Chapter 2222

During the mid-term examination, class D, led by yesuke Hirata and kudzu kikudo, contributed a lot of personal points and improved the cohesion of the class in order to keep Chi kuanji, Yamauchi and suto Jian from dropping out of school.

After that, class D seemed to unite.

However, that unity is illusory.

Because, if there is no Fang Li's explanation, telling everyone that Chi kuanji, Yamauchi and suto Jian still have a role to stay, then class D, who has a bad impression on Chi kuanji, Yamauchi and suto Jian, will not make such a choice so readily.

In other words, there is actually an interest factor in this.

But now, the factors of interest are not consistent.

Some people are trying to save in order to earn as many points as possible.

Some people want to use these points for their own convenience.

In the situation of conflict of interest, this kind of unity will break itself.

"For seven days, let these people live together and work together to make ends meet and save a lot of points?"

In front of all the people in the class, Fang Li chuckled at pingtian Yangjie and Zhitian Platycodon.

"No matter what you think, I don't have much hope."

Fang Li's calm and incomparable laughter and emotionless narration sound, like a sharp needle, pierced the students one by one, which made the students who just fell into the quarrel gradually dumb and silent.


In this extremely quiet environment, hori Beiling, who watched all this silently, sighed a little. It seemed that there was no hope at all, but it was particularly harsh in the ears of all the people present.

"But But it is not impossible to solve these problems? "

It was like trying to ease the heavy atmosphere of the scene, or to avoid people like Su Teng Jian jumping out and getting angry at this time. The students would make a revolt based on such emotions as unwillingness. They would speak again before everyone else.

"Since the seven night students have pointed out these problems, let's discuss the solutions together. It doesn't matter if we spend some points on food and water. If we unite, we can work together from now on, right?"

Jietian Platycodon grandiflorum is so hard to persuade all people.

With a smile full of hope and expectation, the little angel with great popularity asks for opinions from all of you. It should immediately encourage everyone to respond with high morale?

However, this effort of ctenoptera grandiflorum is still broken by Fang Li mercilessly.

"Indeed, if we start to recognize the reality from now on, make a good plan for the next course of action, and spend the week through the effective use of points, it is not a problem. But the so-called unity is not something that you can put together if you say you want to work hard?"

Fang Li let his voice spread to the audience again.

"The so-called" individual "always pays more attention to self than" group ". As many people as there are in the world, there are many ideas and opinions. People can never reach a consensus unless someone comes forward to lead."

Fang Li didn't look at any of the people present, just looked at the forest and said as if he were talking to himself.

"How the country needs to be a leader is to tell everyone."

"The society needs to be advanced because someone has to lead the way and let everyone follow him."

"In this world, there are not no people who can be truly" independent ", but not everyone can

"If no one gives orders, you don't know how to do it. More than 99% of the people in the world are like this."

"Therefore, if there is a leader with sufficient ability in this class to integrate the disputes between men and women, grasp the conflicts of interests of all people, and find the most suitable solution, then it is possible to make this class go to an ideal state."

Therefore, it is impossible to let all people help each other by saying "we should unite well".

The practice of ctenopterum grandiflorum is only temporarily recognized by all people. How many people can really adhere to the so-called "unity" in the face of difficulties?

At least, Fangli doesn't think that people here will not have any conflicts with each other just because of a sentence from Kikyo.

Unless someone can actually influence everyone's thoughts and integrate all opinions.

Therefore, leaders are necessary.

"Let the foreign media do it! Surely it's OK with the foreign media? "

Yoshizawa is the first one to raise his hand and says so excitedly.

"Yes, yes!"

"There's pingtian here.""We all believe in pingtian."

"If it is pingtian, no matter what he says, we will do it!"

The girls immediately echoed.

Even the boys didn't say anything, but they didn't have any opinions about how Yoko Hirata became a leader.

This is the proof that Yoko Hirata is deeply trusted by his classmates.

"If you need me, I will work hard for you."

Hirata Yoko is also responsible for this responsibility.

This is the way of this gentle, abusive person.

It's a pity

"I'm sorry, Hirata."

Fang Li said lightly.

"You can't do it. Give up."

In a word, let not easy to burn up the enthusiasm of the whole class, all of a sudden was thrown out.

"Seven Seven night students! "

As if she realized what would happen next, she made a sound in a hurry and tried to stop it.

But it's too late.

"Ha? What are you talking about

Sure enough, light well Ze Hui burst into a loud voice.

"How can foreign media fail? Foreign media is the most perfect person in this class! Gentle and capable! It's not like a lonely man like you! Why do you say foreign media can't do it? "

Yasuki Yasui is very angry toward the side of anger.

The other girls also glared at Fang Li.

Even the boys are looking at the square, a can not help but want to rush up the appearance.

It's just that girls are the best good men in their minds. Fang Li said that, while boys were not happy with the way they poured cold water over and over again.

On the contrary, Hirata Yoko himself did not care at all about Fang Li's total negation of himself, as if he was more worried about his inability to do so.

"Can you tell me what's wrong with me?"

Hirata Yoko then confirmed to Fang Li.

But Fang Li did not answer, only asked.

"Then I ask you, Hirata, what would you do if someone was in trouble?"

Fang Li asked such a baffling question. , the fastest update of the webnovel!