So it seems that the leader of the ninth era should be a Confucian monk. Confucianism was indeed brilliant, but now it is no longer. It seems that the history of Confucianism is much earlier than he imagined.

Lin Feng found that the Yueyang Academy was divided into male and female schools.

Lin Feng was surprised that there were men in the men's school and women in the women's school. At present, the academy does not recruit female disciples, but only male disciples.

Lin Feng heard a story before.

The story is about a woman named Xue Yingying.

She is beautiful and intelligent. She studied poetry with her brother when she was young. She hates her bad teacher and wants to visit her teacher and study.

Xue Yuanwai refused her daughter's request. Xue Yingying was eager to learn and disguised as a diviner. She said to Xue Yuanwai, "it's better to let your love go out if you break according to the divination." Xue's father saw that his daughter Joe dressed up as a man and had no flaws. In order to disappoint her, he had to reluctantly agree.

Xue Yingying disguised herself as a man and went to study abroad. On the way, she met Cui Zihao, a scholar who studied abroad. She was like old friends at first sight. She enjoyed reading very much. She gathered earth on the Caoqiao Pavilion for incense and married golden orchids.

A few days later, they came to Nishan academy and went to school. Since then, they have studied together. Cui Xue has been in love for three years.

Xue Yingying loves Cui Zihao deeply, but Cui Zihao doesn't know she is a woman. She only reads the feelings of brothers and has no special feelings.

Xue's father missed his daughter and hurried home. Xue Yingying had to rush back to his hometown. Cui Xue broke up and was reluctant to give up. On the way to see her off, Xue Yingying kept using things to comfort her and hint at love. Cui Zihao was honest and simple and didn't understand why.

Xue Yingying is helpless. She lied that she is the ninth sister in her family. She looks like herself and is willing to act as a matchmaker for Cui Zihao. However, Cui Zihao is poor and fails to arrive as scheduled. When Cui Zihao goes to propose to the Xue family, she doesn't know that Xue's father has promised Xue Yingying to sun Wenhai, the son of the governor who lives in the trade city.

A happy marriage has become a shadow.

The two met on the terrace, with tears in their eyes. They left sadly. Later, Cui Zihao was appointed county magistrate by the imperial court. However, Cui Zihao became ill and died soon. He was buried in forgetting love slope.

Xue Yingying heard the bad news of Cui Zihao and vowed to die.

When Xue Yingying was forced to get married, she asked to take a detour to Cui Zihao's tomb to hold a memorial ceremony. Under the induction of Xue Yingying's mourning, there was great storm and lightning. Xue Yingying was sad and broke her finger and wrote "Xue Yingying" on the tombstone. The best last words were written on the tombstone. We were born differently, but we died in the same cave. This is where I was buried.

When Xue Yingying cries with grief that Cui Zihao will take her away, Cui Zihao's tomb splits under the thunder and lightning. Xue Yingying cries with joy when she sees that it is Cui Zihao's soul.

Even if she got up and jumped into the tomb, Xue Yingying jumped into the tomb and the tomb closed in an instant. Soon, a light on the tombstone flew out two butterflies, flying around the tomb and flying into the sky. Cui Zihao and Xue Yingying were reunited in heaven in a rainbow.

Cui Zihao and Xue Yingying really moved heaven and earth. God remembered their friendship and integrity and granted them heavenly officials to be eternal husband and wife. Therefore, Cui Zihao and Xue Yingying were sentimental and the touching love history spread through the ages.

This story is spread from the Academy. Perhaps it is the reason why this earth moving story is widely spread. Therefore, for a long time, many women yearn to marry a handsome scholar of Confucianism.

When the story came out, the Confucian school did not recruit many female students. Of course, if it had something to do with the way, you could still enter the Confucian school. Therefore, the Confucian school staged an emotional drama of giving birth to senior brothers and sisters and loving each other.

But this kind of thing is not allowed by the senior management of the college.


Because the academy is a place to study, not a place for you to engage in objects. You just want to engage in objects. How many people seriously study?


In the academies in various places, female students are no longer allowed to join, even if it has a relationship or a way. Even the daughter of the dean of the academy is not allowed to join the Academy. If you want to learn, you can learn at home.

