Chapter 582 You Have To Tell Me (3)

Name:If You Want Me Author:Qing Cha
Holding the coffee cup in her hand, Cassie watched the woman sitting opposite her get lost in her own thoughts. Although she couldn't share Consuela's feelings, she could feel the sadness in the woman's eyes.

It was born naturally and could make others fall into silence and sorrow when they saw it.

"Consuela, since you know who took the baby, why don't you ask about that?" Cassie couldn't help asking when she saw the woman's eyes wandered.

Hearing that, Consuela raised her head stiffly. Her eyes were red, still immersed in sorrow. She opened her mouth, but finally shook her head and said, "I don't know what to say, Cassie. I can't ask them about that, nor do I know how to ask them."

"Tell me, who took the baby away?" Cassie frowned and had an inexplicable curiosity about the people who took the child in her mouth. She wanted to know immediately who they were, and why she didn't keep her mouth shut until now.

She was stunned, not knowing what to do. She was biting her lower lip as if she was making a tough decision.

Seeing the frustrated look on her face, Cassie couldn't help but praise, "Why are you acting like a country rat? It makes my heart ache to see you like this."

"I want to tell you something, but I don't know how to say it." Consuela put down the spoon on the table with a weary look that she had never felt before.

But it seemed that she was ten years older than herself in just a few months.

She felt like thousands of thorns were pricking her heart, making her almost unable to breathe. Perhaps it was because she hadn't been used to hardships when she was young, and she was so lucky to have such a happy life that she had to go through so many hard things at this time. She was simply unable to deal with these things.

"Consuela, keep these things in your heart, and you'l

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

as about to drop and said, "Do you know that? They took my baby away."

Cassie's whole body seemed to be struck by lightning and she shivered, "How do you know it was them? What if you make it wrong?"

A bitter smile crept across Consuela's face. She would rather she had made a mistake. But illusion was believing. She heard with her own ears that the woman who had been nice to her all the time had said some cruel words on the phone that she couldn't believe her ears.

"I saw it with my own eyes, and I heard it with my own ears." Shaking her head, Consuela said, "Do you know that? I feel like I'm a joke, a joke that has always been immersed in my own world."

"When did you see that?" Cassie was totally in shock. She didn't expect that the two kindest persons in her heart could do such a thing. It was unbelievable.

"It's just... These days." Biting her lower lip, Consuela responded, "I think it's time for me to ask them about the matter when I'm free. Otherwise, I'll keep thinking of the heavy load on my mind."

"How do you want to ask? You prepare to ask them directly?" Cassie got stunned. If she asked this question directly, would it mean that the relationship between them would break up?