Seeing silly Bai Tianqi's appearance, Lin Feng couldn't help smiling.

Of course, Lin Feng just teased silly Bai Tian, because Lin Feng thought teasing silly Bai Tian was a very pleasant thing.

"It's too much. How can such a condition be put forward?".

"If you like it, you can chase it. If others don't want it, you can't force it. It's a scum man to get others by this means.".

"Yes, he is a scum man!".

Before Yuexin could speak, a group of beautiful nuns in Yuegong attacked Lin Feng.

Lin Feng couldn't help touching his nose.

Although I am fraternal, I am not scum.

I'm kind to my women.

Lin Feng said, "I'm just kidding. There's no need to go online?".

"Are you kidding?".

A group of nuns in the Moon Palace were stunned, and then showed an embarrassed expression.

It was just a joke.

Everyone ridiculed Lin Feng like that, and many people immediately felt a sense of guilt for Lin Feng.

In fact, these nuns in the Moon Palace are still very kind.

Lin Feng looked at Yuexin and said, "I have some relationship with the undead family. I know the undead family is on the moon, so I want to go to the undead family. I can't reach the moon myself, so I can only let you take me up.".

"You are very sincere!" said Yuexin.

Lin Feng said, "of course, I'm not a liar, especially in front of beautiful women.".

The fairies in the Moon Palace have actually heard too many people flatter them.

In their hearts, they even hate this kind of flattery.


Hearing Lin Feng's praise of them, they had a strange feeling.

Lin Feng said so naturally.

It seems that he has spoken out the most real thoughts in his heart.

Therefore, great changes have taken place in everyone's senses of Lin Feng.

Maybe he's good?

"It is said that you have immortal blood. It seems that this is true?". Silly Bai Tian said.

"Of course," Lin Feng nodded.

Yuexin said, "since it has a relationship with the undead family, it saves a lot of trouble. We can take you to the moon!".

"OK, that's settled. When are you going to go to the 100000 Li sword forest?". Lin Feng asked.

"How about tomorrow?". Yuexin said.

Yes. Lin Feng nodded.

Then he got up and said, "it's getting late. I won't bother you fairies to rest. You fairies should rest early. Women staying up late is bad for their skin. Fairies are so beautiful and moving. It's not good if their skin relaxes or grows beans because of staying up late.".

"This guy's mind is quite delicate.".

Many people can't help saying to themselves.

Yuexin and others sent Lin Feng away. They didn't return until Lin Feng left.

A nun said, "now it seems that Lin Feng is not so rogue?".

"I feel good about him.".

I think so, too.

Then some nuns joined the Tao.

Silly Bai Tian said, "if he doesn't say those annoying words, he's still a good little brother.".

Yuexin said, "This person is not such a simple character. He can turn his hand into a cloud in the mortal world, the immortal world, the heaven world, and even the chaotic dark and yellow world. You can know how terrible his ability is. Therefore, don't be deceived by some appearances. For example, his Bohemian character may be just a cover up for his inner world.".

Hearing Yuexin say so, the fairies in the Moon Palace meditated slightly.


Over the years, they have heard many rumors about Lin Feng's relationship.

These rumors include the deeds of the mortal world, the immortal world, the heaven world and the chaotic xuanhuang world.

But no matter where the rumors and deeds show one thing.

That's it.

Lin Feng is really extraordinary, and many of his deeds give people a very special feeling, such as blood, justice, struggle, etc. The more they recall Lin Feng's many deeds, these female nuns in the Moon Palace feel that Lin Feng seems to be shrouded in a mysterious veil.

"What a mystery man.".

Many women can't help talking to themselves.



After Lin Feng came out of the courtyard where the nun of the Moon Palace lived, he returned to the happy restaurant. Poison Zu and others haven't finished yet.

Seeing Lin Feng coming back, poison Zu asked with a smile, "how are you talking with those little ladies in the Moon Palace?".

Lin Feng said, "it's basically settled.".

Xia Donghuang asked, "what do these people do with the master?".

Lin Feng said, "they are going to look for a treasure lost by the Moon Palace in the 100000 Li sword forest, but that place is too dangerous. They want me to help lead the way. I have an ancient picture in the 100000 Li sword forest, which seems to have something to do with my black dragon sword. I just take this opportunity to explore it.".

The curse doll said, "this feeling is good. It's killing two birds with one stone and killing two birds with one stone.".

"Come on, drink, drink today, and start tomorrow.". Lin Feng picked up his glass and said.

