Kunlun Mountain is mysterious. There are too many secrets hidden in it. Moreover, the secrets hidden in Kunlun Mountain are basically the top secrets. Ordinary friars can't get access to these secrets at all. The corpse like old man must have entered the Kunlun universe to explore some secrets or get something. Is everything going well?

Lin Feng looked at Soren and continued to ask, "so, what happened next?".

Sauron said, "adults must know several creators of the Kunlun universe?".

"Yes!". Lin Feng answered.

He didn't lie. He did know several creators of the Kunlun universe. These creators must also know his reputation, but the two sides haven't met yet.

Sauron said, "Taishan Fujun and others have made a move. They are targeting the corpse like old man. I don't know if they want to get anything from the corpse like old man!".

Lin Feng's face changed slightly. Several strong creators targeted the corpse like old people together. Even if the strength of the corpse like old people increased greatly, they should be far inferior to the previous strong creators, right?

It's normal that two fists can't defeat four hands. What's more, Taishan Fujun and others are old qualified creators. Such existence can't be compared with newly promoted creators. Their strength is absolutely unimaginable.

I don't know what the result is?

If you don't worry, it's absolutely impossible.

For Lin Feng, the corpse like old man is like an elder, an elder, a teacher, a friend, a comrade in arms, and his guardian, but no matter what the relationship is, it is enough to explain the closeness between the two sides.

"How's the corpse like old man?" Lin Feng asked.

Sauron said, "Although the existence of this statue is quite powerful, the monks who besieged him are really too terrible. The number of monks has occupied an absolute dominant position, so there will be no suspense in this war. But who ever thought that when the war situation gradually became clear, there were two powerful characters, one is ye Xuan, the nominal new master of the Kunlun universe, and the other is the master Ancestor, they seem to know the corpse like old man. They jointly resisted the attack of Taishan Fujun and others, and then tore the void and left! ".

Lin Feng was shocked and didn't expect such a result, but this is also the result he was happy to see. There were few creators on their side. Now, it is more favorable for them to meet several strong creators in advance.

But Lin Feng immediately felt that something was wrong. Previously, Lin Feng guessed that the corpse like old man was one of several characters such as Hongmeng and one of the greatest beings in this era.

Now it seems that things are not so simple?

Hongmeng and others may have some origin with the dominant ancestor, but they don't seem to have any origin with Ye Xuan, the Lord of the Kunlun universe?

I don't even know.

But according to Solon, the mummified old man and ye Xuan are old friends.

Even now, the identity of the mummified old man is still a mystery.

Lin Feng asked, "what kind of situation is the Kunlun universe now?".

The reason why I asked this question is that the current Kunlun universe seems to be somewhat complex. Ye Xuan is known as the Lord of the Kunlun universe, but there are terrorist beings such as Taishan Fujun in the Kunlun universe. These beings are veteran creators, but they are opposite people and things to Ye Xuan.

The two sides have coexisted in the Kunlun universe for so many years. Has there been no struggle?

If so, it's really hard to understand. It's reasonable to say that the power of Taishan mansion is so strong that it should still be possible to kill Ye Xuan and others?

Why not do it?

But let Ye Xuan and others become stronger and stronger.

Lin Feng thinks that there may be some unknown reasons for this. The strong man at Sauron's level may know some secrets after operating in the Kunlun universe for so long.

Sauron said, "The situation of the Kunlun universe is very complex. There are several old creator level strong people in the Kunlun universe. These old creator level strong people seem to be very close and have an unusual relationship. In addition, they also seem to have a close relationship with some other creator level strong people in the world. At the beginning, these people firmly controlled the Kunlun universe My lifeblood! ".

"At that time, the Kunlun universe was under a high-pressure environment, and these people's will could not be disobeyed. At that time, there would always be some tragic things, such as the suppression of Tianjiao and the collapse of the ancient family! Many things had something to do with those people!".

Hearing this, Lin Feng couldn't help but move a little. He knew something about it. People like Taishan Fujun didn't want to see new creator level strong people between heaven and earth, which would make them feel that their rights and interests would be divided by these new creator level strong people, so they would kill some powerful people.

For example, the existence of the original Lord has been successful in breaking through the creator in those years. However, because it belongs to a weak period after the breakthrough, no one helped, it was ambushed by Taishan mansion and finally killed. It is one of the most sad creators.

Then Sauron continued, "Things always change inadvertently. For example, the pattern of the Kunlun universe has also changed quietly. These changes are due to several powerful people, one of whom is Ye Xuan, the current leader of the Kunlun universe, another is the ancestor of the Lord, and several others, but they fell early. Future generations do not know them in detail, but It was Ye Xuan and the master ancestor who lived until now. They changed the pattern of the Kunlun universe. Since then, the Kunlun universe has been divided into two. Ye Xuan, the master ancestor, controlled part of the Kunlun universe, and Taishan Fujun and others also controlled part of the Kunlun universe! ".

Lin Feng asked, "then why is Ye Xuan called the Lord of the Kunlun universe?".

Soren said, "it is said that this person has been recognized by the Kunlun universe... The origin of the universe!".

Hearing the speech, Lin Feng was not surprised. If he was recognized by the origin of the universe, he could indeed be called the Lord of the Kunlun universe.

Theoretically, he is the real master of the Kunlun universe and can even formulate the rules of the Kunlun universe.

However, the power controlled by these people is too powerful. Therefore, even if they are recognized by the origin of the Kunlun universe, ye Xuan and others still have no way to do anything

As a rising star, it is extremely difficult to split the Kunlun universe originally controlled by Taishan Fujun and others into two.
