Although Ye Wen was very reluctant, it was good for him after all. Therefore, ye Wen chose to agree. As long as this cultivation can have an effect on him, that's enough.

Although Bai chenling said that he would leave, in fact he did not leave. Instead, he stayed here to guide Ye Wen's cultivation. There are too many details to pay attention to in the cultivation of blood. He can give ye Wen some guidance and suggestions on these things.

Half a month later, ye Wen finished his cultivation. Now he can use his blood power skillfully. Moreover, ye Wen can clearly feel that his blood power now is much stronger than before, and it is more fluent to use it. After all, ye Wen was a miscellaneous blood What all accept, also have never taboo, where can compare with such blood pure?

After going out, Zeng Tianxun was surprised to see them. Ye Wen didn't say hello before he went in for training. He thought they were missing!

Since he has been in the desert empire for more than half a month, and it happens that the desert Empire has just undergone great changes, although he thinks that nothing may happen, Yewen still inquires about the recent situation, because what he is most worried about is not the desert Empire, but Anna Dylan.

What makes Ye Wen feel relieved is that nothing big happened during this period of time. However, one thing happened very early, but ye Wen didn't know it before. Zeng Tianxun just investigated it during this period of time.

That is, among the killer organizations in Africa, it is not only the desert empire that has an accident. It can even be said that there is only one desert Empire left among the killer organizations in Africa!

There are not many killer organizations in Africa. The world-famous one is only a desert empire. As for others, even Yeh Wen has never heard of.

But no matter how small the mosquito is, it's meat! What's more, there are 800 killer organizations in Africa even if there are not 1000! It's exaggerating to say that all of them have been destroyed.

Ye Wen asked Zeng Tianxun to confirm this matter repeatedly, but Zeng Tianxun was very determined. According to his words, if he was not sure, he would not come to Tell ye Wen about it. In the past half a month, he almost did nothing and put all his energy on the investigation of this matter. In fact, he was also shocked, even those groups Weaving is not well-known, but there are also many strong people in it. It's really shocking that all of them are destroyed in this way!

"Do you know who did it?" Although in the heart already had conjecture, but ye Wen still asks a way.

"At present, I don't know that there should be only one desert Empire left in the African killer world, so I think it should be the same group of people who attacked the desert Empire last time."

In fact, yeh Wen thinks the same way, but in this way, things will become more complicated and serious, because if the target of the other party is not just the desert Empire, it is very likely that their purpose is not to seek revenge for the desert empire. If it is not simply revenge, and this thing is really the work of Grimm rapper, then it is very important It is very likely that shenzun is trying to unify the killer world, or even More serious!

Bai chenling also knew the interest of this matter. Originally, they could only make a preliminary judgment of Grimm rapper's purpose through the desert empire. But now, after hearing Zeng Tianxun's words, they feel that this matter can be further confirmed. However, how can they stop Grimm rapper?

"Uncle Bai, Tianxun, if it's true, I think we should contact killer organizations in other continents to kill shenzun before his cultivation is fully formed." Ye Wen said that if one day, the cultivation of shenzun breaks through the legendary realm, I'm afraid no one can limit what he does.

"No way!"

Bai chenling shook his head. "No matter how sure we are about this matter, no matter how harmful it will be in the future, until now, these things are still our conjectures. Tianxun has just said that now, no one can be sure who did it. Moreover, even if we found out, Grimm rapper did not use his own internal organization In this way, even if we announce this matter to the world, who can believe it? "

"But if we don't stop it, we're going to let Grimm Roper do it for nothing." Ye Wen doesn't know what Bai chenling said, but how can he watch grime rapper "change" the world?

"This is exactly what Grimm Roper is good at. It's a huge project to wipe out all the killer organizations in Europe, but Grimm Roper has done it without any trace. I can even tell you that I believe the people they entrusted also have not left any evidence. Therefore, no matter how we investigate, it's impossible to find grimroper's body So, there's no way for us to go through this road and stop grime rapper. "

"Is it up to them to go on like this?" Yeh Wen is very anxious. He wants to kill grimrep right now and kill everyone there. Unfortunately, he can't.