The supreme meaning is the supreme meaning. Understanding this meaning shows that it has gone beyond the cosmic level.

The universe represents a macro view. Many things, even Tao, can not break the rule of the universe in theory.

Therefore, the ultimate cultivation of friars in theory is the level of the profound meaning of the universe.

In fact, although there are not many creators throughout the ages, even among these limited creators, many people have not broken through the shackles of the universe.

Can't go any further.

The supremacy beyond the cosmic level is a realm that countless strong people yearn to achieve.

Once the transcendence is completed, obvious changes will take place in many places, including ideology, consciousness, understanding of Tao, Dharma and profound meaning.

It's like opening a new world.

This higher and deeper meaning is mysterious.

It has been said that monks who master the supreme meaning will master many terrible, incredible and incredible abilities.

We can even see through the essence and origin of all kinds of things between heaven and earth.

In addition, friars who master the supreme mystery are beginning to be able to access some of the most secret secrets among many.

For example, feel the position of the gate of eternal life.

This is something that ordinary people can't do. Many strong people at the creator level want to find the gate of eternal life, or the Supreme God's court, but they don't have the ability to find it at all.

Of course, it doesn't mean that a friar who has mastered the supreme meaning can certainly find the gate of eternal life and the supreme divine court, but this probability will be greatly improved.

There is even a saying that many people may have only one chance to see the gate of eternal life or the supreme divine court in their life, but friars who have mastered the supreme meaning can even find the gate of eternal life or the supreme divine court many times.

This is terrible.

Imagine how many opportunities a monk would get if he entered the gate of eternal life or the interior of the Supreme Court several times in a row?

There are many opportunities inside the immortal gate and the Supreme God's court. If you get one chance, you may be able to make a monk soar to the sky, not to mention many opportunities.

Lin Feng plans to try and see if he can sense the whereabouts of the gate of eternal life with the help of the fragments of supreme meaning.

He sat cross legged and tried to feel it, but there was no gain.

Lin Feng doesn't feel discouraged. He thinks there may be two reasons for this.

1、 After all, the supreme meaning he mastered is only fragments and incomplete. If he can't feel it, he can be forgiven.

2、 He has just mastered the fragments of the Supreme upanism, and he is still unfamiliar with the fragments of the Supreme upanism. When a monk is unfamiliar with a certain force, there will be some deviations in many things.

If it is the first, then with the fragments of profound meaning, I'm afraid I can't feel the position of the gate of eternal life and the supreme god court. I still have to wait until I reach this state of cultivation before I can try to feel the gate of eternal life and the supreme god court.

However, if it is the second case, this situation is quite favorable for Lin Feng, because this situation means that Lin Feng does not need to break through the realm of supreme mystery. After familiar with the fragments of supreme mystery, he can also try to feel the position of the gate of eternal life or the supreme divine court.

At that time, Lin Feng plans to continue to feel the position of the gate of eternal life and the supreme divine court. If he can enter it, it would be great. Lin Feng does have a lot of things to deal with in the gate of eternal life or the supreme divine court.

But these things are things in the future, not things we should care about now.

Lin Feng quickly flies to other places. He needs to see how the other places are.

Soon after, Lin Feng met a cosmic mystery fragment, and he successfully suppressed the cosmic mystery fragment.

He went to other places one after another to help everyone suppress these mysterious fragments.

Everything is going well.

Those mysterious fragments have also been suppressed one after another.

When all the fragments of the upanishadism are suppressed.

Everyone gathered together.

Except for a fragment of supreme meaning refined by Lin Feng.

And 56 pieces of mystery.

Including 16 cosmic and 40 space-time fragments.

Lin Feng preliminary calculation.

People who can allocate UPI fragments include:

He separated himself from the three creators.

Poisonous ancestor, evil saint, God of fragmentation, God of plague, Xia Donghuang, Alonso, demon saint of the big prison, Rogers, Lord of immortal demons, God of heaven demons, Yin ghost king, Bryant, Aragon, ghost God King, pioneer companion stone statues, clothing God, clean sky, green dragon, blood lotus demon flower, sun and moon goddess of Yin, demon body, corpse emperor, ghost old monster, corpse Jiao, female ghost emperor, crocodile ghost statue, Flower ghost fairy, stone Zhongtian, faceless clan leader, demon city, bone dragon, nightmare emperor, corpse like old man's demon body, Beibei, Bruce Lee, Xiaohei, archaic emperor butterfly, archaic ancestor worm, demon king worm, Fire Kirin mount, three headed viper.

A total of 45 exist.

Of course, there are demon Qianwu among the strongest tiantuan, but she didn't follow Lin Feng. After all, she is one of the twelve Dharma protectors of Heiyan Pavilion and the apprentice of the black emperor, the deputy leader of Heiyan Pavilion.

Lin Feng's link with Heiyan Pavilion in the future is her.

Lin Feng asked her to go back to Heiyan Pavilion for the time being.

And Tianzu doll, who is too powerful to use these things.

Of course, the demon king is needed. Although he is not a member of the strongest heaven regiment, Lin Feng will prepare a profound law for the demon king.

As for the Yin emperor and the head of the Yin army of riyuejing, they have a cooperative relationship with Lin Feng, and they are not members of the strongest heaven regiment. If they want the fragments of upanism, they must negotiate with Lin Feng.

However, they have not made any contact with Lin Feng. It seems that they do not intend to negotiate with Lin Feng because of the fragment of UPI.

In this way, Lin Feng and his team will actually consume only 46 pieces of mystery.

Lin Feng and his team got a total of fifty-six pieces of mystical meaning. Lin Feng's idea is that one piece for each person, and the remaining pieces of mystical meaning will be left for the time being. After all, there are many high-level garrisons in Longteng Pavilion. They are also laborious. They can't take all kinds of work. They take all their hard work. Don't leave the benefits to them?

It's not authentic.

Therefore, the remaining ten pieces of mystical meaning, in addition to one reserved for Lord tortoise, are left for the high-level of Longteng Pavilion.

In this way, the high-level or top strong on Lin Feng's side can basically get a piece of mystery.

Everyone's strength will surge a lot.