have expended too much manpower and resources to capture this animal husbandry, but the effect has not been seen at all. Besides, whether we can get the same level of return after capturing this animal husbandry has not been a final conclusion up to now. " The middle-aged man who spoke earlier continued, "we are a group. The next general election is coming. We can't take risks and waste too much resources on an uncertain person at this time. So we suggest to cancel the action against forestry and animal husbandry and transfer our goal strategically."“ This man is not simple. CIA intelligence has confirmed this. If we can catch him, we will definitely gain a lot. " Collinsley is still a little unwilling. He has put so much effort into it. It's really difficult for him to give up at this time“ President, this is not a time for hesitation. We have to make decisions when we have to. Otherwise, we will have problems sooner or later after such a delay. You are not alone. You also represent a huge interest group behind us. You can't lose the big for the small. " The middle-aged man shook his head and frowned at the president. To be president, the big capitalists behind them have also made great efforts, in order that after the president takes office, they can issue and implement some policies that are beneficial to them. If the president leaves office and changes to other people, their good days will come to an end“ Well, let's try it again for the last time. The CIA applied to mobilize the S-level experts in the White House. Yuri has already set out. If he can't succeed this time, I will withdraw all actions against forestry and animal husbandry! " Holding his chin in his hands, collinsley thought for a while, and finally had no choice but to agree to the other party's proposal. Although he is the president, it also involves the interests of many people. Sometimes, he has to weigh the pros and cons and consider various factors. Lin Mu, who successfully got out of trouble, wandered to the villa area in the urban area at night. After careful observation, he chose a villa where no one was at home. After a good bath, he lay down on the wide sofa in the living room and closed his eyes for a rest all night. The next morning, after washing, he picked up some bread and milk, turned on the TV and sat on the sofa, eating and watching. In the news, the content displayed on the screen is exactly the picture of him racing wildly on the street yesterday and finally rushing into the interior of the building. The difference is that at the end of the news, the police brought out a man wearing a black cloth cover from the building. The news interpreter said that this is a criminal suspect captured by the police. It has been arrested by the police and is waiting to be asked to determine whether it is guilty. It's really smart. I know to find someone to answer the crime and fool the public. It's good. It seems that the police are not too useless. " After a sip of milk, Lin Mu said with a smile. After a night's rest, his spirit returned to a full state. Today, he is going to have another activity. After thoroughly disrupting the defense in Washington, he is ready to contact long San and others to start preparing to steal the information lost by the Luo family. In the center of the city, Lin Mu casually found a police car as the target. When he was about to approach, under the cover of a billboard, he instantly removed the polymer mask of his face and revealed his real face“ Hi, two police officers, good morning Walking to the police car, Lin Mu said hello with a smile on his face“ Good morning The two policemen didn't respond for a while, and they also said hello“ You! Are you Lin Mu? " At this time, the policeman sitting in the driver's cab finally regained his mind. When he saw the face in front of him, he was unexpectedly a major wanted criminal who had been informed by the whole system yesterday that he must be on strict guard. He suddenly felt excited. He was still sleepy and disappeared immediately“ It turns out that you know me, so it's easy to do. Now do you want to get out of the car by yourself, or do you want me to kick you out? " The corner of Lin Mu's mouth slightly tilted and said, looking at the two policemen playfully. Hearing what he said, the two policemen immediately opened the door and got out of the car. Then they watched Lin Mu drive the police car away“ Sam, why didn't you draw the gun just now?! There are two of us. Why should we be afraid of him alone? " A policeman said strangely“ Chris, if you don't want to die, it's better to stay away from this kind of person. Yesterday, dozens of policemen, soldiers and three Apache planes failed to deal with him. How can we be his opponents? " Sam shook his head and said.