In a room, in a locked box, a glimmer of light suddenly appeared from the gap.

Suddenly, the space in the room fluctuated, and a man suddenly appeared in the room.

As soon as the man's face changed, he quickly closed his eyes and restrained himself.

"What's the matter?" Little jasmine also changed her face and looked at him with concern.

"Nothing!" Gray smiled and breathed out a long breath.

When he left the underground world, he suddenly had a strong sense of involvement, as if he wanted to bring back the floating island of the underground world and pull it into his body.

But he doesn't want to do that. He wants to use the time difference to make the floating island grow rapidly, improve the ecology on the floating island, and let the residents of the underground world build their own back garden.

And he was not sure whether pulling the floating island over would affect the creatures on it.

You know, there are many people on his floating island, including the White Queen.

If anything goes wrong in the process of pulling, the joke will be big.

"Gray, did we run to someone else's house?" When little Molly heard that he was all right, she took a breath, sat on his shoulder and looked around curiously.

Gray looked down at the board below, felt the shaking ground, smiled and said, "it's not someone else's house, but on the boat!"

He saw at a glance that this was a cabin, and looking at the windows on both sides and the height of the sea outside, it was probably the captain's room.

Moreover, the furnishings here are very feminine. A lot of details in the room show that the captain of the ship is a woman.

Gray said his speculation. Little Molly tilted her head and blinked her big eyes. "Didn't you follow the thing given to Alice? This must be Alice's room. Do you need to reason? "

"Of course you need reasoning." Gray did not change his face. He opened his chair and sat down, looking at a chart in front of him.

Is this going to the Strait of Malacca? This distance is not short!


Suddenly someone opened the door of the captain's room. Gray looked up and just looked at a pair of wary eyes.

The alert in Alice's eyes subsided in an instant, the dagger in her hand was inserted back into the sheath, and the color of surprise appeared on her face. The muscles on her face pulled and showed a big smile.

"Gray, is that you?" She asked cautiously, wondering if she had hallucinated.

After all, she knew that gray should be in the underground world like a dream. How could he suddenly appear on his ship

"It's me!" Gray stood up with a smile and strode towards Alice.

"And me!" On his shoulder, the elf waved hard to Alice and shouted.

Alice was sure at once that it was gray and they were right. She wouldn't be wrong with this familiar feeling.

Rushed over quickly and gave him a warm hug.

"Captain, are you all right? We seem to have heard some voices." Outside, a crew member knocked at the door and asked loudly.

They not only want to ask, but also seem to want to push the door in.

"It's all right. I'm fine. Go and do it yourself!" Cried Alice, going to the door and closing it.

"Captain, you may be in some danger. Don't you really need us to come in and have a look?" Outside the door, a tall sailor smiled and said.

"Go to your post, or you'll get off the ship at the next port, and I promise you won't go back to England!" Alice scowled and slammed the door.

The sailor stepped back angrily, his face a little ugly.

But he didn't dare to say anything. It was a regular ship. Most of the people on board were left by old Kingsley. They wouldn't watch Alice have an accident. What he dared to do was definitely a dead end.

"There are annoying mice. Can I help you?" Gray smiled.

Now that he met, he didn't mind doing a favor to make Alice's position stable and let the people on the ship fear her.

"No, I can solve it. Don't underestimate me." Alice groaned discontentedly. "Anyway, I've seen big scenes. Killing dragons is not something these mice can see."

"Yes, sorry, I underestimated you." Gray apologized quickly and didn't continue to say this.

Alice, as a captain, must have her own means, otherwise the ship won't go far at all.

"Gray, why are you out? Are you all right?" Alice took gray to sit down and asked curiously about the underground world.

After thinking about it, Gray said, "everyone is fine. The crazy hat's family is not dead. They are just caught by the Red Queen. We helped his family reunite."

"That's great. It's a pity that I'm not here and can't see the beautiful side." Said Alice sadly.

Gray talked about other things in the underground world, such as the fun of playing around the underground world with elves.

Alice felt that the underground world in her mind became clearer, and there were more things she didn't know before.

"I haven't said how did you get out yet? I don't think he was kicked out? " She said with a smile.

"It has been a year since the underground world. I have to come out to find you myself without waiting for you for so long." Gray shrugged and looked at her pitifully.

Alice shook her head. "I don't have your ability. I can't find a way to enter the underground world."

"But has the underground world been a year? I've just been back for a month! "

Alice was a little surprised at the difference in time between the two places, but she accepted it when she thought that she had stayed in the underground world for a few days and had not finished the banquet when she came back.

one month? It seems that the time velocity of the underground world is more than ten times that of the earth.

"You have set sail in a month. Your action is very fast and your ability is very strong!" Gray praised that he didn't think about time for the time being. Anyway, it's a big deal to go back in a few months.

"An old friend of my father is helping me, and the precious stones you gave me also played a great role." Alice laughed.

"If it works, I'll give you some more!" His majesty has always been very willing to women.

Even if it is a very attractive treasure, he can wave it out.

"No!" Alice quickly waved her hand and explained, "I didn't sell your gem, but borrowed some money from a gentleman as a guarantee. When I go back this time, I can return the money to him."

"Moreover, the gem is still with me. If I can't pay it back, I can only sell the gem."

"But this gem can sell for a lot of money. There will be a large amount left to pay him back at that time. There is no need to give me any more money."

Alice is very firm. She is an independent woman who can support herself.

Gray did not insist. He was not stingy, but he also respected women's own ideas.

If you want to work hard, you can. Even he doesn't mind being kept. Of course, the premise is that the other party is a great beauty.