The flame evil king said, "you must know the regional war?".


Lin Feng nodded and then said, "it is said that the mysterious world where the regional war is located needs a special transmission stone to enter it. There is even a rumored supreme god court in that world.".


The flame evil gentleman nodded and immediately said, "the sky fire is in that ancient battlefield".

"There is an endless sea of fire in that ancient battlefield. Sky fire is hidden in the depths of the endless sea of fire. If you are interested, you can try to collect that kind of sky fire.".

"Endless sea of fire".

Lin Feng's fists suddenly clenched together.

Every time you collect more sky fire, it is extremely significant for the improvement of your cultivation.

Not only is their cultivation improved, their savings will become stronger, which is equivalent to improving their talents.

And their own combat power will be greatly improved.

The benefits are endless.

"What kind of fire is that?". Lin Feng continued to ask.

The flame evil king said, "I don't know what the sky fire is. The only thing clear is that the sky fire should be a kind of sky fire at the top of the ranking.".


Lin Feng nodded.

Taotie asked, "where is the Taotie skeleton you said?".

"Deep in the mountains, you come with me.". Said the flame evil king.

Lin Feng is not afraid of any tricks played by the flame evil king, and now there is no need for the flame evil king to play tricks.

They followed the flame evil king and flew to the depths.

Lin Feng looked at the flame evil king and said, "you are so bad. Have you been stimulated?".

Gluttonous wry smile.

Lin Feng is so direct.

Flame evil king, "...".

Seeing that the flame evil king didn't answer himself, Lin Feng continued, "what? Are you embarrassed to say? In fact, don't be embarrassed. We are all adults. We should be able to afford it and put it down".

Flame evil king, "...".

Lin Feng continued, "let me guess if you don't say?".

Flame evil king, "...".

Lin Feng said, "did you get a green hat from a woman? Or did your family die? Or did you like to be a father?".

"Shut up".

The flame evil gentleman finally couldn't stand it, and couldn't help but say fiercely.

"We're talking. Don't be angry.".

Lin Feng said.

The flame evil king squinted at Lin Feng and said, "you're really not a good thing.".

Lin Feng said, "I'm human, I'm not a thing.".

The flame evil gentleman twitched at the corner of his mouth, and then said fiercely, "you're really not a good man.".

Lin Feng said, "good people are fish on the board. Why should I be a good person? I swear to be the man of the great devil.".

The flame evil gentleman turned his mouth and didn't talk to Lin Feng again.

Flame evil king is a man with a story.


Lin Feng couldn't find out what the story of flame evil king was.


The flame evil king didn't tell Lin Feng's plan at all.

Since the flame evil king doesn't want to say.

Lin Feng didn't ask again.

It must be a sad thing.

Lin Feng helped the flame evil king uncover the scar.

Just let him suffer alone.

Anyway, Lin Feng is not particularly interested in the fire evil king.

Lin Feng is such a devil.

The feeling of being a devil.

That's good.

Deep in the mountains, Taotie saw the skeleton.

It was a gluttonous statue that fell a long time ago.

That Taotie was absolutely terrible.


Even if it has fallen for a long time.

There was still a terrible smell in the bones.

It seems that Taotie bones can really help Taotie.

"Maybe this is the chance I need.".

Taotie said excitedly.

He broke through the holy land.

One step away.


Got Taotie bones.

It's really possible with the help of gluttonous bones.

soar up into the sky with one start.

You can imagine.

The gluttony at that time will be so terrible.

Taotie bones seem to have a general sense of Taotie.

When Taotie arrived, waves of violent fluctuations escaped from Taotie's bones.

Taotie is very excited.

He opened his mouth.

A sudden suction.


Taotie's skeleton flew directly towards Taotie.

Then it was swallowed by Taotie.

"Let's go".

Lin Feng said.

Taotie nodded.

Before leaving, Lin Feng looked at the flame evil king and said, "flame evil king, we're gone, and we'll keep in touch in the future.".

"I'll contact your sister.".

The flame evil king cursed loudly in his heart.

Since becoming the flame evil king on the king's side.

When was he as embarrassed as he is today?



Think of what happened today.

Fire evil king.

There was a sense of gnashing teeth.

However, the flame evil king did not show his anger.

If you really annoy Lin Feng.

Who knows if the devil will fix himself before he leaves.

"Keep in touch, keep in touch".

The fire evil gentleman said with a smile.

Lin Feng and Taotie left immediately.


After safely leaving the huohai mountains.

Taotie plans to find a place to practice.

Then break through the holy land.

So they found a quiet mountain and opened up a cave.

Lin Feng has gone to study his supreme way.

Taotie is the fusion of Taotie bones.

About five days have passed.

Gluttonous customs clearance.

He's going to get through the robbery.

It's extremely difficult to hit the holy land.

Especially for those fierce beasts.

Because to break through the holy land, the requirements for "Tao" are very high.

Can make.

Fierce beasts are not good at cultivating all kinds of Tao.


Lin Feng thinks Taotie breakthrough should not be a big problem.

There is a reason to have confidence in Taotie breakthrough.

First, Taotie's own savings are strong enough.

Secondly, Taotie got Taotie bones, which is an extremely key point.

good timing, geographical convenience and good human relations.

All of them.


It just happens.

For the next period of time.

Taotie goes to break through.

Lin Feng continued to close the door.

Until this day.

Lin Feng found that the movement outside had disappeared.

So he went out.

The thunder disappeared.

Taotie stood up from the ground.

Although looking very embarrassed.

But it successfully broke through to the holy land.

Taotie's breath is extremely terrible.

Let Lin Feng not be moved.

Taotie has been able to compete with the existence of some holy places before it breaks through.

Not to mention after the breakthrough.

Improvement of combat effectiveness.

It must be unimaginable.

Lin Feng couldn't help being happy for Taotie.

Gluttonous return to the previously closed caves in the interest rate adjustment.

It took a day to recover completely.

The gluttonous after the breakthrough is in a good mood.

Lin Feng and Taotie continued on their way and quickly flew towards the ancient tomb of immortals.