Chapter 2253

In the shade of the trees, people spread the curtain left over when they made hammocks and cushions on the ground to replace the picnic cloth and sit on the ground.

Under Fang Li's hospitality, one Sete Fan Bo and Shenqi long two sat down opposite to Qinglong in Ling path.

Yeosuke Hirata and kikudo kikudo were accompanied by them, watching the situation with the rest of the students.

Under such circumstances, Fang Li entertained two central figures in class B. he even boiled the herbs he had prepared to stabilize the mind, help sleep, nourish nutrition and keep in good health by boiling them into medicinal tea, and invited Yizhi saifanbo and Shenqi longer.

After drinking herbal tea, both of them showed surprise.

"Have a good drink. Is this really made by the students of seven nights?"

"I feel warm, my stomach is comfortable, and I'm awake. It's very effective."

One of the saifanbo and kanazaki ryuno are full of praise.

"Drink more if you like."

Fang Li was not stingy and helped them make a cup of herbal tea.

"Seven night students are really good, even know how to mix herbs." One of the Sete sail wave then while feeling, at the same time have no scruples to ask: "then how do you use points?"

This problem, let all the people in class d have a reaction.

No way.

First, this question of Setai sailbo has touched on the part that should not be asked.

After all, how to use points is the secret of each class's examination policy and strategy.

If it is known by other classes, the plagiarism will be small, the usage of points will be calculated, and the next activities of class D will be seen through.

As a matter of fact, the shrewdness of saifan wave should not touch such a sensitive issue.

But this time, one of the Sete sail wave is not the slightest scruples of the direct inquiry, let the side of kenzaki ryuno again showed a surprised expression.

Fang Li, instead of being surprised, answered directly.

"We bought toilets and all kinds of tools that we would use in the wild, such as hemp rope, curtain, paper and pen, pot for boiling herbs, and so on. All the scattered props were added up, and a total of 55 points were used. Hammocks and various daily necessities were self-made with these tools, but they were still withheld due to the reason that one of the students applied to quit It's 30 o'clock. It's 85 o'clock. "

Fang Li directly revealed the use of class points.

"Seven Seven night students? "

"Seven nights!"

In order to pingtian Yangjie and Jietian Platycodon, the students in the class were shocked.

Fang Li did not pay attention to anyone, but raised his hand and stopped all the people from speaking.

"And you?" Fang Li looked at yizhise sailbo and asked with a smile, "how do you use points?"

Fang Li, like Ichi Setai, asked questions about this extremely sensitive issue.

In this regard, one Sete sail wave is a smile, toward the side of God sakazaki long two voice.

"Shenqi, could you please explain the usage of the points in our class with the seven night students?"

One of the Sete sail wave's request, let shenzaki long two silence for a moment, then nodded his head.

As a result, Takaji Kawasaki opened his manual.

It is marked with the contents of various items bought by class B.

He read it out.

"We have bought hammocks, cooking utensils, small tents, lanterns, toilets, fishing rods, outdoor showers and other items, plus some food, and now we have used a total of 70 points."

This utilization rate is almost the same as that calculated before the Qing Dynasty.

As Ling Xiaolu Qinglong expected, the use of the existing points among the classes is similar, and there is no big gap.

Class D is because Fangli teaches the self-control of various props, so it can save more than ten or twenty points, but the gap is not much.

If we don't count the exit of gaoyuansi Liuzhu, there is no big difference between class B and class D in the point utilization rate of camp operation.

Just like class D, class B finds vegetables or fruits in various places in the forest, but it doesn't occupy the commanding height. It can be seen that several unnatural places can be seen. Class D, who goes directly to explore, is as efficient as class D. therefore, there are still some deficiencies. Therefore, the useful points supplement the food and go to the seaside to fish.

In terms of water source, because there are artificially reclaimed wells near the stronghold of class B, there are no difficulties in this respect. The same as class D, which has a mountain spring eye, has a fixed water source, which is used to shower and spray water near the camp to eliminate summer heat.

At the same time, class B took other measures.

For example, in order to sleep more comfortable, the floor of the tent is padded with plastic bags that can be freely provided when it is allocated to the temporary toilet. In order not to be affected by insects, the campfire is also used to smoke around the camp. Even though it smells a little uncomfortable, it is more or less eliminated."Did class D use the insect repellent made by seven night students? If only we had that one. "

One is that saifan Bo seems to be quite envious of this point.

Presumably, as a girl, she should be very distressed on this issue.

Fang Li is not hypocritical.

"If necessary, I can provide some for you later. There should be no problem using it until the end of the exam."

Fang Li made such a gift with great generosity.

"Really? Great

One Sete sail Bolton is happy.

But the rest of class D couldn't stand it.

"Is that good?"

Hori North bell sound cold not Ling Ding sound.

"No matter how, we are in competition with class B. there is no reason to help others save points?"

That's right.

Fang Li's gift is not small.

If there is no insect repellent for class B, then class B, who can't stand insect infestation in the end, will have to pay for it.

If you don't buy it, it is likely that some students will not be able to cope with it. Under pressure and emotion, they may eventually quit.

In this way, Fang Li's gift is not to help class B save points?

And to help other classes save points, that is equivalent to reducing the gap in class points that can be narrowed.

There's no reason for that.

It's just

"It has to be based on the premise that we are competitive."

Fang Li didn't look at hori's north ring tone, but he was still watching yizhisaifan wave with a faint smile.

"You are not here to explore the competitive relationship, but on the contrary, you want to eliminate this competitive relationship?"

All the people in the room are stunned.

Eliminate competition?

What does that mean?

Only Ling Xiaodao Qinglong and hori beilingyin understood.

Is it

"I'm really a student of seven nights. I can't hide it from you."

One of the Sete sail wave smile.

In a moment, so open your mouth.

"We want to establish a cooperative relationship with class D. I wonder if it's ok?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!