"Of course, but you have to listen to me. After you recover, you must keep your mouth shut about these things. No one can say anything," said Wang Qitian.

"Don't worry, since you can help me recover, it will be equivalent to giving me a second life. I Hu Hailong swear to the way of heaven in the name of my soul today. If Wang Qitian can help me recover as before, Hu Hailong will follow Wang Qitian forever and be a slave all my life. If there is any violation, it will be broken by thunder and lightning." Hu Hailong swore.

"Brother Hu, why are you doing this? I can tell you that I'm willing to make friends with you. I don't mean to enslave you." Wang Qitian's face was embarrassed. He was not used to it.

"No, I know you mean well. It's my own decision. Hu Hailong doesn't want to owe others. It's always the case since childhood, so you don't have to be embarrassed. As long as you can make me recover and let me kowtow three times in front of my mother's grave in person, I'll be satisfied." Hu Hailong said sincerely.

He had no desire and no desire. When he didn't meet Wang Qitian and others, he was completely a walking corpse. He lived only because he didn't have the courage to die.

"Hey, don't worry, I'll help you finish it anyway." Wang Qitian said firmly.

It's not that he exaggerates, but that he does know the method.

The situation of ex and Hu Hailong is actually the same. The only difference is that ex saved his soul because of his strong strength, while Hu Hailong made his soul survive in a special way because of his skill.

But the essence is the same. They all destroy the body, leaving only the soul.

And he just asked Alex. Hu Hailong's resurrection method is much simpler than him. After all, his cultivation is weaker.

And Akers said that as long as he gathered the materials, he could finish it.

And because Hu Hailong is a yuan God, his physical requirements are not so high, which is just a little stronger than ordinary people's body.

However, although it is simple to say, it is not easy for Wang Qitian to collect materials.

"Thank you, really thank you." Hu Hailong didn't say anything else this time, just said thank you.

"Well, brother Hu, don't resist now. I'll tell you the way, and then listen to my instructions and do as I say." Wang Qitian is ready to tell him in the way of divine knowledge.

It's not that Wang Qitian is on guard against others, but that he has to be cautious.

Because this time, he wants Hu Hailong and ike to enter the illusion of heaven and earth.

There are several advantages to entering here.

First, because the heaven and earth fantasy map is a congenital spiritual treasure, which can not be achieved by mortal spiritual tools.

Moreover, because of the particularity of congenital Lingbao, everything in the heaven and earth fantasy map can not be perceived by the outside world, which also ensures Hu Hailong's safety.

Second, the heaven and earth fantasy map is born in heaven and earth, which is full of mysterious and mysterious magical power for the soul. It has a nourishing effect.

There are also some advantages that Wang Qitian doesn't know. Ex didn't say anything, just told him, and he'll know later.

In fact, it was Akers' idea to take Hu Hailong in. When Zhao Tianheng was attacked by Hu Hailong, Wang Qitian was afraid of an accident, so he asked Akers to help identify it.

In other words, Wang Qitian didn't completely believe Hu Hailong at that time.

When Akers felt it, he was surprised to find that Hu Hailong's soul power was extremely strong. Although he was a yuan God cultivator, his soul power was also too much.

Therefore, Akers had a love for talents. After hearing Hu Hailong's experience, he sympathized with the poor child. Because this is very similar to his childhood, but Exxon is not as tragic as Hu Hailong.

"OK, come on." since Hu Hailong has handed himself over to Wang Qitian. Then there is no hesitation. This is a moment when you have a chance to change your destiny.

The most important thing is that he saw the sincerity in Wang Qitian's eyes. He didn't deceive himself.

Hu Hailong has only his soul left, so as long as he puts down his defense and actively caters to Wang Qitian's divine knowledge. (divine awareness is the predecessor of Yuanshen. It cannot be called Yuanshen because it has not reached the Yuanjing of God.)

I don't know what they said. After a while, Hu Hailong's soul fire was shining, and then with a whoosh, he got into Wang Qitian's body from the skull, and then didn't come out again.

Wang Qitian raised his mouth and smiled because he was very successful.

Hu Hailong has entered the fantasy of heaven and earth, and is being brainwashed by Exxon at this time.

Must brainwash ah, otherwise how to get along in the future.

In fact, Akers is still very happy, because there is one more soul, which means that Wang Qitian has someone to talk with him when he has something to do.

And Akers also decided to teach Hu Hailong to practice.

In the eyes of Akers, Hu Hailong is as talented as Wang Qitian, but he was delayed for various reasons.

Moreover, Hu Hailong has sworn to heaven in the name of his soul to follow Wang Qitian to the death. This oath is particularly credible.

Because God cares most about his soul, especially for people like Hu Hailong who only have soul.

The way of heaven is not a holy law, but the person who really controls the boundlessness of the universe. In other words, the way of heaven is an order. He created heaven and earth and managed every piece of land at the same time.

If you swear to break your promise at last, the heaven will punish you with thunder until you completely destroy the person who breaks the oath. Therefore, few people dare to swear to the heaven, and once you take the oath, you will keep your promise. After all, no one dares to joke about your life.

What Wang Qitian and Hu Hailong have done has stunned everyone. In particular, what Wang Qitian said can help Hu Hailong recover. What is this concept? It is equivalent to the flesh and bones of life and death, and it is more difficult than this, because it is now completely belong to the reconstruction of the flesh.

Even Yu Xuening, who knows Wang Qitian best all the time, looks at a loss. She doesn't know when Wang Qitian has such ability, and she fully believes that Wang Qitian is telling the truth and he won't joke about it.

But Yu Xuening suddenly found that she didn't know Wang Qitian and couldn't even see through at all.

What she thought she knew was just that Wang Qitian deliberately revealed it to her.

To tell the truth, Yu Xuening's mood is a little lost.

It is certainly a gratifying thing that her boyfriend can have such an ability, but it is precisely because she has such an important ability that she doesn't know at all. She is reconsidering her position in Wang Qi's heart. Is it really so important?

If so, why hide so many things.

The most important thing is that although Wang Qitian looks tough in the background in the eyes of the disciples of Yujian gate, it is nothing in the eyes of Yu Xuening, the direct descendant of the ancient family.

Because what Wang Qitian knows and owns are many things handed down in ancient times. Few people know these things since the holy law ruled the mainland. At least Yu Xuening thinks that it is impossible for Wang Qitian to know.

But he knows so much and learns so much. It's hard for her to understand.