Jing Wei didn't put down her guitar until the last person in front of her left.

"It's more than I expected to earn." Jing Wei is as happy as a child and says to Zoucheng, "look! I said I could make money for you

"You sing really well," said Zou Cheng, praising Jing Wei. "Do you like singing so much?"

"To be exact, I like music. Don't you think music has a kind of magic? You don't understand, as long as you give me a guitar, I can live anywhere. Music has grown in my blood, breaking bones are connected with tendons. "Jing Wei talks endlessly to Zoucheng, as if she can't finish speaking as long as she mentions music.

"Well, well, I already know how much you like it." Zou Cheng smiles and stops Jing Wei. He is afraid that if he doesn't stop again, she will really say one day. " I've earned my money. Let's go. I didn't eat in the evening. Please invite me to dinner. "

"All right, get out! "Put the things back to the bar first," Jing Wei said. She put the guitar in the guitar box, carried it on her back and left with the microphone bracket.

Zoucheng really can't catch up with Jing Wei's pace. Quickly carry the speaker on the body, trot two steps to catch up.

"Don't you come home so late? Where do you live? " Zou Cheng asked as he walked.

"I'm homeless. If I can go home, do I need to run to you?" Jing Wei turns a big white eye in her heart. He doesn't know that he wants to live here. He has a job here. At least Chen Shaowei and his father don't look down on him.

"How about I work for you?" Jing Wei said to Zoucheng, "I'll take you to sing in the street in the future, and we'll share the money. You just need to control where I live." Jing Wei thinks this idea is really good.

"No way!" Zou Cheng didn't even think about it, so he said, "I'm a bar operator. I'm so old. I'm going to make money every day with a little girl like you. Am I ashamed?"

"You know shame, you are so old, don't you still have the same meal as me?" What Jing Wei said is to the point.

Zoucheng was speechless and didn't care about her, so he didn't pay any attention to her.

"Well, there seems to be someone in your bar!" Walking to the door, just about to push the door in, Jing Wei heard the voice carefully said to Zou Cheng, "can't there really be a thief?"

"No! Go in. "Zou Cheng carried the sound box, ignored Jingwei's obstruction, opened the door and went in.

It's not the same place as the cool bar in the daytime. Jing Wei stood at the door, seriously doubting whether two people had gone to the wrong place.

"Well, are we in the wrong place?" Jing Wei hurried forward to grab Zoucheng, can't believe everything in front of her.

"No! You just follow me, "Zoucheng yelled at Jing Wei in the bustling crowd.

"How are you“ Zoucheng followed him all the way. From time to time, someone yelled at him. Zoucheng nodded slightly.

Jing Wei followed Zoucheng all the way to the innermost room of the bar. Zoucheng put down the speaker, closed the door and shut off the noise outside. Then he went to see Jing Wei behind him.

"Why so many people? In your bar, aren't you going bankrupt“ Jing Wei felt as if she had been fooled.

"Someone borrowed my venue. Some young people like to be so busy. I only sell wine here. All the musical instruments used in the performance are brought by them, but they don't belong to me. My property is in our hands. Oh, by the way, thank you for repairing my broken speaker. I thought it was scrapped. It has been broken for two years." Zou Cheng stopped watching Jing Wei's reaction, Straight into the bathroom inside.

"No, you make it clear. It means that you can earn money, you are not poor, and your bar can operate well. If I asked you to borrow 100 yuan in the morning, you would not want to, right! There was no one when I came yesterday! Are you kidding me? "

Jing Wei followed Zoucheng all the way and almost went to the toilet. Zoucheng closed the door of the toilet and kept her out. The little girl was really irritated when she talked.

"I told you, I only sell wine here! The venue is borrowed, no charge! They are performing here, and they can help me get some drinkers by the way! I just have money to earn. When you came yesterday, no one came to borrow the venue from me, only you“ Zou Cheng explained carefully.

I really haven't been so busy here for a long time. These young people come here to hold an activity, or some people who like music often come here to perform a show, just because they like it. Zoucheng likes these people who become dazzling at night, and likes the stories of each of them, that's all!

Convenient finish out, Jing Wei is still at the door of the toilet, where they follow in their own behind.

"Where do I live“ Jing Wei is straight to the point. She was really wrong about this uncle before. She was worried about whether there would be no future in doing things with him. Now it seems that he just keeps his secret and can't let go of this fat meat! Jing Wei only wants to know how to earn money and let Chen Shao Wei take a look at herself.

"What, where do you live? Does it matter to me where you like to live“ He doesn't want to be entangled with such a piece of dog skin plaster.

Jing Wei suddenly lay on Zoucheng's bed and said, "then I'll live here“ Since he said so, he is not polite.

"Hey, little girl, your parents didn't teach you to be careful of bad people when you go out, and pay attention to safety? Do I look safe? You are a little girl, just lying on my bed casually. You just met me one day! "Zou Cheng stares at Jing Wei lying on her bed. There's nothing she can do with this little girl. She's really good at sticking to people.

"Don't you like sleeping outside? I don't care. I'm homeless. My father doesn't want me, and my boyfriend doesn't want me. I have to prove to them that I can support myself with my music! You can do it, all right“ Jing Wei sat up from the bed, tone also soft down, pitifully with innocent eyes looking at Zoucheng.

"No, you, you..." Zou Cheng really can't see girls acting coquettish, although he knows that she is pretending to be poor. It's too difficult. Can his small temple accommodate her great Buddha.

"Don't worry about it. I'll take it as if you've promised an old man. How come you're in your forties? I won't do anything to you here. I'll just be your right-hand man. Enjoy yourself."