Chapter 147


Looking at the figure in the corner of the research room, Fang Li couldn't help but stare at the past.

The next second, the whole picture of the figure in the corner will be exposed in the vision of Fang Li.

Seeing the whole picture of the man, Fang Li was surprised.


The figure is the skylark.

However, at this time, the skylark was being handcuffed and fell on the ground with cloth in its mouth. When he saw Fangli, he could not stop whining.

Fang Li then responded and quickly came forward and took out the cloth from the lark's mouth.

"Mr. Fangli." The skylark seemed to cry with joy.

"Skylark." Fang Li was quick to ask, "Why are you here?"

"After you left the Russian branch, Captain Lorraine Wright had me brought to him and put me in jail." The skylark bit his lip and said, "I didn't expect that the captain was such a man."

Hearing the speech, Fang Li looked at the skylark who was firmly tortured. He could not help but sigh in his heart.

Think about it.

Although the skylark is only a messenger, it is also a member of the extreme East branch.

Even the ordinary soldier in Fangli was set up, and the skylark could not be spared.

However, Rowling Wright did not directly solve the skylark, but kept her.

"I'm afraid that Rowling Wright wanted to keep the skylarks as hostages to deal with the first army at a critical time?"

After all, the death of the first army has not been confirmed, and it is very likely that the rain palace gentian and his party will escape a robbery and return to Lorraine Wright.

With this in mind, Rowling Wright imprisoned the skylark in case it could be used instead of killing it directly.

"This Lorraine Wright did have some means, and his planning from the beginning to the end was almost seamless. Unfortunately, I underestimated my ability at this most critical moment."

If it is not Fangli who finally finds this research room, but the God eater of the first army, then rollingwright will take the skylark as a hostage and push it out to contain the gentian in the rain palace?

By then, the whole situation will be totally different.

"I can only say that all this is fate."

Thinking so, Fang Li fiercely waved the moon blade in his hand.

"Qiang --!"

In the sound of gold and iron, the sharp moon blade cut off the handcuffs that bound skylarks.

Then Fang Li helped the skylark up.

"Skylark, since you have been here all the time, you should know the situation now." Fangli said directly to the skylark, "next, I will take Eros to escape from the Russian branch. What are you going to do?"

Hearing Fang Li's words, the skylark tensed his face. He seemed to have thought about it for a long time. He replied without hesitation: "Mr. Fang Li, I'll help you."

"You help me?" Fang Li asked, "how are you going to help me?"

"I've been imprisoned here for several days, and I've been observing this place all the time, and I've learned a lot about the function of the devices." The skylark pointed to a huge tank steeped in Eros and said, "that tank seems to be able to be ejected directly out of the lab, and if there is no problem, it should also be possible to set the ejection site outside the Russian branch."

"And such a device?" He was surprised, then suddenly.

In order to study Eros in secret, Rowling Wright colluded with the head of the Russian branch. Nominally, it was for the head of the Russian branch that he had been studying Eros all the time and tried to find out the control method of Eros.

However, of course, Rowling Wright didn't really want to hand Eros over to the head of the Russian branch. After the research, he would have to find a way to kick the head of the Russian branch and enjoy the research results alone.

In that case, it's no surprise that Rowling Wright will install the ejection device here.

When the research is completely completed, rollinglet can use this ejection device to launch Eros directly out of the Russian branch, and he is going out in a name to find Eros.

By that time, Rowling Wright would be able to start his own ambition, use the ability of Eros, and take the army of the wasteland God to travel all over the world with all kinds of voices of opposition to achieve their own goals.

Now, the device has helped Fang Li a lot.

"Can you do it alone?" Fang Li said to the skylark, "now that the outside is completely in chaos, the wasteland army is approaching the Russian branch again. A friend of mine doesn't know what to do now. I may not be able to stay here to protect you."

"It doesn't matter." The skylark quickly said: "there is a boarding partial feeding factor device, I can use that to avoid the attack of the God of famine, and the people of the Russian branch are now dealing with the God of famine. I am here alone, but it is safer."Skylark's words, let Fang Li some hesitation.

To this, the skylark just said with a smile: "please don't worry about me. I'm also a soldier. Although I'm just a correspondent, there's no problem if I just run for my life."

Watching the skylark smile, Fang Li couldn't help but let down his heart a little.

At the moment, Fang Li nodded his head and said, "please come here, Skylark."

"Yes." The skylark whispered, and then it seemed to think of something. He took out a headphone type communicator from his arms and said to Fangli, "Mr. Fangli, please take this. Because of captain rollingwright's personal selfishness, he has also installed communication devices and camera devices to monitor the entire Russian branch at any time. Although I don't know whether it has been damaged by the God of famine, But just in case, please take it with you. If there is any important information, I will inform you immediately. "

"I see." Fang Li naturally had no reason to refuse. He took the communicator and put it in his ear. Then he said to the skylark, "be careful yourself."

With that, Fang Li was no longer muddleheaded. As soon as he stepped on the ground, he rushed out of the research room.

The skylark took a deep breath and turned to look in the direction of Eros.

After a while, the voice of the skylark reverberated in the research room.

"I'm also a member of the Jidong branch."

Therefore, at this time when everyone is struggling, I must also work hard.

In the manner of being a correspondent.

With this in mind, the skylark looked around and trotted in a direction.


There was a thunder flash in the sky outside, and finally it began to rain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!