"What's the use of such offspring? What my dragon people need is the descendants with integrity. My blood has withered to such a degree that maybe, with the passing of thousands of years, my race, which was handed down from ancient times, should also disappear! "

When he said that, the Dragon God's tone also showed sadness. Of course, he didn't want his race to disappear like this, but the Dragon Emperor's various performances forced him to make such a decision. The Dragon God didn't know what the world was like now, but the time of a thousand years should be enough to change the world. Perhaps, his dragon family should also come It's time to quit this stage of history.

It's a pity to hear that the Dragon God is not the Dragon God, even the Phoenix King. Anyway, it's a pity that the dragon race, which has been handed down to today for thousands of years, should be cut off in this way!

In fact, the most grieving person now is the Dragon Emperor. He is not afraid of death, nor is he grieving about the loss of cultivation. Instead, he is grieving about what the Dragon God said. In his life, what he can't bear most is that someone doubts his blood. He respects the Phoenix King so much, and he can't accept the Phoenix King's questioning his blood. But now, he hears the Dragon God say four words: "blood withers" At the time of writing, the Dragon Emperor could not be angry.

The blood of the Dragon Emperor is given by the Dragon God. Not only for the Dragon Emperor, but also for every leader of the dragon clan after the Dragon God, the Dragon God is the supreme existence they believe in. Therefore, even if the Dragon Emperor is ready to help the God, he never wants to disobey the meaning of the Dragon God. At most, he just conceals it. If the God has any action, it will be wrong If you hurt the Dragon God, he will never do it.

Because of this, hearing the Dragon God say "blood withered" four words, the Dragon Emperor is not angry, but sad, can also be said to be desperate! To the Dragon Emperor, it should be a more painful blow than death!

The Phoenix King looked at the Dragon Emperor's appearance and said to the Dragon God, "either, that's it! In any case, he managed your dragong style very well. Now that he has no accomplishments, he will spare his life! "

"Oh? Phoenix King, I haven't seen you for many years, but I can't see it. How did you become so tender? It's not like you The Dragon God's eyes are full of differences when he looks at the Phoenix King. The Phoenix King he knows is not like this. It seems that a lot of things happened during his death!

"It's not that I'm soft handed, but you should think about it for your descendants. Your dragon clan is different from my Phoenix clan. We have only one descendant in each generation, but you are involved in the organization. If you really kill the Dragon Emperor, who should be in charge of the dragong style? Although those people have no blood relationship with you, to some extent, they should also be regarded as your descendants! " King Feng felt that if the Dragon Emperor could pose a threat to them, it would be necessary to solve it. But now, the Dragon Emperor has no threat to them, so why do they have to kill the Dragon Emperor? In fact, from the deepest heart of the Dragon God, I don't want the Dragon Emperor to die!

"It's not unreasonable for you to say so."

The Dragon God also looked at the Dragon Emperor. In his eyes, apart from anger, he still hated the iron. In fact, he handed over his inheritance to the Dragon Emperor, not only because the Dragon Emperor was his descendant, but also because the Dragon Emperor did have great talent and ability, and even had the potential to reach his previous step. But it's a pity that if the Dragon Emperor How nice it would be to have his backbone and integrity!

"Dragon Emperor, do you know your mistake?" The Dragon God asked coldly. If the Dragon Emperor really knew that he was wrong, he could not spare the life of the Dragon Emperor. What the Phoenix King said was very reasonable.

The Dragon Emperor struggled to get up from the ground, then knelt down to the Dragon God, "ancestor, I know it's wrong!"

But the Dragon God shook his head, "no! You are just sad now, but you don't feel guilty, so I think you don't know where you are wrong at all. However, you haven't experienced the crisis of death, and you don't know what it is like. So, I blame you too. Let Phoenix King deal with it! "

"Ancestors! I don't know

The Dragon Emperor has no way to refute, because it is true that as the Dragon God said, he is more sad. As for apology, maybe, but it is also because of the concealment of the Dragon God. As for other things, there is nothing.

Phoenix King can understand the Dragon God's current mood, and is willing to help the Dragon God deal with this matter. He turned to the Dragon Emperor and said, "if you don't help shenzun and death in the future, and do something harmful to the world, I'm willing to spare your life. Remember, your behavior will not only harm yourself, but also completely destroy the dragonian style. I don't want to see the Dragon God bother The established organization is destroyed in your hands, so you should do it yourself. As for your cultivation, in order not to let you continue to make trouble, I will temporarily seal it. When the matter of death is solved, I will naturally return it to you! "

With that, a golden flame appeared in the palm of the Phoenix King and flew to the Dragon Emperor. The flame turned around the Dragon Emperor, and the cultivation of the Dragon Emperor fell from the peak of the late fairyland to the level of the early fairyland. For the Dragon Emperor, this day is absolutely a real sense of ups and downs."Dragon God, how do you like this?"

"Well, if he is still stubborn after talking about today's affairs, you don't need to think about me, you can help me clean up the door directly!" The Dragon God also hopes that the Dragon Emperor can change his ways from today, but if the dragon emperor does not cherish this opportunity, he will have to die.


Feng Wang said, then turned to the Dragon Emperor and said, "Dragon Emperor, do you hear what your ancestors said? After going back, you should manage your dragong style well and leave a descendant for the dragon people. I met you twice and let you go twice. But I tell you, there won't be a third chance. Do you understand? "

"Yes! Farewell, master Feng

The Dragon Emperor stood up, bowed respectfully, and then left the space. He really needed to go back and reflect. In the Dragon God, he really saw a lot of things that he had never seen before, which is what he needs to learn.

After the Dragon Emperor left, Feng Wang was relieved. Today he didn't come in vain. At least he helped Ye Wen solve a big problem. But now, he is still worried about the Dragon God.