After that, Lin Mu failed in more than ten attempts. Even if he was careful, as soon as he got close to the bubble, the bubble would tremble violently, like a very severe alarm.

Observing the frequency of the tremor, Lin Mu thought that if he got closer, the bubble would burst directly. Needless to say, the neurons inside would be destroyed, and maybe other neurons near the hippocampus would be involved.

After stopping his exploration, Lin Mu stood there and pondered.

The one who exerts this enchantment power obviously controls the energy to a certain height. The enchantment under the arrangement is very sensitive. So far, Lin Mu has not been able to cheat this enchantment induction.

With interest in his heart, Lin Mu didn't think it was a tiring thing. On the contrary, he thought it was a challenge. He wanted to see if he could control Zhenqi to cheat the boundary today.

The storage of human memory is a complex chemical reaction between neurons. Through this subtle observation, Lin Mu found that once a memory is to be extracted, the brain will release a biological current, which will travel around along the links between neurons.

Once we meet the right neuron and get the corresponding memory, bioelectricity will return with this part of information and transfer the memory to the brain, so that the brain can get the corresponding part of the memory.

Now there are some neurons in Frank's hippocampus, which are wrapped up by a huge bubble. These bubbles block the connection between some neurons and the outside world.

There is nothing about the range of bioelectricity flowing into the bubble from the outside, which has just been verified by Lin Mu gang. However, once the bioelectricity in the bubble is about to come out, it will trigger a violent reaction of the whole bubble.

As Lin Mu has seen just now, the huge change of bubbles can cause abnormal pain in Frank's brain, which is also the warning given by the psionic. At the same time, the bubbles will intercept the biological current.

If the host must force the creature to fly out, then the bubble boundary will be directly broken under great pressure, releasing the destructive energy contained in itself, so as to achieve the effect of destroying the memory to be protected.

The whole principle of the boundary has been understood by the forest and animal husbandry for more than ten times. Now the task is how to cheat the sense of the boundary. Without destroying the neurons inside, the boundary itself has been untied or destroyed.

After careful thinking for a long time, the interrogation room fell into a mysterious quiet state for a moment. Frank was lying on the interrogation table with his eyes open, and Lin Mu was standing on the top of his head, one hand on his forehead, standing there motionless thinking.

The staff who saw this scene through the monitor didn't know what Lin Mu was doing. However, Lin Mu's position in Baolong regiment was not low. These staff didn't dare to ask him anything, they just sat there quietly and watched.

About half an hour later, Lin Mu thought about many ways, and suddenly felt that one might be feasible. Zhenqi carries a strong personal mark, especially for the cultivation masters like Lin Mu.

The other side, as a level 5 divine control power, must be very sensitive to the sense of spiritual imprint. No wonder Lin Mu was always aware of the bubble boundary when he was close to the same distance.

It seems that he has found the direction of the problem, and Lin Mu suddenly gets excited. In this way, as long as the energy he uses does not have his own mark, it will not lead to the induction of the boundary to him, so that he can cheat bubbles into that part of the protected neurons.

In his body, there is only one kind of energy without personal imprint, which is the innate truth, the most initial energy in Dantian. This part of energy is not obtained through cultivation, but with the enhancement of cultivation, the pure energy automatically converges in Dantian.

Because the purity of energy is very high, once it is lost, it will recover slowly. Fortunately, after Lin Mu's cultivation, he doesn't care about the little consumption of Zhenyuan. So far, he has used Zhenyuan several times to treat other people's diseases.

When he thought of the way to crack the bubble, he immediately began to act. His thoughts moved, and a tiny ray of Zhenyuan had drifted out from the deep of Dantian. Then under his control, he entered Frank's brain, and soon came to the hippocampus.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Mu controlled the ray of Zhenyuan and approached the bubble area carefully. As the distance slowly approached, he was about to reach the bubble warning range just now. He slowed down his pace and drew the distance closer bit by bit.

"Good! So it is

In the heart of a excited, the face of Lin Mu also showed a trace of joy.