Many women thought of Xue Yingying. They came into the Academy dressed as men, and then had a vigorous love with Cui Zihao. So many women wanted to come into the Academy dressed as men, but soon they were sad to find that before entering the Academy, they need to verify their true body to see whether you are a man or a woman. In short, they need to shed their clothes It's clear at a glance.


It is basically impossible for women to dress up as men and sneak into the Academy.

However, the Yueyang Academy in front of us has obviously not reached the level of later generations, and there are still women's schools.

In the female school, the beautiful figures of yingyingyanyan are naturally very attractive. Many male students like to see those female students finish class.

It's good to see if you can't have them.

There is a student named Lu Feng at the men's school.

At the age of eighteen or nine, he is a seed of reading books. He works very hard and his studies are very outstanding.

Once after class, Lu Feng saw a group of female students passing by. He looked at a female student in a daze.

The female student is white and beautiful. Many people like her.

Including Lu Feng.

"Brother Feng, go after him if you like.". Lu Feng's best friend urged.

Lu Feng smiled bitterly. His family conditions are not particularly good. Now he just wants to work hard to complete his studies. After completing his studies, he can accept some cultivation skills of Confucianism. If he can become a powerful monk, he can change the fate of his family and even the fate of his family.

Although he liked the female student very much, Lu Feng knew that he was doomed to have no way to pursue the female student.

Three years have passed.

Lu Feng completed the study of basic disciplines of Confucianism.

And the results were extremely excellent. Then, Lu Feng began to systematically study the cultivation of Confucianism.

Lu Feng's talent in Confucian cultivation is amazing, so his cultivation speed is extremely fast.

The Academy organized training. Many students, including Lu Feng, also participated in the training. In the process of training, Lu Feng was pulled to explore the trap with several other students, and Lu Feng's favorite female student was also among them. The female student was called Xu Xin.

Lu Feng and Xu Xin became familiar with each other gradually. During their training, Lu Feng often helped Xu Xin, so their relationship improved by leaps and bounds.

Wait until the experience is over.

Let's say goodbye.

Xu Xin went to her grandmother's house during the holiday. The city where her grandmother lived was in the same place as the city where Lu Feng lived. They met again.

This encounter contributed to their marriage.

Lu Feng and Xu Xin came together.

The two of them adore each other.

In the twinkling of an eye, another three years have passed. Lu Feng wants to join the imperial alliance and get more cultivation resources here. Therefore, Lu Feng has been working hard. During the holiday this year, Xu Xin didn't go to her grandmother's house. This is the first time in so many years that Xu Xin didn't come to her grandmother's house. Lu Feng misses Xu Xin and goes to the city where Xu Xin lives to find Xu Xin, It's just the result, which makes him uncomfortable.

That day, it was snowing.

He saw Xu Xin walking hand in hand with another man in the street.

Xu Xin also saw Lu Feng.

The man also saw Lu Feng.

The corners of his mouth were filled with sarcasm. What is a civilian child compared with him?

It's not worth mentioning.

"You take care of it.". The man looked at Xu Xin with a pale face.



snow. Still falling.

They stood on the street, and the snowflakes fell on Lu Feng and Xu Xin.

"Why?". Lu Feng asked.

"My brother fought with others and seriously injured them. The other side was very powerful and made my family lose a lot of money. After my family compensated, they often came to trouble and blackmailed us. My family was not a rich family, but it was also a very rich family. However, in the past six months, many businesses have failed under the pressure of the other side There is a way to do it. If it goes on like this, my family will be over. ".

"His name is Zhang Mofan. He is the son of the city Lord. He has known me since childhood and likes me very much. He helped our family deal with these things. I am very grateful to him. I hope you can understand that I don't want to be bullied again. I want to live a superior life. Therefore, I choose to give up the relationship between us and pursue the life I want.".

I can understand.

Lu Feng nodded.

He turned and left.

Looking at the back of Lu Feng leaving, Xu Xin felt her heart hurt.

She squatted on the ground.

Tears no longer flow out of control.

Lu Feng left the college six months in advance.

