Gray sighed and looked serious. "Don't you know that the most taboo in horror films is to split up. Once dispersed, it may be a real 'split up' action."

There was a scene in the cabin in the forest. Several people thought it was safer to be together. As a result, the group below forcibly separated them in order to kill them.

It can be seen that separate actions in horror films are never advisable.

"Moreover, in this film, our weapons and equipment are invalid. Can you meet ghosts and fight with ghosts?"

When gray finished, the other three looked at each other, as if it was such a truth, especially the earring girl who had just returned from the forest cabin. She remembered that the people in the forest cabin didn't want to separate, and the people who presided over the ceremony underground forced them to separate.

"Maybe we should go to room 237." Room 237 is the main plot room in the film.

Several people discussed, only the elf who didn't understand anything turned his eyes around, and suddenly a ball jumped out of nowhere and rolled back.

Little Molly looked sideways and was ready to pick up the ball.

"Come back!" Gray grabbed little Molly's arm and pulled her back among the people. "If you are caught by a ghost, you will die, and then you will lose gold coins, equipment and money!"

Without money, you can't buy wine or delicious food. It's terrible. Little Molly shivered and quickly hid behind several people.

Gray went to the ball. Sure enough, he saw two girls standing in front of the elevator, greeting him with a cold voice and expressionless face, "Hello, Danny, come and play with us."

Play? Do you think you are Daji?

Gray: Hello, I'm not Danny. I'm Danny's father. You can also call me Danny's father

The two girls didn't respond to him, turned into the elevator hand in hand, and then laughed together: "Danny, come and play with us!"

"Come on, let's find the key!" Gray doesn't care about them. The mansion is very large and extends in all directions. It's very complicated. It's not so easy to find the key.

"To 237?"

"No, the key should have nothing to do with 237. The main thing is that jump. You know, the ball is a scene where men and women are in close contact and can easily express themselves. Maybe Halliday is looking forward to such a scene."

Gray remembered looking for a dance hall. Next to the dance hall was a picture of Halliday and his date Kira.

But he can't say it clearly. He can only say his own guess.

After taking a few steps, gray suddenly slowed down, "no, which papers were 305, not five minutes or six minutes. If we just opened the door, it began to turn?"

"How long did it take us from the door to the printer until we detected that the stack of paper began to turn?"

"317, look for 317 first. On the road, two people pay attention to one side. If they meet a place to dance on the road, they should inform each other in time." Calculate, Gray said.

He didn't know whether he was right or not, but it was somehow an idea, and he didn't delay looking for the ball.

"Come on, the back stairs are open and the blood is surging out." Pasifar in the back suddenly said eagerly.

"Shit, no one can open the door and flow out!" Gray yelled and pulled the two girls to run. Of course, he didn't forget to observe the surrounding situation and listen to the music on the road.

The blood wave in the back was rolling, bloody and terrible. Several girls were trembling with fear and didn't dare to imagine being submerged by the blood wave.

Women love to be clean. Even in the game, they won't really be infected with them, and they can't stand it.

"Gray, hurry up!" The earring girl urged eagerly. All the gold coins and equipment burst out of oasis game killing. She didn't see much blood except her own blood in reality.

"It's already very fast. Can you stand it any faster?" Gray replied discontentedly, sweeping his eyes from the objects on both sides.

Soon his eyes brightened, and a picture hung in the corridor fell into his eyes. There were a group of people in the picture. At the front were Gray's impression of Halliday and nakira.

In addition, the sound of blood waves and music came faintly.

"Found it, follow me!" Running to the front of the picture, gray made a sharp turn and took her two daughters into a room in front.

At a glance, gray saw that the number of rooms above was 317.

Sure enough, that pile of paper is not only a limitation, but also a hint. When people are in the oasis, they can view the time on the page, and they can copy it. It is easy to calculate the specific number of that pile of paper.

"Ah ah ~!" Outside the door, blood waves passed by, and two screams came from inside, but the blood waves did not flow into the room at all.

Gray's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. He stretched out into the blood wave and pulled out two guys covered with blood.

"Thank you!" The blood stains on the two people will soon dissipate. Oasis will not deliberately make something to disgust the avatar in some aspects. It is necessary for them to experience the so-called extreme reality.

"What is this?" Percival noticed the situation in the room and frowned. "It's not something in the flash."

In front of them, there was a bottomless abyss. A group of zombies danced on it. Among the zombies, there was a woman in a green dress who was exchanged by the zombies and couldn't leave.

"That's the lover of the zombie circle in the chaotic mansion. It's one of the earliest games developed by Halliday!" Gray mercilessly robbed Artemis's lines, "see, that's Kira, we're right!"

"Who's going?" After a moment of silence, the earring girl turned her eyes smartly and tried to open her mouth.

Then she focused on gray. Obviously, he worked the most all the way. If he had the chance to get the key, she naturally wanted him to go first. She just had to get a jump clue in the back and keep the name on the scoreboard.

In Artemis' eyes, the wave light flowed, and his steps had unconsciously stepped out.

"What are you doing?" The earring girl grabbed her arm, and her beautiful eyes glared at her. She felt that if she didn't agree, she had to start.

Gray was right. In the game, there was no foundation of trust for those who met by chance. As soon as they saw the hope of victory, someone wanted to win the fruit.

Gray didn't care. He never believed them. He invited them together just for the sake of the clues they were willing to share with him.

"Let K get it!" Pasifar hurriedly made peace.

Nodding slightly, gray went to the edge, saw a zombie and jumped on his knees.

Zombies are rotten all over, but they don't feel like grasping rotten meat. It should be an oasis to take care of the player experience, but make zombies look scary.

The moment he jumped into the Zombie dance floor, the four people behind him were sent out and appeared at the gate of the cinema again.

On the other side, gray followed the shoulders of the zombies, gracefully jumped over step by step, stepped down the zombie who caught Kira, then smoothly held her hand and took her to a stone platform in the center.

When he invited her to dance, the conditions were automatically met, and Kira's body was broken into light particles and reorganized into a green robed mage.

"It's you again!" Although the color of his clothes changed, he was obviously in COS Gandalf.

Mr. Gandalf, without ink, took out the emerald key directly and pointed to a bronze book behind him. Gray went up and inserted the emerald key. A hole was opened in the middle of the book and a scroll flew out.

Gray put away the scroll, didn't read it here, and waited for the book to return the key to himself.

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, an emerald key exited.

"Goodbye, Mr Gandalf!" Gray didn't comfort him, he didn't know him well, and since that was his regret, he can't make up for it now. This level is just his self comfort, just a beautiful expectation.

People often think of that sentence!

If only I could go back to that time!

I must···