In Lin Mu's sudden and rapid attack, the subconscious reaction can also mobilize the energy in the body for blessing, which shows that Simpson's use of energy has gone deep into the bone marrow, every move can affect the energy at any time, and there is no need to do any complex mobilization.

The state of this point is equivalent to the ancient martial arts in which there is no move to win and there is a move. It depends on the body's unconscious reaction. The moves used in this way are faster and more accurate, and there is no waste of power. It is a very advanced martial arts state.

Although Simpson has not completely stepped into this situation, what he is doing now shows that he has stepped into the threshold. Maybe in a few years, he will be able to really understand the true meaning of it, so as to make his own strength to a higher level. Even if he reaches the fifth level, it is not impossible.

But Lin Mu won't give him this chance again. If this kind of hasty confrontation can stop him, then he doesn't deserve to be the captain of longan.

As soon as Qiu Hong's sword shook, the soft body of the sword immediately wrapped around Simpson's right arm like a snake. The strong Qi immediately counteracted the two-color air currents on Simpson's arm. Then Qiu Hong's sword snapped and stuck tightly to Simpson's right arm.

Knowing that it was not good, Simpson immediately wanted to break free from the soft sword on his arm. Unfortunately, it was too late.

With a twist of the backhand, Qiuhong sword suddenly burst out a terrible twist force under the double blessing of Lin Mu's Qi and muscles. Although Simpson's body was strengthened by the alien energy, it was impossible to place such a powerful force, and the bone in his right arm suddenly broke.

This kind of injury is called comminuted fracture in modern medicine. At present, there is no treatment method for this kind of fracture injury on the market, and the only thing that can be done is amputation.

Of course, as a powerful psionic, Simpson will not have no way to deal with the injury of such a fracture. The xenogeneic energy can repair the injury, provided that he has enough time. At this critical moment, in front of Lin Mu, he will never have such time.

Lin Mu's meaning is exactly the same. It's better to break one of his fingers than to hurt his ten fingers. Although the psionic powers control their energy not mainly by their body, but by their mind, the damage to their body also has an impact on their strength. In front of experts, sometimes a little influence may bring totally different results.

Now Simpson is a good proof of this point of view. With his right arm damaged, his body has lost its original balance and can no longer integrate into the wind for ultra high speed movement. In that case, he will die without Lin Mu to continue to attack.

At the speed of the previous rapid movement, if there is any wound or trauma on the body, it will be infinitely magnified, and a little injury will evolve into a fatal injury.

After the abolition of Simpson's right arm, Lin Mu rubbed his body directly. With a shake of his right hand, Qiuhong sword had been put into the belt around his waist. At this time, he didn't need Qiuhong sword to deal with Simpson, and he didn't plan to use Qiuhong sword to harvest Simpson's life.

Whether he has Qiuhong sword or not, Simpson will not be Lin Mu's opponent at this time, let alone Lin Mu is an expert in practicing ancient martial arts. His close combat skills have been superb for a long time. Simpson has no resistance in his hands. He has not gone out of the five moves, and Lin Mu has ordered 21 big holes all over his body.

Every time he was touched by Lin Mu, Simpson's heart sank. Although he didn't understand acupoints, there was also research on this aspect in the psionic group. This is a very magical knowledge in ancient Chinese martial arts. Through the control of acupoints, he can do a lot of amazing things.

For example, now, every place in the body where he was selected by Lin Mu, he felt that it was difficult for him to mobilize the energy in his body. After Lin Mu ordered 21 acupoints, he found that he had no way to mobilize the energy in his body. It seemed that he had lost the sense with those energies.

By this time, his face had changed greatly.

Although in the psionic group, in order to train physical strength and reaction speed, they often block the induction of their own energy, but that is training, and it can only be done with extremely advanced equipment.

Today's Lin Mu, with the help of acupoint tapping, stiffly blocks Simpson's sense of his own energy, and makes him become an ordinary person. How can Simpson not be surprised and keep calm.

Lin Mu didn't have much spare time to understand the drastic changes in Simpson's inner world. He blocked 21 big holes on Simpson's body by three times, five times and two times, and then restricted his mobile ability. He took Simpson out of the softened and collapsed corridor.

