However, when Jing Wei's father put a check for 1 million in front of him and told him not to pester Jing Wei, Chen Shaowei completely gave up. He laughed wildly, laughing like a madman, but bleeding in his heart.

In the eyes of the Jing family, their love is so cheap. Without touching the check on the table, Chen Shaowei left the Jing family alone. Before leaving, he and Jingshan said that even if he was poor, he still had the ability to end his feelings.

In this way, at the moment when Chen Shaowei left the gate of the Jing family, everything changed. On that day, Chen Shaowei lost his love and confidence.

He never knew that his love was so fragile and humble in front of money. Since that day, Chen Shaowei's ideas have changed dramatically.

He is no longer satisfied with being an ordinary doctor in the hospital step by step and conscientiously. After working in the hospital for several years and having some savings, he resigned.

Chen Shaowei opened his own clinic and became the president himself. Now his income is very expensive, and he has been regarded as an invisible tycoon. For feelings, he is to take a bohemian way, almost refuse.

In other people's eyes, he is a successful young talent, a natural and unrestrained romantic prodigal son, how complacent, happy and comfortable. Chen Shaowei sometimes thinks that everything should be perfect. He has got everything he wants, hasn't he.

However, when he was in the dead of night, looking out of the window in a daze, his lonely and desolate heart told him that he was not happy, and what he had lost could never be found again.

Just when Chen Shaowei fell into meditation, he was awakened by a violent shaking. When he reacted, Su Wei, who was just concentrating on painting, didn't know when to pull his sleeve in front of him, and cried out anxiously, "uncle, uncle, what are you staring at?"

"What?" This time, Chen Shaowei was really confused. He looked at Su Wei, who was shouting to himself and busily picking up the bottles on the ground, "Hey, miss, what's the trouble with you?"

Su Wei didn't lift his head in a hurry. He stuffed his bottles into his clothes. "What are you still doing? If you don't help me, the police will come soon."

police? Chen Shaowei noticed the sound of the siren coming from far and near, and then a sound of footsteps came from his side. In his heart, a burst of lament, how to live this age, will encounter this kind of thing.

Hearing the sound of footsteps getting closer, Chen Shaowei pulled up Su Wei, who was in a hurry and said, "what else do you want to clean up? Don't run quickly."

"But..." Su Wei looked at her drawing tools with some pity, but she didn't give up. She spent a month's pocket money and managed to hide it from her family.

Chen Shaowei saw a group of figures getting closer and closer to him. He thought, it's too late. In the middle of the night, the police saw that they were alone with a little girl.

He doesn't care, but Su Wei's reputation will be damaged. Thinking of this, he immediately pushed Su Wei out and said, "you go first, I'll help you block it."

"I, but..." Su Wei looked at Chen Shaowei incredulously. He didn't expect that at this time, the man who looked like a slouch would step forward and let himself go first.

Chen Shaowei can't help but push Su Wei outside and says anxiously, "it's too late. Don't be late. If you don't want to stay in the police station for one night today, just hurry up and leave. If you don't leave, it's too late. "

Su Wei is young, where passes this, at the thought that she wants to stay in the cold and dark police station for a night, she is scared enough. I had no choice but to run to the outside of the alley, looking back at Chen Shaowei, who was still in the same place, with gratitude and guilt on his face.

When he saw Su Wei's little figure finally disappeared at the exit of the alley, he finally put down his heart. At this time, several policemen also ran to Chen Shaowei. Panting, they went to the wall. First, they pointed to the pictures on the wall and asked him, "did you draw all these? Do you know it belongs to public property destruction?"

Chen Shaowei helplessly looks at the unfinished bottles on the ground and thinks that the evidence of crime is here. Even if he wants to deny it, no one will believe it.

He had no choice but to recognize it. Because I had drunk some wine and was idle, I came here to draw a picture to pass the time. He was willing to fine and said he would never do it again.

The police flashed a flashlight on his face and looked at him carefully. Looking at the injured Chen Shaowei, he doubted his identity. We have to take him to the police station for questioning and verify his identity before we are willing to let him go.

No way, Chen Shaowei had no choice but to follow the police to the police station. Later, he found out that the wall was the place where some young graffiti lovers often met. Because the surrounding residents reported that it was graffiti, which affected the environment, that alerted the police.

The police of the police station have been crouching for several days, trying to catch these young people and teach them a good lesson. Unexpectedly, in the end, he was caught. The more Chen Shaowei thought about it, the more he felt that he was unlucky. He was so good that he took the blame for others, but he couldn't say it clearly.

Originally, this kind of thing, as long as we prove our identity, pay some fines and educate them. However, he came out in a hurry. He didn't bring his ID card, and he was embarrassed to ask an acquaintance to prove himself.

If we let others know that Chen Shaowei was caught in the police station in the middle of the night for graffiti on the wall, and he was not laughed off by others, how can he raise his head in the future. It's a small matter to be arrested, but a big one to lose face.

Looking at the passing of time, the policeman who asked himself looked at him with strange eyes. He probably suspected that he was a fugitive.

When Chen Shaowei was in a dilemma and could do nothing, he felt that he would definitely spend the day in the detention center. A clear voice came, "Mr. policeman, I know this man. Can I bail him?"

Chen Shaowei looks back in surprise, and sees Su Wei standing at the door of the police station, biting his lips and looking at him firmly. At the moment, seeing Su Wei who has gone back and said he would bail himself, Chen Shaowei's mood can only be described as shock.