Zou Hao's accusation makes Ye Wen, who was originally on the side of justice, unable to say a word of defense. At the beginning, Tian Meng asked him the same question. Ye Wen has to admit that his so-called persistence was a regret that he could not recover in his life!

"Maybe you don't know the farewell on that snowy night. I was nearby. I saw Xinran kneeling on the ground and begging for you, but what about you? But she left without looking back. Do you know that she was eight months pregnant at that time, and you always said that I was cruel, don't you? " Zou Hao can't forgive Ye Wen's original practice, because if it was him, he would never make LAN Xinran sad like that!

"The decision on that snowy night is a lifelong regret for me, but sometimes, I can't help myself. If I don't get rid of the Yanhuang group, will xianzun let me go? Even if I leave, can I take the brothers of the dragon team with me? I'm really wrong, but I really have my helplessness! " Ye Wen admitted that at that time, he did have some selfishness in it, but more, why not helpless?

"Helpless? At that time, you could fly away with joy. Tianlong team was the strongest fighting force of the organization at the beginning. Would it change because you left? After all, don't you still can't put down your fame? "

"As long as you can't live up to your promise, you can't live up to it? When we were in China, we knew the news of Xinran's death. I know you regretted it at that time, but is it too late to regret it? Can Xinran and your children come back because of your regret? "

"I remember that when I told you that if you can't take good care of Xinran, if you let her be wronged, I will never let you go. You may think I'm joking, but I didn't! I want you to pay for your arrogance, so I went back to the organization and charged you with treason. You're right. I'm sorry for the brothers of Tianlong team, but I'm not sorry for you. You should die for Xinran! "

Ye Wen knows that Zou Hao didn't cheat him now, which is the real reason why he did those things in those years, but this reason really makes him sad.

"Zou Hao, actually, I wanted to leave with Xinran for a long time, but do you know why I didn't do that? You are too naive. Do you think that with your simple calculation, you can be charged with treason for Grimm Reaper's God and for Grimm Reaper's most powerful Tianlong team without any evidence? I tell you, it's not a day or two for shenzun to want to get rid of me. The reason why he didn't do so is because he was worried about Grimm Roper's reputation outside. However, your behavior just gave him an excuse to get rid of me and Tianlong. So, I've been waiting for an opportunity, a suitable opportunity to leave Grimm Roper. It's a pity, You didn't let me wait for that day! "

This is what ye Wen wanted to understand later. If it wasn't for Shen Zun's advice, he would rely on Zou Hao's one-sided words, not to mention the unwarranted accusation. Even if there are real evidences, I'm afraid it won't directly bring disaster to the Tianlong team and him. Therefore, the person he hates most is Shen Zun, not Zou Hao. Zou Hao is just a pawn used by Shen Zun !

"You think I don't know that?" Zou Hao said with a smile.

"What did you say?"

"I don't know what position I was in grimreaper. If God hadn't been too afraid of your talent, my plan would not have been successful. God was really using me, but I was using him."

"Oh! It's worthy of being my most trusted brother in those years. I can see through this layer! " Ye Wen said with admiration that he really didn't expect this. It seems that he is still at a low ebb.

"But since you know this, you should understand that I can't leave with pleasure under the eyes of God. Even if I can, the dragon team will die for my actions. I can't abandon my brothers and be alone!"

"Why not!"

Zou Hao's mood became a little excited, "why can't you be selfish for the sake of the people who love you! Isn't the love of Xinran worth doing for her? "

"Of course not!"

"Zou Hao, I tell you, this is where we are different. I really love Xinran. No one can deny this. Even if I give my life for her, I will spare no effort. But I can't let my brothers bear the cost of my behavior because of her, because of my children. If I do that, then I don't deserve their big brother, and I don't care Will you live in guilt, and do you think Xinran would want me to do that? Would she want our children to have a father who would do anything for their own interests? I believe that if I told Xinran these things, she would support me, but I don't want her to worry about my things. I admit that I was wrong. I'm sorry for Xinran, but if you give me another chance, I may make the same choice. I believe that if Xinran knows, knowing these things, she will understand me! ""Yes! You always have to stand on the side of the so-called righteousness, I also admit my selfishness, but what's wrong with selfishness, do you have to be broken? I am wrong, and I will pay for my behavior. However, there is a result that can never be changed. Even if I did nothing then, Xinran can never come back, can't I? "

"Zou Hao, I really don't have any way to deal with the situation in those years. If I'm really wrong, maybe we shouldn't join grimrep from the beginning! If we never become killers, we will not have those behind us. Maybe we should be very happy now! "

Ye Wen looked up at the starry sky, just as Tian Meng said, what he missed most was the time when he was by Luan Zhenhai's side. However, the past was contrary to his wish, no matter how much he regretted it, he couldn't go back to that year, and the people there were no longer as pure as they were in that year!

"Yes! I miss that time, too

Zou Hao also raised his head, looking nostalgic, but a bloodstain came out of the corner of his mouth