Chapter 2073

High in Russia, on the right side of the star of Bethlehem.

After many twists and turns, Fangli finally stepped into here.

As soon as he stepped into this place, Fang Li felt the abnormality here.

First of all, the gravity of the atmosphere is different from that of other places.

It seems that there is a viscous sense of strength fluctuating, and the gravity itself has been increased. It is like stepping into an invisible swamp, and even the body becomes heavy.

Again, there is a great magic that the rest of the fortress does not have.

The huge magic that seemed to overflow from a full cup made it difficult for people to breathe.

Fang Li walked into such a place and saw the whole picture.

Here is a vast and huge space like the sacred hall.


Yes, it looks like a temple.

And in the deepest part of this temple, there is a high platform.

On the high platform, dozens of straight-line pillars are like a "door", which is located on a shining magic array.

It was a door indeed.

A door used to call for strength and to lead the mystery of another world that does not belong to this world.

Another world is called heaven.

That power is called the power of angels.

Obviously, that door is the ceremonial door used to call Archangel Gabriel.

Through the medium of Sasha, a nun with special qualifications, she builds a door connecting the "earthly world" and "the heaven", and then calls "the power of God" from the heaven and comes into this world.

That door, is to play such a role.

And Sasha's role is the key to opening a door.

Of course

"Now that the door is open, there is no need for a key."

Say such a sentence is that still a group of relaxed culprit.

"Sure enough, you are the last person to come to me."

The fire on the right side stood on the high platform, with his back to the ritual door, and looked down at Fang Li.

Fang Li's eyes fluctuated slightly.

The keen sense is making Fang Li's whole body seem to be sending out a warning, constantly whining.

That's telling Fangli.

This man is in danger.

Very dangerous.

Obviously, it was just a short time, but the fire on the right side actually sent out a wave of power which was completely incomparable before.

The reason why the space of this temple flows with such a thick sense of power is because the fire on the right exists here.

Now the fire on the right, no matter where it is, will instantly make it like this.

The reason is simple.

This means that the fire on the right has the power to really shake the world.

Therefore, no matter where we go, the fire on the right will make the world itself unable to bear its power and present such an atmosphere.

Fang Li had already anticipated this situation and turned to a staff held by the fire on the right.

It's a wand inlaid on the top of indix's teleporter as a crystal ball.

"So it is. Is the power of God controlled by remote control of the characteristics of spiritual clothing and the knowledge of forbidden books?"

As its name suggests, the remote control suit can control the target object no matter how far away it is.

The fire on the right takes advantage of this and makes the remote control spirit suit into a control device. It is not only used to control the opening of the "automatic Secretary", but also to control the summoned archangels to fight for themselves.

"And what about Sasha?"

Fang Li murmured as if to himself, in exchange for the answer that the fire on the right side didn't care.

"Now that the task has been completed, it is naturally lost."

With that, the fire on the right side added with a smile.

"With another thing that doesn't work."

Another thing that doesn't work as well.

There is no need to explain what it is.

Just look at what the fire on the right holds in the other hand without a stick.


Red blood drops from above.

A bloody arm is being held by the fire on the right.

More precisely, it's a right hand.

"It's really my right hand. Although the holder is a humble student, he can directly rush into the ceremony hall when I find him."

The fire on the right side is a satire or admiration of the words, although simple, but still let Fang Li understand the process.I'm afraid the fire on the right is to carry out the final stage of the Bethlehem project, preparing to recycle the fantasy killer that he has been looking for.

However, at the same time of the fire on the right, shangtiao dangma rushed into the ritual field instead and saved Shaxia, who was used as the medium to summon angels.

"If I hadn't been able to teleport several kilometers away in one step, I would have come back in time. I'm afraid the ceremony gate would have been destroyed."

The fire on the right readily admits this.

"So, I took advantage of that right hand to touch the ceremony door and cut it off."

However, the last hemp is not a person who will yield if he loses an arm.

I'm afraid, in the right hand was cut off at the same time, when hemp tried to squeeze out the last bit of strength, with Sasha to escape together?

It is estimated that Yuan Chun of tuyumen used a certain method to detect the magic flow of the "star of Bethlehem" when he was searching for the core of the "star of Bethlehem". When he found out this, he would tell Fang Li that the last piece of dangma and Shaxia would be handed to him.

And the fire on the right has no interest in the two people who have lost their function, so they let them go.

"The world is going to be purified anyway, no matter where you run away."

The fire on the right threw his bloody right hand in the air.

On his right shoulder, the translucent third hand immediately ran to the fantasy killer like a python, swallowing, decomposing and containing it.

In this moment, the third hand of the fire on the right devours the power of the fantasy killer with the same special ability.

"Hum --!"

The translucent third hand suddenly and violently vibrated.


In the mouth of the fire on the right, a painful groan was squeezed out.

The power of the devoured fantasy killer is working on the fire on the right, constantly erasing the forces in his body that are not supposed to exist in the world.

However, the power of the fire on the right did not disappear.

The power that sleeps in the fire on the right side, in order not to be eliminated by the effect of the fantasy killer, constantly releases greater power to fight against it.

The conflict between the two forces made the fire on the right feel as if the body had been torn, shaking.

But the fire on the right side did not show a startled countenance, but a joyful laugh.

"In this way, all the preparation is done."

Just like to prove the truth of this sentence

"Zheng --!"

The glory that does not belong to this world suddenly appears. , the fastest update of the webnovel!