"Yes, it's true that this method was created by me. It's not a unique skill. However, I came up with this method with the help of several unique skills. The wisdom of my predecessors must be respected. I don't need to put money on my face. Without the help of my predecessors, I can't think of this method."

Lin Mu generously admitted that what the middle-aged people said was true.

In fact, even if he has not seen the two top martial arts of "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi" and "Taijiquan", Lin Mu's savvy will one day think of the way to switch the attributes of true Qi. After all, he can't just waste his talent by practicing two martial arts with opposite attributes.

However, with the secrets of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi and Taijiquan, he has a great help in the method of switching the attributes of true Qi. In a short time, he has mastered the method of switching attributes by practicing these two unique skills.

Strictly speaking, the method of switching the true Qi attribute belongs to Taijiquan, which is not created by Lin Mu himself. But I'm afraid that even the people who created Taijiquan didn't think that someone could understand this wonderful method from the way of yin and Yang.

"Your savvy is really amazing. At this age, you can not only cultivate your martial arts to this degree, but also create the rudiments of top martial arts. There is no need to compete this time. Zhen is willing to be inferior!"

The middle-aged man sighed softly. After several successive attacks, he retreated decisively and flashed away.

Seeing that the middle-aged man had lost his will to fight, Lin Mu didn't approach him, so he stepped back and stood in front of Tang Fei.

"You gave up?"

Storm asked, looking at the middle-aged man in disbelief.

"Yes, the helper you've got this time is really powerful. Even if I don't admit defeat, I can only support one hundred moves at most. After one hundred moves, I will definitely lose."

The middle-aged man nodded calmly and admitted his failure, which seemed to have no effect on him. "I have no holiday with this little brother. There's no need to fight to the end. If there's any mistake when I can't keep my hand, I'll have an enemy of life and death for no reason. It's also extremely uneconomic."

"I didn't expect that someone as strong as you would admit defeat one day."

There was a flash of pleasure in the eyes of the storm.

"Dare to admit their own shortcomings, this is one of the necessary qualities of a master, a person who can not accept their own failure, how to win?"

The middle-aged man quietly looked at the storm, without any fluctuation in his eyes. "Admitting failure is a necessary condition before progress."

The storm did not speak, so straight looking at the middle-aged people, it seems to understand some truth from his words, eyes from time to time flash a bit of confusion and remorse, it seems that these years of wasted time, the heart felt ashamed.

"It seems that it's not suitable for tea today."

After a look at the storm, the middle-aged man turned to Lin Mu and said.

"Indeed, I'll call on you another day. That's all for today."

Lin Mu nodded with a smile, then left the yard with three people, and the middle-aged man followed him out. Until Maybach roared into a small black spot, he turned and slowly walked into the yard, "are the young people now so terrible?"

A long sigh reverberated in the yard, and then the yard was calm again. Only the extra set of tea sets on the wooden table seemed to tell people about the unusual scene just now.

"Now that the man has given up, then I have defeated the middle-aged man. I don't know if this can meet your requirements?"

This time, instead of driving, Lin Mu sat in the back seat with the storm.

"Of course, I will never regret what I say. Since that person has admitted that he has lost, my agreement will come into effect naturally. This is all the information I have collected from King organization over the years, including their development base here in China."

The storm simply nodded, and then took out a small metal chip from the interlayer of the collar. The whole chip is only the size of a nail, and it's very thin. You can see that it's a very advanced memory.

"It's all in here?"

Lin Mu took the chip and looked at it curiously.

"Yes, it's all in it. The value of the information will never be less than three billion. Of course, it depends on how you use it. If it falls into the hands of an ordinary person, the information will have no value of its own."

The storm said with great certainty.

"Of course, I understand that."

Lin Mu nodded slightly. He understood the meaning of the storm. The same information fell into the ears of a powerful person. He could make corresponding measures according to the information to achieve his own goal, but it was useless if it fell into the ears of an ordinary person.

Because ordinary people don't have the strength to do what they want to do. Even if they know something, they can't use it perfectly. In the end, they can only listen to it and can't play the role of intelligence.