As he expected, the bubble didn't respond to the approach of Zhenyuan. He still stood there quietly. After crossing the warning line of the first step, Lin Mu continued to control Zhenyuan.

Soon, Zhenyuan arrived at the edge of the bubble without directly touching the barrier of the boundary. Lin Mu found a neuron, attached Zhenyuan to it, and slowly entered the bubble through the link between neurons. The barrier of bubbles is very thin, which can't be described in quantity. This has come to the micro world. Only by controlling the energy can we see the mystery of this world with our own eyes. After crossing the barrier, a thin layer of sweat appeared on the forehead of Lin Mu. It can be seen that he was also very nervous just now. This is not just to approach the border, but to control the energy to pass through the border. It is very likely that the border will collapse. After finishing the most important step, Lin Mu was relieved. Now what we need to solve is how to protect the neurons inside the bubble and crack it. It's impossible for Lin Mu to break the enchantment without any sound. Although Lin Mu has understood the prohibition for nearly ten thousand years, he is almost familiar with all kinds of prohibitions in the cultivation world, but it's the enchantment created by the powers, and it can't be equated with the existence of prohibition. As long as there is a little error in the decoding, the consequences will be devastating to frank, and the end of failure is that the Baolong Group will not get any useful information. After careful consideration, Lin Mu thought that it was better to be safe. Since Zhenyuan could pass through the barrier of the border, he would simply use Zhenyuan to protect all the neurons inside and outside the border. In terms of energy level, the level of the true element is definitely higher than that of the ability to arrange the boundary in front of you. Moreover, although the bubble looks huge in the micro world, in reality, it is just a thing of the size of dust. Because of this, Lin Mu thought of using Zhenyuan to protect those neurons, which was not very difficult for him. Otherwise, even his Zhenyuan would not be able to protect so many things. After careful consideration, Lin Mu felt that there was nothing missing in this plan. He decisively began to mobilize Zhenyuan into the inner part of the bubble boundary. Along the link between neurons, Zhenyuan slowly covered all the neurons in the bubble. During the insurance period, he also covered part of the neurons outside the bubble, which was as large as the boundary of two bubbles. It took him nearly an hour just to complete this process. The requirement of energy control has reached a very terrible level. It is very difficult for a person to control Qi to enter the brain without damaging the brain tissue. Having made all the preparations, Lin Mu began to try to break the bubble boundary in front of him. He had a profound understanding of the prohibition, and he studied things of the same kind at a speed far faster than ordinary people. After a while, he understood the composition principle of the boundary. Although this way of using energy is very different from that in the realm of cultivation, the overall effect is the same. Since there is such a connection, Lin Mu's heart is slightly settled down. It seems that there is something in common between the method of breaking the prohibition and the method of breaking the boundary. However, he can't use the true Qi or the true yuan to carry out the methods of lifting the ban in the cultivation world. The only way left is to crack by violence, but there are also subtle differences. Just like an abandoned building to be demolished, professional blasting can control the damage to the surrounding environment when the whole building collapses, and compress the affected area to a very small distance. If you just put a pile of explosives on it, although the explosion is powerful, it can also collapse the building, but the fragments of the explosion and the vibration caused by the collapse will certainly spread to a wide area, and even affect the safety of other residents. What Lin Mu has to do now is to break the bubble barrier by force, and at the same time control the power released when the barrier is destroyed to the minimum. If he can't release the magic, although he can't release the barrier, it's not a big problem to achieve the above. He was very sensitive to energy. He carefully explored the structure of the boundary and selected 27 energy concentration points. It was the energy released by these 27 energy points that condensed into the current bubble boundary. The real Qi is slowly mobilized and dispersed into 27 strands. Each real Qi condenses into sharp spines and stays on the boundary line of bubble boundary induction. As long as the distance is one step further, the boundary will immediately respond to the real Qi. After several deep breaths, Lin Mu adjusted his state to the best, and then his heart moved. Twenty seven genuine Qi burst out at the same time. In an instant, he crossed the boundary. Just in a moment, he stabbed at the twenty-seven energy points of the bubble boundary accurately.