Use the array to control the trend of the flood, while gray himself controls the water dragons to rise and jump at the hunters who are still attacking him.

There are only three water dragons, but these water dragons are not afraid of arrows, which are a great threat to the neville people who basically only engage in long-range combat and can only use short knives and daggers in close combat.

Arrows fall on the water dragon and enter the water dragon's body without affecting their actions.

They drove Icaran to avoid, and gray didn't stop chasing. These water dragons were not afraid of arrows, but it was not easy to catch up with them. He didn't want to waste his energy playing the chase game.

When the water dragon approached several people, gray made an explosion gesture and made a 'Bang' sound with a smile in his mouth. The water dragon burst open in an instant and flew in all directions as water droplets.

These drops of water burst at such a distance, more terrible than their arrows, and directly shot several hunters and ikaran close into a sieve.

When other hunters saw this scene, they were all frightened.

Even if they can sacrifice their lives for God, in the face of this one-sided massacre, they can't even hurt each other, which is a huge blow to them.

They can't do without fear and despair. There is a feeling in their hearts that gray is invincible. Even if they continue to fight, they will just die in vain and won't have any effect.

But AVA doesn't think so. Although he doesn't want his people and believers to die for nothing, it can consume Gray's strength. As long as it consumes some, he is more confident of winning.

"Gray, stop it. These people have fought side by side with you. We are a whole." Savannah rode ikaran to gray, dropped her longbow and walked up the stone ring.

"Yes, so their bows and arrows aimed at me and killed my avatar more than once." Gray thought so.

While talking, another water dragon exploded and killed two hunters.

"There is no hatred between us. You should be one of us. We shouldn't fight each other."

Savannah looked sad. "Stop it. Everything is still in time. As long as you like, I'm willing to do anything for you."

Savannah walked step by step through Gray's magic barrier.

"I don't think it's possible. After all, your God wants to kill me!" Gray looked up at the tall female giant. Ordinary neville people also belong to giants for human beings.

I can't imagine the day when I look up to women.

Gray thought that he didn't care much about Savannah's arrival.

It's just that I can't fight and want to stop myself in other ways.

So she probably came to seek peace and softened her attitude. When Avatar was killed, no one said she was still a member of Neville.

Or, I feel that there is little chance to win, so I use peace as an excuse to get close to myself, intend to get close to myself, get my trust, and then surprise myself.

In short, no matter which one, he is not afraid.

Savannah looked tall, but it was obvious that she was not tall, but the strong side. Standing still, she didn't know what to do to herself.

Savannah played emotional cards with him and approached slowly. Her eyes were sad and her look was painful. It was not like disguise.

Finally, she came to gray and looked at the human who was somewhat similar to gray she knew. Savannah knelt down and looked him in the eyes.

"Gray, please, let the others go." She said sadly that today's changes have brought them too much sadness.

"You, your God, wanted you to kill me first. It's impossible to reconcile." Gray shook his head hesitantly.

"Yes, AVA must have misunderstood something. We will explain to AVA that he is the mother of all spirits and the most kind God. He won't hurt you." Said Savannah firmly.

Gray sighed softly, reached for her arm and tried to pull her up. "Okay, I agree

At this time, Savannah suddenly launched an attack, holding a short knife and quickly inserted it into his chest, right in the middle of his chest.

"You see, I'm right. There can't be peace between us." Gray grabbed her wrist. The knife was only three centimeters away from his chest, but it was like a natural moat. Savana couldn't get in with all her strength.

Savannah blushed and wanted to push her arm forward and pierce his chest, but her arm remained motionless, as if embedded in the rocks.

When the crack sounded, gray sighed again. He held out his other hand, grabbed her other arm, broke it hard, and then punched her in the chest.

Savannah's chest collapsed, flew out upside down, fell on the stone ring, and then never stood up again.

Among the hunters in the sky, etukan, who looked older, had tears dripping from the corners of his eyes, and then resolutely launched an attack again.

Gray looked at her indifferently. If Savannah didn't do it, he could spare her life regardless of what happened before, but if she did, no wonder she did it.

The roaring waves sounded, and the flood had reached under the stone ring. It would not take long to flow into the basin in front and destroy the white soul tree.

In the basin below, the ground shook violently, and there was a startling explosion. Countless white silk gushed from the ground like a spring. The huge tree of soul was topped at the top of white silk, like a flower on the tip of the wave.

"EVA!" The hunters looked at the white silk with a fanatical look in their eyes.

In Gray's eyes, it was like the appearance of an evil god. In their eyes, it was the miracle of the mother of all spirits.

Because they all recognize the white silk, which is the catalyst of the mother of all souls and the thing in their whip.

The hunters stared at EVA in amazement. Gray was not stunned. The magic cover protected her whole body, and the flood below was more turbulent.

"Sure enough, I said there must be something below." Gray chuckled.

A broken stone ring stood in front of the flood. As soon as the flood passed, the stone ring was wiped out into powder and wrapped to continue the impact.

"Kill him!" Etukan roared, stretched his bow and took an arrow. Regardless of whether his arm could bear it, he shot one arrow after another at a spot in Gray's chest.

Other hunters reacted and should buy time for AVA instead of being stunned.

Seeing that etukon shot only one point, they also remembered EVA's previous words, and all the arrows shot at that point.

Countless arrows were shot on the magic mask in front of gray. Gray took a look. These arrows were still aimed at his chest.

"Well done. You want to kill little jasmine, don't you?" A sneer came from the corners of his mouth. Gray raised his hand. A burst of water vapor gathered above and condensed into short guns.

With a press on the hunters, short guns whizzed out and danced in the air to kill them.

They quickly Dodge, but Gray's magic is not their arrow. It's not easy to attack with a curve.

Some hunters waved long bows and scattered the water guns, and gray didn't continue.

He looked down at the tree of soul.

I don't know what their God will do. If he can't move, he will be easily taken away by this flood.

But things should not be so simple. After all, it's still very strange.

Be careful!