After entering the biological laboratory, gray lived here, seriously became a scientist, and applied for a project to study the exposed nerves of neville people.

As for scientific projects, the progress is always very slow. Sometimes it's not impossible to study for more than ten years, so gray doesn't worry about his exposure.

And he is also doing experiments seriously. He is not lazy at all and performs seriously.

Dr. Patel didn't deceive him about avatar. The next day, he collected his genes and prepared to adjust his avatar.

Gray asked every day, and then found that this time really continues. First, genetic adjustment takes time, and then cultivating avatar can't get the mature body in one day.

Even with the use of biological growth hormone and high-tech cultivation module, it is impossible to create an avatar in a short time.

Pelt said that the most difficult thing is to combine his genes with Nami's genes. This is a process that requires continuous experimental pairing. If you are lucky enough, you can pair successfully in half a month to create avatar genes.

If it doesn't go well, it won't take a year and a half or even three or five years.

After making the avatar gene, it's simple. Avatar can be bred in a month.

In this regard, gray found that these people were not very lucky. It took a month to complete the manufacture of avatar gene.

Gray has also seen that his genes are indeed somewhat different, but it is not obvious, because even now, people can't fully understand genes.

Because of his disappointment with them, gray didn't ask about the progress every day. He asked silly girl to pay attention to their experiment and began to hunt delicious food in the base with elves.

In a different world, there are always many delicious foods completely different from the previous world. Although the taste is slightly strange, it is also a good travel memory.

The elves do not reject such food, but feel very delicious and delicious.

Of course, for this reason, gray had to pack food and take it back to the dormitory every day, which led everyone to call him a packing madman.

No way, although the elf is magical, no matter how low your sense of existence is when you eat, it's impossible for others to see the fork move.

However, his plan to hunt food has only begun for five days. Dr. Patel told him that his avatar gene has been created and can be cultivated.

"Sure enough, the luck of these people is not good. When I am with them, the good luck is suppressed by them. As soon as I leave, the good luck comes back automatically." Gray secretly thought that he should have distanced himself from those unlucky guys in the beginning.

"Dr. Augustine!"

When I went to the biology laboratory, I met Dr. grace Augustine who also came. Gray smiled and said hello, and was ready to go directly to Dr. Patel.

"Gray, didn't you say, just call me grace." The female doctor smiled. "Listen to max, your avatar gene has been made. It seems that you can drive your own avatar in a month."

Yes, driving. For them, avatar is more like a person than a machine.

Because their essence is human, avatar is just a tool they made to explore Pandora and better communicate with the neville people.

"Yes, I also received a message from Dr. Patel, so come and have a look." Gray smiled, slowed down and walked side by side with grace.

"Just in time. I'm going to have a look, too. Let's go together." Grace walked with him to the avatar breeding room.

"But how's your Neville language? If you meet neville people and can't speak Neville, that won't work."

Gray raised his head proudly and said in Neville: "of course, no problem, Miss grace, I'm a genius. You should expect more from genius, because we can always create miracles."

"Putting the standard of ordinary people on genius is a blasphemy to genius and an injustice to ordinary people."

Grace was surprised to hear gray say a lot of coquettish words, but she knew that more than a month ago, gray couldn't speak Neville at all.

According to the information, he was recruited temporarily and was not an employee of the company before, so he didn't have time to train and learn Navi language in advance, so he can only learn here.

She thought it would take at least a few months for him to get some results.

However, only one month later, his Neville language was so proficient that it was no problem to communicate with himself. She really couldn't think of a better adjective except genius.

"Gray, I didn't expect it. It's amazing. It took you a month to master a language." Grace didn't hide her exclamation because genius deserved the honor.

"Actually, it's nothing, isn't it? I just stand on your shoulders to learn. You are the pioneers in translating Neville. It's great to communicate and learn from scratch." Gray smiled, thumbed up and complimented.

They communicated for a while and came to the gene configuration room.

"Look, that's your avatar." Dr. Patel came out and said to him with a tablet.

On the flat plate, there is a monitoring of the cultivation chamber, but there is nothing in it except the culture medium.

Before gray asked, Dr. Patel operated for a while. A small box appeared on the monitoring. Gray looked carefully and saw nothing.

"Well, he is still an embryo. If he wants to be visible, he needs to wait for some time. He will probably see it tomorrow." Dr. Patel saw his puzzled eyes and said shyly.

They are very experienced. Avatar directly cultivates mature individuals in the cultivation cabin, and the growth speed is very fast.

It is precisely because of this that they can ensure that avatar does not give birth to self-consciousness and make their brain like a machine without any data, which can be accessed by the human spirit.

Because of their growth speed, they can't give birth to new consciousness. Ordinary creatures have a long experience from childhood to adulthood, and they need continuous learning to cultivate their own personality.

If a creature that needs more than ten years to grow to adulthood is ripened to adulthood in a month, his body should strive to grow, all energy is supplied for growth, and there is no time to give birth to consciousness.

These avatars in the incubator are actually like in the mother. Only after he is born will he slowly give birth to his personal independent consciousness, which is growth.

Avatar has no growth process. As soon as they come out, human beings are connected to their minds. They have no environment to give birth to independent consciousness.

"Wait, you can drive your avatar in another month. You need link training these days, which will help you drive avatar better."

Grace patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "let me show you around. You haven't even recognized all our people for a month. It's our dereliction of duty."

"Thank you." Gray didn't refuse. Grace is the head of the biological laboratory. It's necessary to have a good relationship with her.

"Do you see these avatars? Their partners are still on earth, receiving driving training and learning Navi. They can't come until everything is ready." Grace pointed to several avatar incubators.

"Don't you have to wait a long time?" Gray spoke casually in Neville.

As they walked and communicated, grace revealed to him a lot of information about the Nevis and Pandora, because his avatar was about to be completed, and then he would go into the forest with them.