The next day, the sun was just right. Belle took gray to enjoy the flowers because the roses she planted were in bloom.

With the help of little jasmine, her roses grow very well. Each one is delicate, bright and beautiful, just like their owner.

"Yi, Yi, Yi!" Two thumb elves flew out of the flowers and ran to gray to be coquettish.

Compared with Belle, they prefer flowers and gray, because gray is a good man and has a smell that makes them feel close.

"Well, you did a good job." Tease the two elves with your fingers, gray affirmed.

As elves, they are good at taking care of flowers and plants. They owe a lot to the flowers here.

"Oh, I brought you honey this time." Gray took out the honey he had collected on Pandora, which was sweet and delicious, and full of weight.

The eyes of the two elves brightened, and the honey they had not eaten seemed to want.

After giving the honey to the elves, gray brewed a cup of honey flower tea and drank, "it's so sweet. You can try it, too."

These scented teas are dried by Belle herself. They are very fragrant.

"Really?" Belle reached out to take the cup, but her mouth had felt the sweetness of honey scented tea.

Gray suddenly felt that the cup was heavy, but he didn't care. He continued to let Belle taste the sweetness of flower tea.

"So sweet, so fragrant!" Little jasmine lay at the mouth of the cup and narrowed her eyes happily. She felt that she had come to the flowers. She was surrounded by strong fragrance of flowers and sweet honey. The bees in her ears were buzzing and flapping their wings.

There are bright sunshine, cool breeze and the rustle of leaves.

"Do you feel it?" Gray asked with a smile as they separated.

Belle gave him a white look, reached for his cup and said angrily, "how can you feel it?"

At the mouth of the cup, little jasmine lies on it happily, and the tea in the cup is almost drunk by her.

Another drink. They're going to do business.

"Click!" Belle carefully cut off a rose and then trimmed the thorns on the rose.

When Belle cut it, gray handed a vase. Belle inserted the rose into the vase. "I'll put it in the bedroom and make the whole room filled with the smell of roses."

"Why not the study? The study is where you often stay." Gray raised his own questions.

"Because the study can directly see the garden and smell the fragrance of flowers." Belle glanced at him gently, as if wondering how he could ask such a simple question.

Gray also reacted immediately. When he designed the study, he put his desk by the window so that Belle could see the garden when she was reading. When she was tired, she could look outside and relax. At this time, he didn't expect it.

"Go and put it by the head of the bed." Belle smiled and skipped Gray's confusion.

Gray nodded gently and was about to go back to the room with the vase. Suddenly, he raised his eyebrow and turned to look north.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Belle saw his action, looked north and asked in doubt.

"Nothing. There may be something wrong in the north. I have to go and have a look. I'll be back soon." Gray hurried towards the house.

"You wait!" Belle quickly trotted back to the bedroom with gray.

Gray put the vase on the bedside table, while Belle opened the drawer and took out a small cloth bag the size of a thumb.

"Take it with you. Be careful and come back early!" She put the cloth bag into the pocket on the inside of her coat and gave him a deep kiss.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to have a look. There's no danger. I'm invincible." Gray smiled and touched her hair, feeling much more relaxed.

He was also a little scared, so he was a little worried, but there was still a lot of time. He was not in a hurry for a while.

Seeing that gray was calm and no longer in a hurry, Belle was relieved, gave a few instructions and let gray go.

"Gray is great!" Little Molly said, gray is so powerful that there must be no danger.

"Yes, little jasmine is also very powerful. Protect herself!" Belle smiled and rubbed her little head.


A few minutes ago, north, arendale!

At the gate of the castle, Aisha came out with a model boat. Anna followed her and kept saying that I can't. don't go and let that bastard come to you.

"Just let him come to me." Aisha smiled gently. A trace of expectation and miss flashed in her gem like eyes. "I want to go to him. I want to know what his country is like and know his relatives and friends."

"But I can't take care of arendale. There will be trouble when you leave." Anna said uneasily. She had no confidence in herself.

"Anna, I believe you, you can." Aisha patted her shoulder heavily with one hand. "Alendale will always be fine. Isn't it still good when her father and mother left alendale?"

"Besides, you're in charge this time. It doesn't matter if I leave for a while."

"Since it doesn't matter if they all leave, I'll go with you." Anna said hurriedly, hugging Aisha's arm and looking at her with expectant eyes, with an expression like a poor little rabbit.

"Well, you stay. I'll take you next time." Aisha quickly turned her head, otherwise she was really afraid of her weakness, so she agreed to let anna go with her.

'I'm sorry, Anna. Ellen Dale will be handed over to you sooner or later. You should get familiar with it first and learn how to be a queen.'

Anna lowered her head sadly and followed Aisha to the beach step by step.

Asha took a deep breath, squatted down on the beach, put her arm out to the sea, thought about it, didn't let go, and stood up again.

"Have you figured it out? Yes, yes, let's go back to the castle and leave the bastard alone. " Anna thought she didn't want to call gray, so she said happily.

Why go to find that bastard? Anyway, he comes here every month. Why don't you wait for him here?

But Aisha didn't give up, but felt that the water here was too shallow. It was safer to throw it forward to make gray feel it faster.

A wave of magic held the boat model and flew forward for ten meters. Then the magic dispersed and the boat fell into the sea with a plop.

The boat was swallowed by the sea. Anna looked at the nervous Aisha. "It's fake. There's nothing moving. Why don't we go back to the castle and wait for him to come. Anyway, he'll come in a while."

"No, gray must have sensed it. He said he would know as long as he threw the boat down." Aisha is very sure.

"But it takes time for him to come. We can go back to the castle and wait for him." Said Anna.

Gray is not a God. Even if she feels Aisha's call, it takes time to come over and can't appear in front of them all at once.

Suddenly, they looked at the water at the same time, where the sea was tumbling violently, and a huge dark shadow magnified at the bottom of the water.

"No, so fast?" Anna stared in disbelief.


Huge ships broke through the sea and rushed out of the sea. The sea water was lifted up to form a rainstorm.

Aisha looked at the ship in surprise. She thought the gift was just a summoning token. Unexpectedly, it was really a big ship.

"A ship, what a big ship!" Xuebao patted the branch, ran out and shouted at the ship.