After Lin Feng and others came out, they saw a teenager holding an old man in the distance.

Now, many people are pointing at the boy. The boy is the man who is said to be extremely rebellious.

Lin Feng was not surprised when he saw the young man. He was really young, very handsome, with a rebellious look between his eyebrows.

"He's really too young. I don't know who he is. Why is talent so rebellious! Even if you cultivate in your womb, you should not cultivate to this point!"

The poisonous ancestor touched his chin and said, "unless he gets the Enlightenment of others!"

The so-called enlightenment is that the peerless strong man marries his skills to others in a special way.

For example, if you seal a part of your skill in someone else's body, this person may recover this part of your skill in the future, and these strengths will belong to this person.

This kind of thing is very rare in the world of practitioners, because monks who can enlighten are absolutely the existence of great terror.

And being enlightened does great harm to themselves. Such a strong person does not necessarily do things that are enlightened.

Unless it is a matter of last resort, we will take risks.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that the celebrity youth is impressed by others, so it's against the sky.

It would be unimaginable if we could cultivate ourselves to such an adverse degree in our teens.

Lin Feng couldn't believe it was true.


"Look at that old man. Does he feel special?". Lin Feng points to the old man supported by the youth.

Lin Feng always felt that the old man had something special, but he felt it carefully. It seemed that something was wrong.

The mana fluctuation in the old man's body almost disappeared.

Weak breath.

The fire of life has been very thin.

Life has come to an end.

It is possible to be buried in the Loess anytime and anywhere.

"I'm a frail old man. Is there anything special?"

Childe Yu asked.

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "I don't know. Maybe it's because he is held by a teenager, so he will have an illusion!"

"Grandpa, is this very different from the six gods city in your memory?". The boy looked at the old man and asked.

The old man said, "too much has changed, but the only thing that hasn't changed is that the street layout here is still the same as it was then. The six gods city has also experienced several hardships, ups and downs, and it's really not easy to become what it is now!"

"Cough, cough...".

The old man coughed violently after saying that, and his body was shaking slightly, as if he were going to fall on the ground.

"Do you want to see the ancient city you lived in before you die?".

A monk whispered sarcastically.

There was a commotion in the distance. The strong came. It was a group of strong people of all races. Someone recognized a monk of the ancient Protoss.

The monk is called shenwuji. He is not young. He has practiced for more than 200000 years and has great prestige in the ancient Protoss.

"I heard that even Shinto heaven was defeated by the young man!"

Said the friar.

After hearing this, Lin Feng was very surprised. There were even some grudges between Shinto heaven and him. Lin Feng knew how strong this man's cultivation was.

Even Shinto heaven was defeated in the hands of this young man. It's really incredible.

You know, among the ten thousand families' anti heaven level Tianjiao, Shinto Tianjiao is ranked higher.

Therefore, Shinto heaven was also defeated, which was really unexpected.

"Is Shenwu going to deal with the boy?". Someone said.

If the divine force is extremely strong, it may really be possible to defeat the youth, but the age difference between the two sides is too large, so it will be invincible.

"Where are you from?". Shenwu asked.

The young man said defiantly, "is this what you are qualified to know?".

"Upright arrogance!"

Shenwu's eyes suddenly sank, and someone despised him so much.

This made Shenwu extremely filled with anger in his heart, and his eyes at the young man were more gloomy and cold.

The old man supported by the young man spoke at this time and said, "it has long been forgotten. Why mention the origin?".

Shenwu looked at the old man and frowned slightly. In the end, he didn't say anything more, but took people away.


Now in the six gods City, all kinds of characters appear one after another.

Some people's origins are big enough to scare people to death.

During this period, disputes and conflicts occurred every day in the six gods City, and wars between monks often broke out.

Fire Qilin and some people of the demon family came to the six gods city. They heard that Lin Feng was also in the six gods City, so they quickly came to find Lin Feng.

In addition to fire Qilin, Lin Feng also saw Xiao Peng Wang, Princess Xueyao and others.

They were all Lin Feng's old friends in tianwu, so Lin Feng was very close to them.

"Little moon couldn't come out this time. If she knew that brother Lin Feng was in the six gods City, she would come quickly regardless!" Princess Xueyao said with a smile.

There was less holy breath and more approachable temperament in her.

Such Xueyao Princess makes people feel more accessible.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I don't know what the little moon is doing now?".

"She wants to shut up and baptize her blood!"

Said Princess Xueyao.

Lin Feng was surprised and immediately said, "this is very important for the little moon!"

"Yes, but don't worry, childe Lin. she has been baptized twice before. This is the third time, so there won't be any problem!"

Said Princess Xueyao.

"Then I'm relieved!" Lin Feng nodded.

In the evening, they went to the Wanhua building together.

A dozen people in the party were quite lively.

We got together, chatting and drinking.

Fire Qilin brought a piece of heavy news.

"King Dapeng and King peacock have always been in the West Sea. They seem to have noticed and found something important!" Huo Qilin said.

"The West Sea is beyond the ancient country?" Lin Feng asked in surprise. It's definitely a big deal.

"Yes, let's wait for the news, and then get ready to go to the ancient chaotic country anytime and anywhere! It is said that there are too many secrets hidden there," Huo Qilin said in an excited tone.

The origin of chaos ancient country is too mysterious, and it has not really appeared now, but it can be imagined that once it really appears, it will inevitably cause a bloody storm.

Time passed day by day. Finally, the time to cut the ape shaped stone in the big world came day by day.