Before going to the Wanzai ice cave, ye Wen went to annadylan first, told Carter Dylan what happened, and left a space portal here. If there is anything urgent, with the power of his space, even in Poseidon, he can come back as soon as possible. No matter what, he will not allow the tragedy of desert Empire to happen in annadylan In addition, ye Wen arranges Anna to go to Huaxia and asks her to go to Lu Xiaoqing. No matter what happens here, ye Wen doesn't want Anna to be hurt at all. Carter Dylan fully agrees with Ye Wen.

After settling all these things and making sure there is no omission, ye Wen finally feels relieved that Carter Dylan is not ready to go home. All the staff of Anna Dylan are in a high degree of tension.

In any case, cartiland is also the best of the strong in the middle of fairyland. If Anna Dylan wants to be destroyed, at least the strong in the later stage of fairyland can come here in person. There are no two or three such people in the world. Therefore, Yewen still thinks that Anna Dylan's situation is safer than the desert empire.

After saying goodbye to cartiland, ye Wen left for the Wanzai ice cave. Along the way, ye Wen also observed the situation of grime Roper. However, ye Wen found that all the forces of grime Roper in Europe, which he knew originally, had disappeared. It was as if grime Roper had completely retired, but ye Wen did not know Wen knows that this is impossible. On the contrary, the quieter grime rapper is, the more uneasy Yewen will feel, because only before the storm comes can there be such quietness

In fact, ye Wen wanted to contact his former military officers to see if he could find out some clues. However, in the end, in order to avoid scaring the snake, he still did not do so, because in addition to Luan Zhenhai, ye Wen did not have 100% trust in the rest of the officers, and it was almost impossible for those officers to reach that level Some of the core secrets, even if asked about the estimate, is also in vain, there is no significance.

Wanzai ice cave is located in the extreme north of Western Europe, but ye Wen doesn't know why it is much colder than the two poles of the world. It's just that there are too few people in the world who know this place.

Ye Wen remembers that when he first came here, as a teenager, he and Zou Haolan were happily together. At that time, they had just escaped from the army and found this place by mistake. However, it was too cold for them at that time. They could not set foot at all and had to leave. For the moment, it was very difficult It's nearly ten years now!

as like as two peas in the future, but it is still the same as ye's memory. When he came here, ye Wen's mind could not help but emerge the appearance of Lan Xin's, and he could not help remembering the appearance of Lan Xin Ran. Although he knew that the spirit of Lan Xin was not dead, but ye Wen still felt his heart was torn with grief. "Ten"

Ye Wen remembered what Zou Hao had said to himself before he left. He came here this time just to find evidence about this matter. For so many years, he has been in the dark. Now, he should have the right to know the whole story of this matter!

Ye Wen stepped into the extreme north where Wanzai ice cave is located. Although it's extremely cold here, ye Wen can't feel anything. Now, Han Ling's killing power to him is very little, and the cold wind around brings more desolation to Ye Wen.

All year round, the wind and snow will never stop. In the far north, there are no people around. Ye Wen doesn't have to worry that someone will find himself here. This is absolutely impossible.

Ye Wen is walking slowly in the snow and heading for the Wanzai ice cave. He hopes to find the trace of LAN Xinran's time, even if it's a little bit good. It's only five years later. Even if there is any trace left, I'm afraid it won't exist now!

In fact, after learning that Lan Xinran was buried in Wanzai ice cave, the first thing ye Wen wanted to do when he came back from China was to come here, because he wanted to take LAN Xinran back, even if it was just a corpse.

It's just that Zou Hao happened just after he went back. After that, he was seriously injured and returned to China. All the time, he didn't have this chance. This delay lasted for five years.

Along the way, there was nothing to pay attention to. Ye Wen walked all the way to the entrance of Wanzai ice cave. In fact, the entrance looks very common. It's just an ice cave that can hold about two people in the cold ice. From the appearance, it's nothing strange. There's only one thing. Even though it's very cold around, it's still very cold It's at the entrance of the cave, but it's still cold. You can imagine what kind of temperature there is.

Thinking of what Poseidon said at the beginning, ye Wen carefully protected his body with a layer of Phoenix Fire, and then jumped into the ice cave.

The ice cave is not very deep. Yewen soon falls to the bottom of the cave. Although he has made preparations in his heart, the temperature here is still beyond Yewen's expectation. Even though he has ice in his body for thousands of years, and even though he is protected by the Phoenix fire outside his body, Yewen still feels that his body can't help shivering. What's wrong here Yeh Wen doesn't know how low the temperature is, but I'm afraid there should be no colder place in the world than this!Originally, when he was in the sea god's tomb, ye Wen felt that it should be the temperature of Wanzai ice cave, because those were the ice transplanted by sea god! But now, he obviously feels that the temperature in the tomb of Poseidon is even less than one tenth of that here. If he didn't come here in person, ye Wen would not believe that there would be such a cold place in the world.

Ye Wen knows very well that even he can't stay too long in such a temperature. If he doesn't leave as soon as possible, even his body will definitely be damaged. He admires the idea that Poseidon can stay here for a long time.

Although it's a sunless cave, it can be completely illuminated by the surrounding ice. Ye Wen looks around and finds that it is similar to the tomb of Poseidon except for the temperature. The restoration of the scene of Poseidon is very detailed.