A group of people didn't go back until midnight.

And there were some accidents on the way back.

A handsome man in a black robe came up to him. He didn't know what had happened. In a hurry, he accidentally touched Lin Feng.

The man felt that a part of his body had been touched.

He glared at Lin Feng fiercely.

He didn't stop and ran away.

"Why is this boy so impolite that he doesn't know how to apologize when he bumps into someone.". The poisonous ancestor scolded.

Lin Feng's expression was a little strange.

Because the man just now is a woman.

Dress up as a man. What do you want to do?

Lin Feng didn't think much.

Go back to your house and rest for the night.

The next day.

Lin Feng, poison Zu and others went to find a group of female nuns in the Moon Palace. More than a dozen female nuns in the Moon Palace were ready. The two sides joined together. Each of these female nuns in the Moon Palace looked more beautiful than flowers.

Nature has attracted the attention of countless people.

Wherever they go, they will become the focus of attention.

Lin Feng and others walked outside. When they came to SHAOHAO temple, Lin Feng planned to worship SHAOHAO emperor again.

After seeing Lin Feng's arrival, Kun's descendants were very happy. If it weren't for Lin Feng, SHAOHAO temple would be lost. Therefore, they regarded Lin Feng as a great benefactor.

Lin Feng worshipped SHAOHAO and left SHAOHAO city with the crowd.

"You seem to respect the ancestors of these Terrans.". Yuexin said.

Lin Feng said, "they are the history of the Terran. They have paid everything for the Terran. They deserve the respect of any celebrity! I just did some trivial things.".

"Are you a racist?". Yuexin said.

The other nuns of the Moon Palace also looked at Lin Feng curiously.

They seem to be very interested in this topic.

Lin Feng said, "I'm not a racist. I always think that all races can live in peace, but there are always some races who are high above and like to trample others under their feet and enslave others. Therefore, sometimes they need to fight. If they don't fight, the fate of many people will be extremely tragic.".

Yuexin said, "so what you have done for so many years is preparing for the struggle?".

Lin Feng didn't answer Yuexin, but asked, "how long has the Moon Palace existed?".

"For a long time, for a long time, I can't imagine. It wasn't called the Moon Palace. The name of the Moon Palace only appeared in this era. It used to be called Guanghan palace.".

"The ancestor of Guanghan palace is the Taiyin Xingjun, but the Taiyin Xingjun has practiced the art of reincarnation for a hundred generations and will reincarnate a hundred times. This era is the last reincarnation of the Taiyin Xingjun".

"After this reincarnation, the Taiyin Xingjun renamed Guanghan palace the Moon Palace".

Lin Feng didn't expect that the Moon Palace had such a history, but how could the forces that could take root on the moon be simple?

"Are you the descendant of the lunar star king?". Lin Feng asked.


Yuexin said, "I'm just the descendant of the disciple of Taiyin Xingjun. Taiyin Xingjun has no descendant.".

"Over the years, has the Taiyin star ever resisted the world royal family behind the scenes?". Lin Feng asked.

Yuexin frowned slightly. She didn't want to say something.

If you really say it, it will make people cold.

Lin Feng said, "many people are high above the others, just take care of their own affairs.".

"But I'm different. I've experienced the ups and downs of human relations in the world. I've grown from weak to strong. I've seen too many things, so I can't do it. Ignore those who live at the bottom. Can you understand me?".

"Understand but disagree". Yuexin said.

"Well," Lin Feng nodded. He knew what Yuexin meant by what he said. In other words, the Moon Palace would not participate in the war again in this era.

The Moon Palace will be the same as the code of conduct since many eras. Just take care of your own disciples. Does the life and death of others have anything to do with the Moon Palace?

Different road non-phase plan.

However, Lin Feng doesn't have to worry about this. He has nothing to do with the Moon Palace itself. We just use each other.

It is because of interests.

Not because of others.

That's the difference.

After flying out of the ancient city for some distance, Lin Feng took out the Xuanyuan star sky ancient ship, and everyone took the Xuanyuan star sky ancient ship and flew towards the direction of 100000 Li sword forest.

On the road, I tease the fairies in the Moon Palace when I have nothing to do. It's a very happy thing to often make many fairies blush.

Ten days later.

Lin Feng and others saw the 100000 Li sword forest from a distance.

The endless sword Qi is suspended above the sword forest.

Those sword Qi are the killing sword Qi formed in the sword forest of 100000 Li over the years.

