Lin Feng said, "I don't think what you said is correct. Can't the weak have to experience a tragic fate? Shouldn't the strong restrict their behavior? As a strong person, you can kill at will, regardless of other people's lives?".

"Everyone's life is worthy of respect. As a strong man, he should restrain himself rather than kill innocent people.".

"What's more, as a strong man, he has already lived well. Shouldn't he treat the world with gratitude? How many people living at the bottom have lived so hard, why bring disaster to them?".

"I'm curious how a kind-hearted person like you has lived to this day? Haven't the practitioners' cruel survival rules taught you how to be a man?" the terrible existence looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "what you think is right is not necessarily right, and what others think is right is not necessarily wrong. Only those with a grateful heart and a kind heart can easily get the favor of God. I think so before, now and in the future. No one can change me, including the rules of heaven and earth and the laws of nature!".

The terrible existence said, "ha ha, it's really interesting... Did you know that I used to be a kind person. I think many things are beautiful, so I treat many things and many people with my kindness!".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "I believe it!".

The existence of this terrible statue suddenly became a little silent, because she probably didn't expect that Lin Feng really believed her once kind words. She said these words to many people, and no one ever believed her.

In the eyes of many people, she is an unforgivable and murderous female devil.

"Why do you believe me?" asked the terrible being.

Lin Feng said, "because you love flowers, people who love flowers are kind-hearted. Even if you have fallen, you still take care of so many flower beds carefully, so in my opinion, your heart must be kind, but you may be blinded by some hatred. I think you can come out and live as a kind person.".

Lin Feng said this because he did have such an idea in his heart and wanted to reduce the hostility of this terrible existence to himself.

Lin Feng knows how powerful the terror is. He can see its strength from the fight just now.

If he is really fighting, it is not a good thing for Lin Feng. He may be greatly hurt at that time.

After all, the other party holds the creator's law, and it is not impossible to lose in the other party's hands. Therefore, in the face of such existence, of course, we should pay attention to strategy.

It would be great if we could resolve the grievances of both sides in a more peaceful way.

Lin Feng likes to solve problems in this way.

The terrible being sneered and said, "do you think I don't know what's on your mind? You want to use the weakness of human nature to arouse the kindness in my heart, and then let me stop fighting you, right?".

"If you think so, you are very wrong, because I have abandoned all my goodness a long time ago. Now I have only killing, hate, evil and evil thoughts in my heart, but there will never be any good thoughts!".

Lin Feng said, "You're deceiving yourself and others. If you don't have any good thoughts in your heart, you won't continue to take care of the flower beds outside. I think it's time to stop and stop killing innocent people. Those lovely and beautiful women also have their own families and people who love them deeply. Now they die here and turn red into skeletons It's a sad thing. Doing such a thing is really contrary to heaven! ".

"Hehe... What is the principle of heaven? At the moment of my death, I don't believe these anymore. I only believe in myself, and beg me to live only for myself. Anyone and anything else is no longer worth considering, so I can do what I want to do.".

"Including I want to turn these beautiful people into works of art, so I did it. Don't you think what I did is to devote myself to art?".

"If they don't have my help, their faces will gradually grow old. Such a beautiful person, how sad it is if their faces grow old day by day?".

"Now, I have saved their most beautiful moment forever. If they are still alive, they will thank me!".

The terrible being smiled and said.

Lin Feng said, "maybe you were stimulated by something? That's why you became so cruel and even crazy. Maybe you can tell me something you've experienced. Although I may not be able to help you solve anything, at least I can be an audience!".

"Tell you?" the terrible being laughed at himself.

She thought for a while and then said, "maybe I really should find someone to tell me my things. Ordinary people are not qualified to listen to me. You can barely be qualified!".

She then became silent, brewing for a long time, and then began to talk about her own affairs.

"It was a long, long time ago. It was so long that I seemed to forget when it happened.".

"At that time, I was still an innocent girl. Like many people, I was curious about many things. I also yearned for a sincere love.".

"Later, I really met him!".

"I came from a big family, he came from a small family, but my parents loved me very much, so when I was with him, my parents never objected. Later, we got married, and my parents always supported him very much. Later, even the power in my family was handed over to him.".

"But people will become, will become more and more strange. Even the person next to them will become very strange. He has made me more and more unfamiliar. Later, I learned that he climbed up to a big man and fell in love with the big man's daughter.".

"That's a real big man, a strong man at the creator level, and although my family is also quite good, the strongest man is only a strong man at the quasi creator level. Compared with the creator family, it's only one word short, but the difference in strength is too big.".

"If he is willing to leave, I will not stop him. However, while thinking of attaching to the big man, he also wants to completely grasp the rights of my family. In order to prevent my family from taking back his rights, he colluded with the strong man under the command of the creator and calculated my family.".