Back in the city, casually find a place, storm and Weiwei get off the car together, Tang Fei drove the car to the army knife company's downstairs, after getting off, found that Lin Mu is not ready to go to the company's downstairs with him.

"You go to study the contents of this chip, you go up first."

When he got into the cab, Lin Mu took the car door with him. Just as he started Maybach, he suddenly lowered the window again. "By the way, your friend Weiwei, give her a reward, and you can withdraw it directly from the army knife account. After all, people have helped us so much."

"Well, I know what to do."

Tang Fei nodded, then turned and entered the company building.

Driving Maybach, Lin mufei quickly returns to the villa area and parks his car back to the underground garage of his home. He goes directly to the longan base and finds Enzo in the monitoring room of the underground training room.

At this time, the monitoring room has changed completely from the original, with many strange hosts and servers. When Lin Mu came in and looked at the transformed monitoring room curiously, Enzo stood up from his chair.

"Although the original equipment in the monitoring room is very advanced and excellent compared with the outside, it can't give full play to my ability, so I asked longsan to purchase a batch of machines again and completely transform it to match my ability."

Enzo briefly introduced the functions of each host and server in front of Linmu.

"That's good. As long as it's helpful for us, we can let it go. If there's any trouble, you can come to me directly."

Lin Mu nodded approvingly. If Enzo's strength is used well, he can get great help. There is no doubt about that.

"I need to study the detector for the energy crystal of the psionic group for a while. The technology involved is very complex. The psionic group has made great efforts to keep the technology secret. It seems that it is also to prevent the technology from leaking out one day."

Seeing that Lin Mu came back in such a short time, Enzo thought he was asking if he had cracked the detection instrument.

"It's not urgent. You can study it slowly. We only have such a detection instrument on hand. We'd better be more careful. I've come to see you for another thing today."

Lin Mu shook his head with a smile, took out the chip from the storm, and then handed it to Enzo.

"This is Kona bank. Where did you get it?"

Enzo took a look at the chip, immediately knew the origin of the chip, and then looked at Lin Mu strangely.

"Kona storage? What's this? "

Lin Mu asked with great interest.

"Kona is a very outstanding scientist in the UK. He has been studying the super capacity storage technology all his life. This kind of chip was invented by him. The technology is not yet fully mature, and the damage rate is very high when it is manufactured. It is an extremely expensive storage material."

Enzo introduced the origin of the chip in his hand. "This chip alone has a value of more than 10 million. There is a huge amount of data that can be stored in it, and it can no longer be expressed in specific numbers."

"So many?"

Lin Mu looked at the chip on Enzo's finger suspiciously.

"For example, if you compare this 1TB hard disk to a drop of water, the capacity of this chip is like a pond, and there is such a big gap between the two."

Enzo made a simple analogy.

"The progress of science and technology is really amazing."

Lin Mu tut looked at the chip with admiration for a while. Although his martial arts are very powerful, he also doesn't understand many fields. For these new technologies, he always has a very studious attitude.

"The most special thing about this kind of Kona memory is not its huge storage capacity, but that it can be encrypted by a special method. The complexity of the encryption algorithm claims that it can never be cracked."

Enzo nodded and looked at Conan's storage in his eyes. His own power talent has determined that these things have a fatal attraction to him.

"Is it really impossible to crack?"

Asked Lin Mu.

"Of course not. There is no password that can't be cracked in this world. The composition of any password can be forcibly disassembled. It's just that the encryption algorithm of Kona memory is so complex that even the most advanced computers now have to spend more than 500 years to decipher it."

Enzo immediately shook his head.

"Is there a code on this chip? And how to read this kind of chip? Do you need any special equipment? "

Lin Mu first thought of this problem. The chip looks like a bare piece of copper with some deep red lines on it. It doesn't look like an ordinary computer can read it.

"Yes, it needs special instruments to read it, but it doesn't need to be so troublesome for me."

Enzo nodded, holding the fingertip of the chip, suddenly flashed a faint blue and white light.