When you enter the sword forest, don't disturb the sword Qi. Once the sword Qi recovers.

For any friar..

Will be a disaster.

The same is true for Lin Feng and them.

Therefore, even if Lin Feng has the ability to pass through the sky and enter the 100000 Li sword forest, he also needs to be careful.

Lin Feng they flew down from the ancient ship Xuanyuan, and Lin Feng immediately incorporated the ancient ship Xuanyuan into time and space.

They flew to the 100000 Li sword forest and finally stopped outside the 100000 Li sword forest.

One after another, we can see some monks entering the 100000 Li sword forest.

Soon after, the sword spirit soared into the sky in the 100000 Li sword forest.

The friars who entered the sword forest for a hundred thousand miles are estimated to have died under the attack of sword Qi.

The people in the Moon Palace have entered the 100000 Li sword forest before. They still know something about the 100000 Li sword forest.

Yuexin said, "there are four most dangerous points in the 100000 Li sword forest".

"First, there are many terrible array prohibitions, which is the feature of the restricted area of life".

"Second, there is wandering void sword Qi in it. There are a lot of void sword Qi, which is difficult for friars to find. Therefore, friars entering it are easy to be attacked by void sword Qi".

"Third, there are magnetic fields in many places, and they are sword field. Once they enter the magnetic field, they will often be attacked by sword field.".

"The fourth and most terrible point is that no one knows what can cause the change of endless sword Qi above. Therefore, if the sword Qi above is accidentally triggered, as long as one sword Qi recovers, many sword Qi will recover. It will be absolutely disastrous at that time.".

Lin Feng nodded.

In a place like 100000 Li sword forest, there must be all kinds of dangers, and Lin Feng felt that Yuexin only said some dangers, and there were many dangers that she didn't take into account.

For example.

There must be many terrible unknown creatures in the 100000 Li sword forest.

No one knows what these unknown creatures are.

There are many in the forbidden zone of life.

Before that, the Moon Palace and the others entered the 100000 Li sword forest. They didn't meet these terrible unknown creatures because they didn't go deep into the 100000 Li sword forest. It wasn't long before they came out.

But if you go deep into the sword forest, you still have a high probability of meeting these unknown creatures. Sometimes if you don't look for these unknown creatures, these unknown creatures will come to you on their own initiative.

And kill you.

Eat your meat and drink your blood.

Lin Feng said, "the sword forest is so huge. Looking for the moon shadow sword is like looking for a needle in the sea. So if I guess correctly, you should have brought some keepsake?".

"Yes, we brought the keepsake.".

Yuexin said, and she bent her fingers.


Sword Qi concusses the void.

A palm sized sword flew out, and the sword danced around Yuexin's body.

"What is this?".

"Ancient weapon level sword!".

"Is this the keepsake?".

Lin Feng said in surprise.

"The moon shadow sword is divided into yin and Yang swords. The moon shadow sword stolen by the ancestor was the Yang sword among the Yin and Yang swords, and the sword I am in charge of now is the Yin sword among the Yin and Yang Swords".

Yuexin said.

"Combined sword of ancient weapon level? Niu Bi, the person who can forge this kind of sword is really powerful. Is this pair of swords forged by the Taiyin Xingjun?" Lin Feng said.

Yuexin said, "it's not the treasure forged by the Taiyin Xingjun, but the sword obtained by the Taiyin Xingjun during his ninth reincarnation!".

I see.

Lin Feng nodded and then said, "it's getting late now. It won't take long to enter the 100000 Li sword forest. It's estimated that it will be late at night. The 100000 Li sword forest at night is too dangerous. I think we'd better stay outside all night and enter the 100000 Li sword forest tomorrow morning. I don't know if you have any other opinions?".

Yes. Yuexin said.

Then Lin Feng and others found a place to rest.

Lin Feng cooked a barbecue in the evening.

A group of fairies in the Moon Palace were very reserved. They didn't eat one by one, but later they ate really delicious.

The next morning.

Lin Feng and others entered the 100000 Li sword forest. Under the leadership of Lin Feng, everyone walked towards the depths of the 100000 Li sword forest. Five days later, the moon shadow sword mastered by Yuexin came out with bursts of violent fluctuations.

This scene suddenly brightened the eyes of Lin Feng and others.

It seems that the moon shadow sword mastered by Yuexin should sense the breath of another moon shadow sword, so it emits such a strong fluctuation.