After many people, there was no news of Lu Feng.

Five years later.

Xu Xin and Zhang Mofan, the son of the city Lord, are getting married. Xu Xin invited many former classmates.

Wedding day.

A big thing happened.

A terrible demon emperor was born, who was sealed by the town for endless years. This demon emperor is called the Optimus demon emperor.

After the birth of the king of the heavens, numerous myriads of animals, fierce animals, numerous beasts and animals were mobilized.

Ancient cities were destroyed.

And this time.

Xu Xin's wedding ceremony is being held.

She sat upright in the room, looking at the delicate and beautiful face in the mirror.

She took a deep breath and stood up.

She sent someone to invite Lu Feng. She wanted to let Lu Feng know that her previous decision was not wrong.

Now she's going to live a human life.

The wife of the son of the city Lord.

Identity, incomparable respect.


No one knows Lu Feng's whereabouts, so naturally it is impossible to send the invitation to Lu Feng.

It made her feel a little sorry.

Wedding day.


But at this time.

The monster army, the fierce beast army, and the friars of all ethnic groups, including those who took refuge in the giant demon emperor, swept the world and passed the city.

The city is only a medium-sized city.

It's impossible to resist.

Countless people died miserably.

Seeing the raging army, countless people wanted to escape.


In the process of escape, people were killed constantly.

The people of the city Lord's family escaped by flying shuttle.

This special flying shuttle is extraordinary and can shuttle through the void and leave.

But there is only one shuttle.

There are many people in the city Lord's family.

There are not enough people in the city Lord's family, let alone others?

"Take me, take me...".

Xu Xin grabs Zhang Mofan and looks pale.

"Go away...".

Where is Zhang Mofan free to pay attention to Xu Xin now? Although he is the son of the city Lord, the city Lord has seven sons, and he is just a dandy. Originally, some ethnic groups always didn't intend to take him away, but his father begged. Those ethnic elders agreed to take him away with him. Zhang Mofan doesn't want to take an oil bottle now.

So he kicked Xu Xin open.

Xu Xin's face turned white.

She didn't expect such a result.

She was thinking.

If it were Lu Feng, would Lu Feng do this to her?

Surely not?

Lu Feng will protect her.

Now she remembered Lu Feng's good words.

"Lu Feng, where are you?".

She cried and fled with many people.

In the void, the Optimus demon emperor looked coldly at the fleeing crowd below. He didn't do it, but he did it to the fleeing flying shuttle.

He opened his big hand and directly caught the flying shuttle that had escaped into the void.

"Demon emperor, spare your life".

Hundreds of people inside the shuttle cried.


The Optimus demon Emperor didn't pay attention to those people's requests, and he clapped them with one palm.

The shuttle.

Just blow it up.

Everyone inside died miserably.

"Good death".

Seeing this scene, Xu Xin's eyes were full of cold.

She thought it must be retribution.

Xu Xin's luck was good. Although many of her relatives, such as her grandfather, grandmother, father, uncles, uncles, brothers and sisters, died miserably in the disaster, she survived and her mother survived. She didn't know whether there were other people who survived.

She and her mother became refugees.

With many people who were robbed, they fled everywhere.


Where is the world?

Fear every day.

Every day, many people are killed.

Until one day.

A message came out.

Yueyang emperor, led by his friars, fought with the army under the commander of Optimus demon emperor.

The Optimus demon emperor was defeated.

The news caused a great sensation.

Countless people rushed to tell.

"Emperor Yueyang......".

After getting the news, Xu Xin couldn't help muttering to herself.

Because she studied in Yueyang academy when she was a girl.

A lot of things happened there.

She met her first love Lu Feng.

They have been together for three years.


She gave up Lu Feng.

Later, I haven't heard of Lu Feng.

Ten years have passed since the birth of Optimus demon emperor, and countless places have been occupied.

Xu Xin has forgotten when she heard the word "Yueyang" last time.

"What kind of person is Yueyang emperor?".

Xu Xin was very curious.

of course.

She did not associate the Yueyang emperor with Yueyang academy or some people in Yueyang Academy.

In her opinion, although they are named after the word "Yueyang", everything is just a coincidence.