In the assembly hall of Tamo castle, a group of nobles sat on their seats, looked at the paper in their hands, and glanced at the gate from time to time, as if waiting for someone to come in.

It wasn't long before the people they were waiting for came.

Miraz strode in, walked boldly in front of the crowd, and sat in a chair closest to the throne.

With eager eyes removed from the throne, Miraz rubbed her eyebrows and asked in a bad tone, "what happened? Why is it so urgent to have a meeting?"

In order to cross the river, he has not slept well for a long time. Now he feels his eyes sour. Sleepiness surges up and seems to be going to sleep the next moment.

More importantly, he was called up from his bed, saying that these elders had something important to discuss with him.

In the face of these people, don't say that he is not a king. Even if he has become a king, he should be afraid. Therefore, when something big happens, no matter what he is doing, he should still arrive.

"Sir, you haven't seen it yet!" A man sitting next to him held out his hand and handed him a piece of paper.

Miraz took a look, directly patted it on the chair and became angry. "This is the conspiracy of the Narnia people. Caspian was kidnapped by them. Now they even frame me and transfer us with this matter."

He glanced at them coldly, "you won't believe the nonsense above is true?"

"But the credibility of the above is very high!" On a row of seats opposite him, a man stood up, "Sir, just after your son was born, Prince Caspian disappeared, and then Prince Caspian's doctor was caught by you."

"Don't you think these things are too coincidental?"

He had doubts about these things, but he only asked Miraz privately and didn't say them in public.

After all, Prince Caspian is missing, and Miraz, who has a son, is indeed the most orthodox heir.

If Prince Caspian is really kidnapped by the Narnians and dies, he still needs Miraz to succeed to the throne.

But now, the letter clearly explained the whole story, Prince Caspian was not dead, and the matter had been known by everyone. He didn't mind standing up and pointing out these doubts.

More importantly, the army has lost a lot now. It is not what he wants to see if it continues to lose and consume.

"Hum! Where did these things come from? Did you write it? Lord suppi! " He looked at him dangerously. "This is a very dangerous accusation!"

"It was sent back by his Highness the prince. You can see it by looking at the signature behind it." Suppi snorted coldly, "now everyone knows this. Your Excellency, you'd better think about whether there is a reasonable explanation for us!"

Miraz had cold eyes and a sneer on her face, "explain? What explanation? "

He looked at everyone present. "You don't think it's true, do you? This is obviously the conspiracy of those animals, who are trying to disintegrate our country from within. "

"But we will never compromise. We must kill those animals and let them pay the price of bleeding for Caspian, my poor nephew."

Miraz's voice was very cold. All the elders who supported him stood up and said in unison, "the nanians will pay the price!"

There are many people who support him, otherwise he can't overhead Caspian, and when his wife gives birth to a son, he can immediately fight Caspian.

The voice of the meeting was suppressed. Indeed, as he said, they will always have some doubts about the things released by the enemy, even if the things inside are no matter how real.

After milaz's appearance, the voice of doubt became louder.

Of course, opposition voices have officially appeared, and there are many.

For nothing else, just because of dealing with the Narnia, they have lost a lot now, and many people have opinions on this matter.

They didn't want to attack Narnia, but Miraz said that the prince was kidnapped and killed by them, so they had to do it for revenge.

But if the prince is not dead, why should he pay so much human life and money to do such a meaningless thing?

And because there were a lot of papers, many civilians also got them. As soon as they publicized them, basically everyone knew.

In this way, the opposition is even louder.

After all, it was their husbands, sons and fathers who died by the river. The nobles didn't care about their lives. They couldn't care.

"Damn it, we must take down those animals quickly!" Miraz's face was cold.

If we don't speed up, the matter will continue to ferment and the loss by the river will continue, then he will really be in danger. Even those who support him will not necessarily stand beside him.

"I'm afraid it's not easy, sir." The person in charge of building the bridge was bitter, "the nanians have been harassing, and the fastest speed can't be repaired until tomorrow afternoon!"

"Yes!" Miraz nodded. He could still wait a day.

"And... The person in charge stopped talking.

"What's up?"

"Every time the Narnians come to attack, they are opposite and say that you killed Prince Caspian. Prince Caspian was chased and killed by you into Narnia and is now a guest in the Narnians' home. If ·· "

"If what?" Miraz already felt something was wrong.

"If the soldiers catch you, Prince Caspian will return to the castle immediately, and the war will end. No more people will die." The person in charge hesitated and said, "many people have died now. They don't want to die anymore."

With so many people dead, no one wants to continue to die.

Of course, they don't have the courage and ability to catch Miraz.

But under such circumstances, Miraz's majesty has begun to shake. He only needs the last straw. He will have no soldiers to use and break through without attack.

"What about the boat you asked for?" Miraz asked, frowning.

"Sir, we don't have many boats at all. Now there are only five boats!" They don't live by the sea or fish. Naturally, they don't have a boat.

"Send some soldiers first, and they must not interfere with the construction of the bridge!" Miraz said fiercely.

There are only a limited number of people who can deliver the five small boats. Basically, it's no different from dying. But as long as you drag the people opposite and build the bridge quickly, everything is worth it.

The person in charge was stunned for a moment and nodded heavily, "yes!"

Soon, five small boats crossed the river from the side of the bridge, and the soldiers on the platforms on both sides of the bridge covered them with bows and arrows.