Now the demon king also muttered, because he was not sure that the story he told before might have happened. If so, it would be troublesome.

The nine sons of the real dragon contain endless resentments.

No matter how honest or kind they were before.

But now it has long become a bad beast.


The demon king said, "let's wait and see what happens first. Maybe there's a way to escape!"

Lin Feng nodded. Now it's the only way. He waited in the mountains.

And many people are still looking for a way out.


The roar of animals resounded through the world.

Then the earth shook.

The nine beast mountains were shaking violently, as if a peerless evil was about to be born.

A cold and terrible breath filled the air between heaven and earth. The breath was so terrible that everyone felt a bone chilling cold.

Soon, the nine terrible creatures came out from the depths of the nine beast mountain.

Negative Yi, one of the nine sons of the dragon, also known as Baxia. It looks like a turtle and bears a lot of weight. It carries stone tablets for years. People can see this Hercules who works hard and bears no grudges everywhere in the temple. It is said that touching it can bring happiness.

Pang, also known as charter, is the legendary animal name. It looks like a tiger. It's old seven. It is litigious all its life, but it is powerful. The tiger head shaped decoration on the upper part of the prison door is its portrait. It is said that he is not only eager for justice and justice, but also can distinguish right from wrong and judge impartially. In addition to its majestic image, he also lies on both sides of the lobby of the government office. Whenever the Yamen chief executive sits in the hall, the top of the chief executive's title card and the silence avoidance card has its image. It looks covetously and makes inspection around to maintain the solemnity and integrity of the court. "Tianlu knows Yu - Dragon species": "it is said that there are nine kinds of dragons, each with their own advantages... Four are called the tiger, which is powerful like a tiger, so it stands at the prison gate.

Pulao is shaped like a dragon, but smaller than a dragon. It is good at singing.

It is said that Pu La lives by the sea and is most afraid of whales.

Every time he was attacked by a whale, Pu Lao shouted.

So people put its image on the clock, carved the long wood of the bell into a whale fish shape, and struck the clock to make it loud and bright.

When a whale attacks, it roars out of fear. According to its "good nature", people report that "whenever a clock wants to make a loud sound", that is, the Pulao is cast into a bell button, and the wooden pestle used to ring the bell is made into the shape of a whale. When the bell is sounded, the whale is allowed to hit the Pulao again and again, making it "ring into the sky" and "sound alone".

Prisoner ox, "prisoner ox is a kind of dragon. He has good music all his life. Now the beast carved on the head of Hu Qin is his portrait." Yuan Jian Lei Han 438, scale department · dragon, four quotes from Chen Renxi's Qianque Lei Shu: "the dragon has nine sons, not a dragon, each has his own good.... prisoner ox has a good sound, and the shape is on Hu Qin." generally, Hu Qin is engraved with an animal shape, like a dragon, which is a prisoner ox.

Cuan kiss, also known as Cuan tail, is generally regarded as the second son of the dragon. It likes to look around. It is often arranged on the roof of buildings, opening its mouth and swallowing its ridge, and has a sword to fix it. The Taiping imperial survey records as follows: "the important eyes of the Tang Dynasty, after the disaster of the Liang Hall of the Han Dynasty, the more witch said," there are fish in the sea, the tail is like a Cuan, and the torrential waves are rainfall ", so it was made like the tail to hate the auspicious fire." The "witch" mentioned in the article is the flow of alchemists, and the "fish Qiu" is the predecessor of the kiss. The kiss is water-based, and it is used as a thing to suppress evil to avoid fire.

The lion dragon is shaped like a lion. It likes smoking and is easy to sit. The Buddha saw that it was patient, so he took it in his crotch and became a horse. The Buddha Manjusri once had a horse, the lion dragon.

Jain canthus, with a dragon body and a jackal head, has a strong character, is brave and good at fighting, and is fond of killing and fighting. He always holds a sword in his mouth, glares at it, engraves it on the knife ring and the handle, swallows his mouth, so as to increase his powerful power. As the saying goes: a meal of virtue will be rewarded, and Jain canthus's resentment will be rewarded. Jain canthus has become the embodiment of conquering all evil and evil.

Gluttonous and shaped like the Velociraptor of the Western dragon family.

But the eyes grow under the armpit, tiger teeth, human claws, a big head and a big mouth. They are very greedy and eat whatever they see. It is said that one bite can swallow a life planet.

He who mocks the wind is one of the nine sons of the dragon. He is the head of the scale insect and has a slender body shape, which is similar to the dragon.

Mocking wind not only symbolizes auspiciousness, beauty and majesty, but also has the meaning of deterring demons and eliminating disasters. Its shape is often used as decoration on the corner of the palace. The placement of mocking wind makes the shape of the whole palace both neat and varied, achieving solemn and vivid harmony, and the unity of greatness and delicacy. It adds a layer of mystery to the towering palace.

So many of the nine sons of the real dragon are auspicious beasts.

But now the nine sons of the real dragon have become evil beasts.

The nine sons of the real dragon shrouded in the darkness, emitting a cold and terrible smell.

He began to hunt the monks trapped in the nine beast mountain.

"My grandfather is the head of Xuantian demon family. If you dare to kill me, you will be dead..." a monk of 10000 families shouted in horror to deter a dragon who attacked him.

But it didn't work.

The dragon was not affected at all. He jumped on it and ate the friar in one bite.

Such a scene happened in many places.

No matter what the status in the outside world is, it is only the food of the nine sons of the real dragon.

"I don't want to die...". Many monks cried in horror and fled around to escape from jiubeast mountain, but they were unable to return to heaven.

Finally, it became the food of the nine sons of the real dragon.

"We haven't eaten for a long time. We'll have a good time today...".

A terrible creature said coldly.

This is the Taotie talking.

Taotie's big mouth opens.

A sudden suction.

Hundreds of monks.

Immediately swallowed by gluttony.


"What a powerful blood..."..

Suddenly the Taotie roared, and its eyes looked in one direction.

"No, I was found...". Lin Feng's face suddenly changed. Taotie looked in the right direction.

Lin Feng quickly swept away into the distance.

What he has to do now is to stay away from the nine sons of the real dragon as far as possible.

Because Lin Feng knows.

Events in the death Jedi usually return to calm when the sun rises the next day. Now he has to hold on until the sun rises before he can live.

But now Lin Feng is stared at by the terrible gluttony.

This made Lin Feng smell danger.

He fled quickly towards the distance.

But the gluttonous one is in hot pursuit.

The speed of Taotie is too fast, getting closer and closer to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's face became very ugly. He knew he was in great trouble.

A little careless.

It may be swallowed by gluttonous food.

There will really be no place to die.