It was very quiet on the island, without the roar of animals.

There was not even the sound of insects and birds.

Such a quiet environment surprised Lin Feng and others.

Lin Feng couldn't help but slightly raised his eyebrows.

He said, "this place is too quiet. Something is wrong. We'd better be careful.".

Wen Yan.

Everyone could not help nodding.

Everyone walked carefully into the depths.

There are many fallen leaves on the ground.

When walking on the ground.

There will be a rustling sound.

Lin Feng and others have been searching for the situation around to prevent something terrible from lying around, and then steal from them.

The more you are in such a place, the more you should guard against it.

However, Lin Feng and others did not encounter any danger along the way.

Not even a bug.


When they passed a mountain, suddenly, a roar came out of the mountain forest.


A huge dragon rushed out of the mountain forest.

The dragon.

It's absolutely ferocious and breathtaking.

Directly towards Lin Feng and others.

Lin Feng and others didn't find anything before.

The sudden appearance of the Dragon frightened Lin Feng and others.

However, they will soon come to God, and then start to use mana to suppress the dragon.


What surprised Lin Feng and others was.

When the Dragon reached half the distance, it dissipated.

"Not a real creature...".

Lin Feng's face showed a surprised expression.

That dragon is not a real creature.

But just now.

Clearly so lifelike.

It seems to be no different from real creatures.



It's just an illusion.

Lin Feng and others didn't find anything wrong with the dragon.

This situation.

Generally, it rarely happens.


"There is a dragon phantom here. I think this place is not simple. Let's look and see if we can get anything.". Lin Feng said.

The rest nodded.

Everyone began to search the area.

The huge mountains on the island were searched by Lin Feng and others.


They found a huge dragon valley deep in the mountains.

I see.

In the Dragon Valley.

Crawling with dense dragon bones.

Lin Feng counted.

The large and small dragon bones add up to about 150 or 60.

This surprised Lin Feng.

So many dragon families together are absolutely terrible combat power, but all of them died.

What happened that year?

Lin Feng felt that the death of these dragon families should not be a natural disaster.

It's a man-made disaster.


These dragons are so powerful. What kind of existence killed all the dragons?

It's not easy to find out what happened in those years.


Lin Feng is very clear.

So Lin Feng didn't think much.

Lin Feng and others entered the valley and wanted to see if there was anything good left.

After a careful search, nothing could be found.

The curse doll said, "these dragon creatures may not die for a very long time.".

Lin Feng asked, "how do you know they didn't die very long?".

Everyone looked at the curse doll. Because they are also very curious about it.

In fact, before the curse doll said these words, including Lin Feng, they all felt that these dragon families had been dead for a long time.

The reason for this is that these dragon bones have completely lost their luster and no energy.

Many bones.

Even rotten.

A touch.

The keel will break.

The Dragon keel is an extremely powerful bone, which can be preserved for a very long time.

It is said that many keels can span an era and be immortal.

Of course, this kind of keel is relatively rare.

But even if the keels in front of us can't be preserved for that long time, it's no problem to preserve them for an extremely long time.

But the reality is that these keels have completely decayed.

This shows that the time is too long.

These keels are rotten.

The curse doll said that the death time of these dragon people may not be very long. I don't know what he found.


The curse doll said, "look at the Dragon runes on the keel.".

Lin Feng and others did see some dragon runes.

Those are some runes recorded by the dragon family, which are branded on the bones. They are very extraordinary.

"If the keel decays due to time erosion, it shows that the period of time eroding the keel is extremely long, and the Dragon runes will decay together with time, but the runes on these keels are not decayed, which is still so clear, which is enough to explain too many problems.". Said the curse doll.

I have to say, curse doll knows a lot.

His words immediately plunged Lin Feng and others into deep thought.

Lin Feng said, "do you mean that these keels are not decayed due to the erosion of time?".

The curse doll nodded and said, "yes!"

"But these keels are really rotten.". Lin Feng said.

"It's really rotten, but it may be rotten for other reasons. As far as I know, like the Ancient Runes inherited by the dragon family, there is no other force that can erode these runes except the power of time. However, the keel is different. For example, if the energy in the keel is swallowed up, without the support of energy, the keel is actually ordinary The keel is easy to decay at this time.

Said the curse doll.

The old man Kuhai said, "Taoist friends mean that there is an unknown existence that killed these dragon creatures and swallowed their energy? Even the energy contained in the keel was swallowed?".

Yes, that's probably why.

The curse doll nodded.

Then he cursed the doll and said, "so I say, these dragon families may not die for a very long time.".

"If so, doesn't it mean that there is some unknown and terrible existence dormant here?".

Lin Feng couldn't help feeling creepy.

If it is as the curse doll said, this place is too dangerous.

The faces of the others could not help looking ugly.

Lin Feng said, "the existence may have left. Otherwise, why hasn't it appeared after we've been here for so long?".

Everyone laughed bitterly. Now everyone can only comfort themselves.

I hope the existence has really left.

Lin Feng and others did not stay in the Dragon Valley. They felt that the place was very ominous.


A group of people quickly left the Dragon Valley.