This kind of feeling, is to bring people a kind of helplessness from the bottom of the heart to the outside, although here, the feeling is much more comfortable than in the chaotic world, but the feeling of helplessness is still disgusting.

The most important thing is that ye Wen doesn't understand why he appears in such a strange place. He is clearly fighting with Zou Hao. Since he is still alive, what he should do now is to go back to fight with Zou Hao. Although Ye Wen doesn't know whether Zou Hao is dead or alive, his explosion should not be enough to end Zou Hao directly My life!

It took a lot of effort for ye Wen to stand up, but it seems that the result has not changed. He still can't see or touch anything, as if he was the only one left in the world.

Yewen stamped his foot. He knew that no matter what happened in other places, at least the ground he stepped on was absolutely real. But when he really stepped on it, he felt something was wrong, because although he stepped on something, he didn't make any sound, which Yewen couldn't understand.

He lay on the ground and knocked with his hands instead, but the result was the same as before, and no sound came. Ye Wen now began to doubt the material of the ground, because it was really weird!

Ye Wen thinks that after he suffered the attack of the river of swallowing, what power he didn't know should have saved him, and his current position should also be related to that mysterious power.

But what is this mysterious power? Ye Wen is not curious and does not want to know. He just wants to know how he should leave here. Zeng Tianxun and haixianzi are still fighting. He must not leave those two comrades behind!


But when ye Wen was a little at a loss, a light suddenly came up here. In front of him, it was a huge light source, a bright jade phoenix!

Seeing this jade phoenix, ye Wen feels very familiar, because this is the Jade Phoenix in the Phoenix King's tomb. Its arrogant appearance has not changed at all.

"Am I back in the tomb?" Ye Wen thinks this is bullshit. Just now, he is still in China, and Africa is tens of thousands of miles away from here. I'm afraid that even if there is a strong God, it is impossible to cross thousands of miles in an instant!

"Boy, you are in such a crisis!" Feng Wang's familiar voice sounded in this space. Just like before, Feng Wang appeared on the Jade Phoenix.


Ye Wen doesn't dare to believe it now, because apart from the walls he can't see, this is the tomb of Phoenix King. Otherwise, how could Phoenix King appear here?

"You're such a tough boy! How can you see me so soon The Phoenix King jumped down from the Jade Phoenix and came to Ye Wen's side.

He looked up and down at Ye Wen's appearance, then nodded with satisfaction, and said: "good boy, good! It seems that after you left me, you have made a great progress. I have lived for thousands of years. You are the most powerful one among the powerful people I have ever seen. You can be regarded as making history! "

In the face of Feng Wang's praise, ye Wen is not in a happy mood now. He is just over there. Now he is fighting like a raging fire. How can he chat here alone?

"Master, why did I come back to this grave! What just happened? " Ye Wen asked eagerly, what he wants most now is to go back to the place where he just fought and continue to fight.

"Don't worry. Listen to me. First of all? This is not an ancient tomb. You are still where you are. This is just a virtual space. Although I don't know what happened, I tell you that you will only see me when you are fatally injured. Am I right The Phoenix King said calmly.

"Master, you are right, but how can I get out of here? My comrades in arms are still outside. I must take part in this battle! " Ye Wen doesn't want to waste a second here. The war is changing rapidly. A moment's hesitation may completely change the situation of the war. Let him sit here and wait. This is probably the biggest torture for ye Wen!

"As I have said, don't worry. The time you spend with me is less than one percent of the time you spend outside. That is to say, when you stay with me for 100 seconds, you only spend one second outside at most. Believe me, when you go out, what you see won't be different from what you saw before you came in!"

After listening to Feng Wang's words, ye Wen was relieved, but he still didn't understand the real reason why he was here. Although Feng Wang gave him some explanations, some of them were too vague to make ye Wen really understand.

Phoenix King has seen what ye Wen thinks in his heart, and then said: "in fact, when you accepted my inheritance, I didn't tell you what is the most important thing in the inheritance of our Phoenix family, because when you encounter it, it will naturally take effect, and I don't need to say more.""Master, do you mean that the most important thing in the original inheritance is what can save my life?" Ye Wen asked, it seems that this should be the case.

The Phoenix King nodded, "I don't know if you've ever heard that our Phoenix family is powerful not only because of our talent in cultivation, but also because of the most important thing that other races can't have. It's our immortal vitality. I remember you call this ability Nirvana!"


Ye Wen has heard of this name in the legend, but he never thought that it actually exists!

"Yes! This kind of ability is possessed by everyone in the Phoenix family. It will ensure that you will not die when you are fatally injured, and then you will be reborn with a more powerful posture. This kind of ability is also our most proud capital! " The Phoenix King said with some pride that he always believed that only the Phoenix people could be called the most powerful race in the world, and even the dragon people, who had always been as famous as them, could not match him.