Lin Feng said, "naturally, I don't need to deceive you with my identity. It's no good for me, isn't it?".

The nun said, "but why do you want to help me? It doesn't seem to do you any good to offend such a strong creator?".

Lin Feng said, "what do you suspect?".

The nun's eyes flickered slightly and said, "I'm not doubting anything, but simply curious about it!".

Lin Feng said, "You may have this question because you don't understand some things. My ancestors dominate the ancestors, who are strong at the creator level. The camp where my ancestors dominate the ancestors is different and hostile from that of Taishan Fu Jun, while the masters of the dark world are inextricably related to Taishan Fu Jun and others. I don't need to say more here Content, many things you already understand ".

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend," said the nun.

Lin Feng said, "maybe so, so you don't need to doubt whether I saved you with some ulterior thoughts about you. I really don't have these thoughts! Of course, I'm still very curious about your affairs. Maybe I can help you!".

"You help me?" murmured the nun.

Lin Feng nodded and said solemnly, "of course, I can help you, just as I saved you from those people before, I am a person you can trust!".

The nun said, "it's good that you are willing to help me, but if you are involved in my affairs, it will definitely bring you great danger!".

The nun didn't know that Lin Feng took away the magic weapon of the dark world to dominate the creator. If she knew this, she knew that Lin Feng couldn't get out of it anyway.

Lin Feng said, "you can't face those dangers alone?".

After hearing Lin Feng's words, the nun's pretty face showed a little ruddy.

She thought Lin Feng helped her like this. In addition to what Lin Feng said, Lin Feng may be interested in her, but it's normal to think about it carefully. She looks so beautiful, just like the so-called fair lady and gentleman.

Lin Feng is interested in her. Isn't it a very normal thing?

Just facing Lin Feng, I still can't let go.

The nun said, "I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Elena!".


Lin Feng was slightly surprised. This name is a little strange. However, Lin Feng has not been in contact with such names, such as Alonso, Soren, Sofia and others.

"Nice name! Nice name, beautiful people!" Lin Feng sighed with emotion.

Elaine seems to be more sure that Lin Feng is interested in her now. Although Elaine has no interest in Lin Feng for the time being, it's still very good to have such an excellent son of heaven as Lin Feng and secretly like her.

Of course, Lin Feng doesn't know what she's thinking. If she knows what she thinks, she will feel very wronged.

Elaine is very beautiful, which Lin Feng admits. However, does this have anything to do with Lin Feng?

Lin Feng doesn't like a beautiful sister when he sees a beautiful sister. He doesn't have such thoughts now. Lin Feng's thoughts mainly focus on improving cultivation and re controlling the waste land world. Some things about children's love are temporarily put behind his mind.

Elena said, "I haven't thanked you for saving me, and I doubted you before. I'm really sorry!".

Lin Feng said, "it's all small things. By the way, how are you going to place your sister's body?".

Referring to the dead sister, Elena's eyes turned red again.

She said sadly, "freeze her in an ice coffin for the time being. If one day I can go back to my ancestral land, I will bury her with my parents!".

Lin Feng said, "it seems that some painful things have happened to you. I wonder if you are willing to share these things with me?".

Elena nodded and said, "the misfortune that happened to me, or the misfortune that happened to my family, is closely related to a person. I don't say this person. You must be able to guess!".

"Master of the dark world?" Lin Feng said.

Irina said, "yes, that's the man!".

"What exactly is going on?" Lin Feng asked.

That's what he really cares about.

Elena said, "the key to opening the door of time can open the space-time tunnel through the past, present and future, and our family holds the secret of the time key!".

"This......" after hearing Elena's words, Lin Feng's heart jumped suddenly.

It's because the secret of what Elena said is too amazing. The reason why she said this is because the past time and space and the future time and space are inaccessible and uncontrollable. People can only live in the present time and space.

This is a rule of heaven and earth.

No one can violate and change the rules of heaven and earth.

But what do you mean by what Elena said?

In fact, the meaning is easy to understand. That is to say, the Elena family holds the clue of the time key, and the time key can open a space-time tunnel. After entering the space-time tunnel, monks can enter the past or future.

Let's talk about it first

For example, Lin Feng's third uncle was killed in order to save Lin Feng. Because Lin Feng's third uncle's bones did not exist, even Lin Feng could not revive his third uncle. At most, he condensed some memories of the third uncle in a special way, created a third uncle, and gave these memories to the characters he created, This method is similar to Huangfu Xianer's previous method of rebuilding Huangfu Qingtian.

But is this still Lin Feng's third uncle?

Strictly speaking, this is no longer Lin Feng's third uncle. It's just a kind of psychological comfort.

But if Lin Feng goes back to the past, he can save his third uncle before he is killed. Of course, this is only one of them. If Lin Feng goes back to the past, he can make up for a lot of regrets.

If you enter the future world, it is equally important. If you enter the future world, you can see what the future world has developed into. For example, what opportunities will a strong creator get in the future. Lin Feng knew in advance and went to that place to seize the creator's opportunities first.

For example, in the future war of annihilation, what is the military deployment on the side of Taishan Fu Jun? Lin Feng has mastered this information and made an effective response. At that time, the friars on the side of Taishan Fu Jun will suffer heavy losses, etc.

It can be seen that if you really master the time key, the role played by a monk and a force is absolutely unimaginable.