Without any induction, Lin Mu also knows where Tang Fei and others are. The seven people's fight is too loud. There are thunderclaps everywhere upstairs. Just as Tang Fei and the six people are fighting in circles, Lin Mu comes out of the corner of the corridor with Simpson.

"Brother Lin!" Tang Fei has been injured at this time, his clothes have already become tattered, and a wisp of blood is still hanging around his mouth. However, he looks good, and should not have received any heavy damage. At this time, it is clear who wins or loses when he sees Lin Mu coming, and he is still carrying a soft Simpson in his hand. Compared with Tang Fei's happiness at this time, the members of the psionic group saw the arrival of Lin Mu, and their faces became gloomy one by one. When they saw Simpson who was carried by Lin Mu, their faces became more ugly. Simpson's failure was a huge blow to them. He didn't say much. With a raise of his right hand, Lin Mu threw Simpson directly to Tang Fei. After the latter caught him, he immediately stepped back and stood behind Lin Mu. By this time, Tang Fei knew that he didn't need him. It was enough to have Lin Mu here“ Let's go. We won't have any trouble. If we really want to start, don't blame my people for being merciless. " As he stepped forward slowly, Lin Mu said in a deep voice. With the lessons of Simpson, none of these powers dared to take Lin Mu's words seriously, especially Han te, who had seen Lin Mu defeat Kaifu and iron wolf easily. In particular, the iron wolf with super close combat ability has almost no fight back power in Lin Mu's hands. That scene still keeps flashing in Hunter's heart, which makes him deeply afraid of the young ancient martial arts master in front of him“ In the psionic group, there are only those who stand dead, not those who live on their knees! " Among the six people opposite, one of the powers with a metal fist in his hand suddenly stepped forward, glanced at Simpson who was carried by Tang Fei, and said in a very firm tone“ Good! I admire this spirit. Even if we are enemies, we can learn from it. " Lin Mu nodded and a sneering smile flashed on his face. "But there is an old Chinese saying that a man who knows current affairs is a hero. It's a pity that you can't understand the wisdom contained in it. You only know how to act recklessly. What a pity!" In a word, his body has been like lightning, there is no fancy skills and moves, the body just fierce matchless dragon Qi immediately sent to the extreme, is relying on the extremely powerful strength to hard pressure these ability group members. Speed is faster than you, strength is stronger than you, skills and other aspects are higher than several levels, so you can't subdue the opponent, so Lin Mu doesn't have to come out to show his shame. The six masters of the power group didn't even last a minute in the hands of Lin Mu. Every one who met Lin Mu immediately flew away with a lot of blood in his mouth. Lin Mu, who was determined to make a quick decision, had a heavy hand this time. In the face of such a violent attack, none of these members of the psionic group can bear it. Originally, the psionic is not famous for his physical cultivation, but is strong because his body has been strengthened by the alien energy, and he does not intend to practice. Among the Chinese martial arts, the 18 dragon subduing palms is one of the most powerful. Under the impetus of Lin Mu's sincere Qi, they play a great power. It's easy to catch these powers. The battle ended very quickly, and even Tang Fei was stunned. Although he knew that Lin Mu's strength had improved again, he didn't expect that he would be so strong. He finally got around these people, and he almost received fatal injuries several times. I didn't expect that in the hands of Lin Mu, the same six people didn't even last a minute. Lin Mu just slapped each other one by one, and all the opponents would fly, and no one could make an exception. What does this mean? Tang Fei knows very well that it's absolute power suppression. When the power gap reaches a certain level, the other side can abandon any fancy moves and stratagems and directly use the way of forced suppression to defeat the opponent. Losing in this kind of opponent's hand, it's also a huge blow to the heart. No matter what you think of, or what other moves you use, the opponent will solve it with one punch. This feeling of powerlessness is enough to make a practitioner's heart turn to ashes. To deal with these powers, Lin Mu naturally doesn't take care of their ideas. He does what he wants to do to solve the battle quickly. He doesn't kill these people on the spot, which is the reason why he has very good cultivation.