After hearing the sound with a sense of killing, Lin Feng showed a smile on his face and said, "it seems that these people's actions are slower than expected!! let's go out and have a look at the situation outside!"

Zhou Chong's grandfather didn't know much about what had happened before, but when he heard the shouting and scolding outside, he naturally knew that the comers were not good.

But now he just woke up and was still very weak, so he couldn't help.

Zhou Chong's grandfather said, "try to be careful!"


Lin Feng said.

Then he walked out with Zhou Chong and Xia Yulan.

When they came outside, they saw dozens of monks floating in the void not far away.

Such a group of people did not deliberately hide their breath.

Their arrival.

It has attracted the attention of many people.

So many monks gathered around.

"They are all from the Wu family!"

Zhou Chong whispered.

At this time, a group of people in the Wu family had seen Lin Feng.

They flew quickly, and their eyes were full of moriran killing intention.

"It's time for you! Have you figured out how to die?".

The leading friar of the Wu family said coldly.

This man is a friar of the seven heaven realm of the God Emperor.


Glancing sideways at Lin Feng, his eyes were full of Senran's killing intention.

"His name is Wu Yunfan. He is one of the three strong emperors of the Wu family. The other two are Wu Moya, the head of the Wu family, and Wu Qingfeng, the ancestor of the Wu family. However, it is said that Wu Qingfeng left the fire snake star hundreds of years ago and has not returned yet! And Wu Moya, the head of the Wu family, is also closed. Now Wu Yunfan is the real leader of the Wu family!"

Zhou Chong whispered.

Lin Feng said, "it's just a small person! Don't worry!"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhou Chong's mouth twitched.

The strong one of the seven heavens in the realm of God Emperor.

In front of this "brother Lin", it's just a small person?

Brother Lin is too powerful, isn't he?

What kind of person is a big man in front of brother Lin?

Zhou Chong never doubted Lin Feng's words.

Lin Feng has a special temperament, which makes Zhou Chong believe everything Lin Feng said.

Even if Lin Feng said that a strong man in the seven heaven realm of God Emperor was a small man.

Zhou Chong also believed it.


"Boy, do you know you're looking for death?".

Lin Feng's dialogue with Zhou Chong naturally did not hide Wu Yunfan, the strong man of the seven heaven realm of the divine emperor. After hearing Lin Feng's words, Wu Yunfan's face suddenly became gloomy and couldn't help but cry out.

Wu Yunfan is a big man in the fire snake star.

Lin Feng, a monk in the quasi imperial realm, despised him so much.

Wu Yunfan was naturally very angry.

The Wu family looked at Lin Feng with dead eyes.

In their opinion.

Lin Feng is almost no different from the dead.


"Now, while I'm not angry! Go as far as you can!! otherwise!! I'll make you regret coming to this place!!"

Lin Feng said indifferently.

What he said was really arrogant.

Wu Yunfan's face was livid with anger.

In his opinion.

He was a strong man in the seven heaven realm of God Emperor, but Lin Feng, a monk in the quasi emperor realm, despised him.

It was a great humiliation.

"You don't know what to do! Since you are so anxious to die, this seat will help you!"

Wu Yunfan's voice was extremely cold.

Across the void.

Wu Yunfan slapped Lin Feng.

It's a big energy handprint.

The big energy hand print blasted Lin Feng in the past.

Seeing that big energy handprint, it was going to kill Lin Feng.

Lin Feng flexed his fingers.

The energy fingerprint condensed by Wu Yunfan was directly broken by an invisible force.


Wu Yunfan's face suddenly changed.

Lin Feng's random blow broke his attack, which made Wu Yunfan feel a trace of danger.

"How is that possible?".

Those people in the Wu family also have a damn expression. They can't believe their eyes.

Lin Feng is so young that the cultivation of the quasi emperor realm has made them very incredible.

And now.

Lin Feng easily broke Wu Yunfan's attack.

This is really incredible.

Xia Yulan has seen Lin Feng kill three ogres before, so it's not surprising that Lin Feng has such combat power.

However, Zhou Chong saw Lin Feng show such terrible strength for the first time.

Can't help but be extremely shocked.


"Now it's my turn to attack!"

Lin Feng said indifferently.

He raised his right hand.

In the void.

A gentle stroke.



It is made of a dazzling sword Qi.

Directly towards Wu Yunfan.

The sword Qi instantly penetrated the void and came to Wu Yunfan.

Wu Yunfan's look did not change greatly.

Quickly offer a defense magic weapon to resist Lin Feng's attack.

That defense magic weapon is called Hunyuan shield.

Into the crystal of the sky.

The defense force is extremely strong and can resist the attack of the strong at the Immortal Emperor level.


Hunyuan shield failed to resist Lin Feng's attack.


The sound of tearing!!

Suddenly spread!!

Hunyuan shield was directly torn by Lin Feng's sword Qi.


Wu Yunfan's face suddenly changed.

It's too late for him to avoid.


The sound of tearing comes out again!!

This time, Lin Feng's sword Qi directly penetrated Wu Yunfan's Dantian.


Wu Yunfan screamed and fell down.

"My Dantian! My Dantian, you abandoned my Dantian.".

Wu Yunfan couldn't help screaming.

If Lin Feng wants to kill him, it's easy.

But Lin Feng didn't kill Wu Yunfan.

There is nothing more painful than abolishing an expert.

Kill him.

It's cheaper for him.

The Wu family were completely dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Wu Yunfan is a strong man in the seven heaven realm of the divine emperor, but he was rejected by a young monk.

It's like a myth.

Those friars of the Wu family, who used to be arrogant, are now pale and trembling with fear.

"Take this man away.".

Lin Feng said coldly.

"Yes, let's go, let's go now.".

The Wu family said quickly, but they didn't dare to hesitate. They took the abandoned Wu Yunfan and left quickly.

What happened in the Zhou family's mansion soon spread.

The incident caused an uproar.

Many people flew in the direction of the Zhou family's mansion.

I want to see who abolished Wu Yunfan.

"Sudden changes in the situation, the war will start...".

Some strong emperors in the fire snake city said.

Those who are strong in the imperial realm know.

Wu family.

Never give up.