On a planet called Earth, there is an ancient oriental country with a long history, which has been handed down from ancient times to present.

With the passage of time and the changes of the times, people are infatuated with science and the mystery of space-time shuttle. After generations of painstaking research, he finally discovered the mystery today, and Wang Qitian is one of the discoverers of the mystery and the youngest scientist. He is only 28 years old this year. The story begins with this young scientist named Wang Qitian.

Wang Qitian, male, 28, graduated from junior high school of science and technology, majoring in space science. How to say, Wang Qitian is plain and unsmiling. He completely belongs to the kind of person who can't be found in the crowd. However, in terms of learning, he is definitely recognized by all teachers and students as a super learning bully.

Wang Qitian, who made a wish to become a scientist since childhood, showed a talent different from ordinary people when he was ten years old. While other children were still running, chasing and playing outside, Wang Qitian had read more than a dozen books on spatial dynamics.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that in an international speech contest at the age of 10, he gave a passionate speech based on space dynamics if we can cross. This speech also made many interested scientists around the world find him and have a strong interest in him.

Because he made a lot of comments in his speech, although scientists do not think that this is a conclusion that a ten-year-old child can study independently, perhaps it is just his guess out of thin air, several of them still caught everyone's heart. Moreover, Wang Qitian's whole speech is very close in logical thinking, and even makes everyone think that what he speaks is the work of an anonymous scientist.

Since then, Wang Qitian has been interviewed by several interested people. When asked some questions about space dynamics, he said his ideas without concealment. And every sentence is reasonable, and everyone who listens to it still has more meaning.

Since then, the title of Wang Qitian's little science prodigy has been spread, and Wang Qitian is still studying his favorite science every day without being affected by the outside world.

Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Although Wang Qitian is extremely smart, he has been alone since childhood because of his obsession with science. Even in school, he has no friends. It's not that he doesn't want to make friends, but he really doesn't want to waste time with these "little children". He thinks it's a waste of life. This also led to the fact that his childhood was particularly monotonous and had no fun for others.

In this way, he has been addicted to his world. Wang Qitian was admitted to his dream university and became a student of Junior High School University of science and technology.

Wang Qitian in the university campus is also a learning bully. He can have his own unique opinions on the topics left by the teachers, and even many things that the teachers can't understand. However, after textual research, Wang Qitian's idea is reasonable and feasible. Therefore, he became a treasure in the eyes of teachers.

But such a good boy in the eyes of his parents and a good student in the eyes of his teachers are no different from monsters in the eyes of his classmates.

In the four years of college, Wang Qitian didn't even say a few words with his classmates. Even his college roommates who live together are like this. If they either look at books or look up data on the computer every day, even if you talk to him, he is just uh huh. Therefore, other students regard him as air. Even if there are any collective activities, everyone thinks he doesn't exist.

But after all, it's an individual. How can you isolate him? After all, there are other people's academic achievements. Every time the students are criticized, the teacher will say, "can you learn from Wang Qitian? If you all study like this, I'm afraid you don't have good grades."

In this way, after four years of life, Wang Qitian was hired by a mysterious Research Institute because of his excellent achievements. It is said that this research institute brings together more than 40% of the scientists in the country, and has been committed to studying time and space and other related matters. Moreover, their requirements are particularly strict. All of them can be admitted are the elite among the elite.

Wang Qitian worked in this research institute for several years, and finally his efforts paid off. He and his team finally worked out the mystery of space-time shuttle, and successfully shuttled a puppy away and found it again. Isn't it? Today is not only his birthday, but also the day when he reported his speech.

Since Wang Qitian joined the work, the whole person seems to have changed. He is no longer as serious as before. Now he has become lively, because he knows that he will not make much progress alone, so he also took the initiative to contact his colleagues and set up the team. As a team leader, he naturally needs to look forward to appearing, Moreover, most of the credit for the whole research results is his, and he should report it.

After the speech, Wang Qitian fled the scene amid the cheers of everyone and returned to the laboratory. Although his character changed a lot, he lived in a quiet environment for many years. He was still not used to this noisy world, so he left the scene at the end of the speech.

"Since dogs can successfully travel through time and space, can people?" back to the laboratory, Wang Qitian looked at the device in front of him in a daze and fell into thinking.

This is a huge cylindrical device made of a special material. The middle of the cylinder is empty and there are various complex accessories inside. In theory, as long as people stand inside and are controlled, they can travel to the time, space and time they want to go, and even directly to unknown planets in outer space. Of course, Wang Qitian has not tried, After all, there are too many planets in outer space, and he doesn't know how many living planets there are, so he can't establish coordinates and complete the crossing.

Standing there, Wang Qitian was more and more excited. Under the trend of curiosity, Wang Qitian felt that he was out of control. It seemed that there was a certain force trend. He walked towards the space device with an instrument for positioning coordinates in his hand. It seems that he wants to defy the law and have a real time travel.

As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat. When Wang Qitian randomly located a coordinate to cross, he deeply understood the truth of this old saying.

Because all the research is based on theory, an experiment in the real sense is the dog, and where the dog goes and what the process is like, everything is unclear. After all, the dog won't tell you what it sees and what happens in it.