"In the end, countless people of my family died miserably, including my parents, brothers and sisters, brothers, sisters, grandparents, etc. no one escaped alive except me.".

"So why should my family suffer like this? Should my family be like this?".

Lin Feng said, "there are too many people who are indecent and righteous in the world, so it's really unlucky to encounter these things, but it has nothing to do with your persecution of these women?".

The terrible existence said, "I also had a world-famous face in those years, but I was destroyed by the other party when I avoided hunting. Later, many people thought I was a monster when they saw my face, so I hated these beautiful women!".

Lin Feng said, "your mentality has completely collapsed!".

The terrible existence said, "maybe so. Later, when I finally reached the realm of quasi creator, I wanted to revenge. Finally, I found an opportunity. I met the cruel man and the woman, and then I caught them!".

"That guy begged me for mercy and begged me to spare him from death. It's very funny. Is it still useful to beg me again at this time? Do you think I'll be soft hearted?".

"My hatred for him is unimaginable. The more he is afraid of death, the more excited I am. He has destroyed everything for me, and I want to destroy everything for him. I want to make his life worse than death. He can't live, he can't die.".

"So, I'll put the woman to death first, with a total of $13927. Even now, I still remember that her flesh was cut off by me. It's a great feeling of revenge. She died in a howl. As for the man, he didn't have such good luck. Although he was delayed by me, I saved his soul "Come down.".

"His soul was tortured by me for a long time, but later, I was found by the strong man of the creator level. Although my cultivation is very strong, the strong man of the creator level is too terrible. Even if I have a huge gap compared with the strong man of this level, I finally fell into the hands of the strong man of the Creator!".

"Who is this creator level strongman you are talking about?".

Lin Feng asked curiously.

The terrible being said with hatred, "he is the Lord of life. Even among the strong at the creator level, he is one of the top strong.".

Lin Feng is no stranger to the Lord of life. He even had a confrontation with the strong under the Lord of life, and the Lord of life is not simple.

This guy has mastered the method of becoming a pioneer and his strength is extraordinary. Among the strong men at the creator level, he can definitely be regarded as one of the most terrible creators.

Lin Feng has always been extremely afraid of the Lord of life. In Lin Feng's view, the existence of this statue gives him a feeling that it is even more dangerous than Taishan Fujun and others.

The reason why I say this is not completely groundless. Although Taishan Fujun and others are also very terrible, they all stand in front of people and do things without so many detours.

They like to destroy others with absolute strength.

Of course, they occasionally calculate others, but at this time, they often calculate the strong at the same level.

For example, the unlucky original Lord was calculated by several people. He just broke through the creator realm and died before enjoying the glory brought by the creator realm. It's a very sad figure.

As for the Lord of life, his favorite means of playing is to play Yin moves behind his back. These people who play Yin moves secretly have many hearts and cruel means. They are like poisonous snakes. They hide in the dark. If they don't do it, they will inevitably kill each other.

Lin Feng said, "he is really a character!".

"You know something about him, too?" said the terrible being.

"Yes, really speaking, we are enemies. The creator behind me and his friars belong to hostile forces. It seems that in a way, we still have some common ground, so even for our common ground, we don't need to fight, do we? Maybe we can work together against the Lord of life in the future!".

Lin Feng said.

The terrible being sneered and said, "even if I take revenge, I do it myself. I don't need to join hands with anyone!".

Lin Feng said, "if so, the difficulty is too great.".

"That's my own business, so I don't need you to worry about it!".

The terrible voice was still cold. She said, "leave some women in the ice sculpture, and I can let you live!".

The reason why this statue doesn't intend to continue to deal with Lin Feng is probably because Lin Feng believes that she used to be a kind person. She suddenly doesn't want to kill such a person.

Lin Feng said, "what if I want to take them?".

The terrible being sneered and said, "then you just don't appreciate it. I can only leave you here together and let you become an ice sculpture with a big hand.

Lin Feng's ancient weapons and magic weapons at the level of quasi creator all flew out. So many top magic weapons were combined into a large array of ancient weapons, and the power soared to the extreme in an instant.

Rao was surprised to see Lin Feng offer so many powerful magic weapons at once.

After all, the value of any of these treasures is extremely amazing, and Lin Feng has so many top treasures.

The ancient weapons array released a terrible attack and quickly bombed towards the terrible existence.

But this statue of terror has some incredible fighting power.

She slapped at the attack released by Lin Fenggu weapon array, and the attack released by Lin Fenggu weapon array was destroyed by her attack in an instant.

Then, the terrible existence slapped Lin Feng. Lin Feng felt that this slap was even more terrible than the magic power released when he just dissolved the attack of the ancient weapon array.

This made his face suddenly change.