It doesn't care how others evaluate, let alone their surprise. After Wang Qitian and Wei Yulin reported their names, they left here.

However, they didn't go back to Bilin garden because there were some tails behind them. These people need to deal with them.

Wang Qitian contacted Zhao Tianheng and asked him to find a place to live in the holy city. Unfortunately, it was too difficult at this time. There was no place to live if there was overcrowding.

In desperation, Wang Qitian can only contact Chu Hanqing and ask him to arrange a place in the restaurant of Hehuan hall. As the manager of the restaurant, this can still be done. After all, each restaurant will leave several rooms for its own people.

When he came to the restaurant, Wang Qitian didn't go to Chu Hanqing. Just like normal guests, he didn't come out when he returned to the room.

But these tails didn't mean to leave at all. They all surrounded the restaurant and waited for Wang Qitian to appear.

Wang Qitian doesn't care about these things. It's just a sensation caused by registration. I don't know how these people will react after several games.

However, according to Wang Qitian's expectation, there will be some followers. Although he is young, his potential is obvious to all of these people. Following such people will certainly achieve great things in the future.

It is the competition that will be held tomorrow. Today it is mainly about registration. There are too many applicants. Imagine that a mainland wide competition takes 20 years to report. For others, it is simply a super event in the divine world. Of course, we can't miss it.

Because as long as you miss this time, you can't participate in the next time. Your age must be beyond the regulations.

Some people with poor talent may not be able to participate in the competition all their life. They have poor strength when they are young. After all, there is a strength limit for registration.

However, when the strength reaches the standard, the age is exceeded, which is a lifelong regret for many people.

Recently, the god palace is also considering this matter. Due to the emergence of the demon family and other things, the god palace needs a lot of talents.

Therefore, they are considering whether the qualifying time of dragon and Phoenix list will be shortened, so that they will have more opportunities to reserve talents.

Tomorrow is the knockout. The single game knockout system is adopted, that is to say, only one opponent is selected randomly. If you win, continue, and lose, it means that the qualifying of the dragon and Phoenix list is over.

For many people with poor strength, it's basically a round of tour, but it's better than not participating in the game.

In such a grand event, there have been their own figures. Even if they are not famous and have not attracted enough attention, they can't erase their traces.

The whole competition was held in the central square of the holy city in order to meet the viewing of the competition. Before the start of the competition, the god palace worked overtime to build a temporary viewing platform around the square. Because the central square is spacious enough, the viewing platform can also accommodate many people.

According to statistics, the whole viewing platform can accommodate 36000 people. In the five Lun competition of the knockout competition, the players have no position. When the waiting game or the competition is over, you stay in the entrance channel, no matter what the forces behind you are.

After the knockout, the players' positions will be arranged, and there will be a lot fewer people at that time.

The reason for building such a huge competition venue is not only to increase the professionalism, safety and appreciation of the competition, but also the money. Yes, it is the money.

Every 20 years, how can we not find a way to get some income.

You know, every competition, the god palace will invest a lot of human and material resources, and even the last top ten. The god palace will prepare rich prizes, which they pay for themselves.

In this case, why not get some income by yourself? In addition to the industrial income driven by the influx of a large number of people from other cities, the biggest income is tickets.

The price of each ticket is different. The knockout competition is cheaper because it is basically one-sided, so it has a fast pace and poor viewing.

Just like this, one ticket requires three Qi practice pills. This is Qi practice pills. Usually, if there are small auctions or competitions, the tickets for three gold coins already feel very expensive.

You know, a Qi training pill can be exchanged for 100 gold coins. This is still the official quotation. Basically, a Qi training pill can be exchanged for 120 gold coins.

These gold coins are enough for ordinary families to live a rich life for a year. And this ticket needs three. This is just the most ordinary knockout. If you go to the back, how expensive the ticket is.

In fact, this is also very normal. There are only 36000 seats, and hundreds of thousands or even millions of people come. If the tickets are less expensive, more people have to grab the tickets, and there will certainly be trouble at that time.

And even so, once the tickets are sold, they sell out instantly.

Ordinary people think it's expensive, but for some gods, three Qi training pills are not enough to eat a big meal, so they still think it's very cost-effective.

In this case, you don't have to think about it. Scalpers will certainly appear. This is a good time to resell tickets to make money.

The ticket itself is not a real name system. As long as you hold the ticket stub, anyone can go in. Therefore, scalpers have a good time.

Now we are selling tickets for five knockout games, and the tickets after that have not been decided yet.

According to the normal speed, the first round of knockout takes about ten days.

Because a total of 30 challenge platforms have been built in the central square, which can provide 60 people each time.

According to a ten minute game, 360 people can participate in an hour.

Four hours of competition time every morning, that is, 1440 people. In the afternoon, the competition will last five hours, and 1800 people can participate in the competition.

On the whole, it can participate in 3240 people a day.

The total number of participants in this competition is more than 36800. On average, it can only end in a little more than 10 days, but it is calculated according to 10 minutes, which is actually useless.

The God's Palace also has its own arrangements. If the normal time on the tenth day is not finished, it will play an extra game, no matter how late it is.

Half of the first round was eliminated, leaving 18400 people. In the second round, another half were eliminated, leaving 9200 people. Half of them were eliminated in the third round, leaving 4600 people. Half of them were eliminated in the fourth round, leaving 2300 people. In the fifth round, the last round, there were 1150 people left.

After the five Lun knockout, the competition also entered the fierce part. After the five Lun knockout, the weak and lucky guys were basically eliminated, and the rest were people with strength and inside information. In the future, the god palace will adjust the competition mode according to the situation. This can only be announced after the five Lun knockout.

The first round is expected to be ten days, the second round is expected to be five days, the third round is expected to be three days, the fourth round is expected to be two days, and the fifth round is one day. Together, the whole knockout will take 21 days. It is conceivable how many people participated in the competition.

However, after the knockout, the remaining competitions will be much easier and the time will be much shorter. According to the experience of each dragon and Phoenix ranking qualifying competition, basically one and a half months is enough.