9 Chapter 9; Pissed

Sorry for the late chap as I am extremely busy in tokyo gho..*uhemm* studies and I am recently promoted to High school First Year and I am facing quite the difficulties with you know Academy and stuff plus I am an otaku (Even though I live in Pakistan) and its very rare to see an otaku. So if any of you are Pakistani otaku,You can comment and I will contact you on any platform you are easy with... Again, Gomenasai for late chapter



lets you blend in darkness and shadows


Makes a vicious, Slimy and Aphrodisic liquid


Darkens your eyes and lets you see in the dark for a specific period of time.Mostly depends on MP


Strenghten your sense of smell and smell all kinds of scents strongly (Even stink).Duration depends upon MP


Creates a dark Fog 5 five meters around you for 5 minutes

[Soul trap]

Traps the soul of any living thing you kill and trap it in a soul crystal >

Wow.These spells are very useful if I use them efficiently. Now Lets go to slums for some easy cash...Shall we?


Right now Its 11 pm and I am going to the slums. I have activated [Hide] as well as [Darken] to see clearly in the dark and to avoid bringing attention to myself.

I am a bit scared as the big gangs are active at night and Right now I am not op enough to handle them all alone....Now that I think about it,

I<b> AM OP</b> enough to handle them all alone if I put my heart into it but right now I am not in the mood for a hard fight. The nights here are very quite as no one has anything to do and they simply go to sleep so that they are not bored at all.Things are very peaceful on the surface but my intuition is telling me that a storm is brewing underneath this peaceful and calm surface of ocean and let me tell you my intuition is never ever wrong.It has an accuracy rate of 99.99%. The remaining 00.01% is the addition of an unknown element which is out of my expectations.

I have reached the slums. Right now I can see some shady people in the background thanks to [Darken]. I just noticed that Darken literally darkens my left eye with my iris Red like Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul.Oh, I also remembered that I had Tokyo ghoul Season 4 in my watch list left to watch...no no no no no no no no....THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING WITH ME!!!!!!!