"Boss, I want more. Can you make it cheaper?" Because he wants to reduce the cost, Liu ziyue has to bargain with his boss.

Naturally, the boss is not willing to. He also says that his gloves are of good quality. He also says that he is complaining and doesn't make any money. Liu ziyue is good words, almost broke the lip, good or bad words, just the price from 5 yuan a pair down to 3 yuan a pair.

Finally, Liu ziyue changed the 800 yuan he was given by his supervisor into more than 200 pairs of gloves. He was carrying gloves with two large plastic bags, and he was listening everywhere to find out where to put up a stall to sell things.

After many inquiries, he finally found a stall with a large flow of people under the bridge. As soon as he got to the place, he busily put his gloves on the ground for the passers-by to choose.

Because there are too many people setting up stalls and many kinds of things in this place. Liu ziyue sat on the side for a long time, but few people came to inquire, let alone someone bought it.

Looking at it getting late, he was anxious and tired. I thought to myself, if I delay like this, when will I be able to sell all my gloves.

Later, he was also forced to do nothing. Liu ziyue, who had no respect for his face, began to peddle like the vendors around him. At the beginning, he was embarrassed, blushed, and his voice was small.

More to the back, Liu ziyue's courage also let go, the voice also let go, hard cry up. What pass by, don't miss, don't lose big brand and so on, all said.

However, this method is really useful. In a short time, a lot of people gathered in front of his stall to pick and bargain, which made him so busy that he wanted to have three heads and six arms.

Unfortunately, it's not long. Just when Liu ziyue felt that he was not far away from his goal, Chengguan suddenly came. Looking at the vendors running for their lives, Liu ziyue, who had never experienced this, was in a panic. He was stunned on the spot and didn't know what to do.

Or, around the kind-hearted people reminded him, young man, you do not hurry to run ah. If you can't find a lot by the city management, you've done a lot in vain this day, and you'll have to pay a fine, but you'll lose all your money.

Liu ziyue this just slow down God, in a hurry to pack up things, rolling to the outside. Fortunately, he was young, and he didn't take less exercise at ordinary times. Finally, he escaped the pursuit of Chengguan.

When Liu ziyue finally had time to stop and have a rest. He found a chair, sitting on it, panting and counting the fruits of his labor, only to find that he had only sold 100 pairs of gloves. What's worse, just on his way to escape, he lost dozens of pairs of gloves in a hurry.

What can we do? It's absolutely impossible to go back and continue to sell. And how to make up for the loss of dozens of pairs. Liu ziyue looked at the increasingly dark weather, helpless, mood also fell to the bottom.

It's not that Liu ziyue never thought of giving up, but he would not be reconciled to let him go back like this. In any case, even if it is also the capital of the director, in order to give himself an account, he will continue to sell out the remaining gloves.

Because there was no fixed point to sell, he had to accompany Xiao and sell his gloves to passers-by along the way. However, the people who are in a hurry don't care about his things at all. Some refused directly, some didn't even look at him at all, so they avoided him and walked away.

All the way down, Liu ziyue was very angry, but he didn't sell a pair of gloves. He looked at the already dark sky and thought that at this time, the people in the company should have gone home from work.

After a busy day, Liu ziyue didn't even have time to drink. Now is tired and hungry, the mood is even more desolate, depressed to the extreme. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was too overconfident. Maybe he didn't have any talent to do sales at all. No wonder supervisors and colleagues look down on themselves like that.

Just when he was dejected and confused, Liu ziyue looked around and found that he didn't know when he came to a factory.

By this time, most of the factories are off work. Only one factory is still on. It's supposed to be working overtime. Liu ziyue, holding the last glimmer of hope, walked into the factory and found that it was an aquatic product factory.

The lights in the workshop are still on, and the workers are lowering their heads, rushing to work all the time, dealing with the seafood soaked in cold water. Liu ziyue just looked at the door for a long time. When he saw the red hands of the workers soaking in cold water, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Most of these workers' hands must have been frostbitten after being soaked in cold water for a long time. If you can sell your warm gloves to them at this time, it will be accepted.

Thinking of this, Liu ziyue quickly went in and wanted to sell his gloves. However, before he went in, he was stopped by the security guard at the door, "Hey, who let you in? Go out quickly."

Liu ziyue took a long time to explain his intention. Afraid the security guard didn't believe it, he showed him his work permit. However, no matter how much he boasted about how warm his gloves were, they just wouldn't let him in.

There was no way, so he had to step back and work anxiously at the door. Just as he was stamping his feet in a hurry, he glanced and saw a truck stop at the door of the workshop. Several workers came out and carried the goods to the car.

He thought of what Xiao Zhang had said before: to be a salesman is to be cheeky and be free to go out. Liu ziyue, regardless of the situation, rolled off his sleeve and helped the workers to move the goods. Later, probably because he worked hard, the security guard felt embarrassed.

He waved to him and told him to go in and sell the gloves. But if no one buys it, you have to leave immediately. Liu ziyue thanks a lot and comes in quickly to sell to the busy workers.

However, everyone was rushing to work, and there were few people to talk to him. Having just had the experience, Liu ziyue was not discouraged. He helped the workers nearby. He either helped them load the goods, or soaked his hands in the piercing cold water, cleaning up the seafood like the workers.

I don't know how long it took for the factory to catch up.