"Wait, you can't do that. I'm the prince of South els. I'm here to help arendale. I'm here to help Anna. I'm a friend of arendale. You can't do this to me. You can't do this to South els!"

Prince Hans did not know when he rubbed the cloth belt off his mouth by the soldier's shoulder. At this time, he said to several people with a frightened face.

They must not be allowed to attack South els, or he will be finished. He can't go back to South els. He can only wander around in the future. He can't imagine what kind of life it is.

Therefore, he must reverse the defeat and convince them that he is harmless.

"I'm still lying at this time. I really think people will believe you when you open your mouth?" Gray shook his head and looked at him with a sneer. "If you dare to lie to me again, even if alendale doesn't attack you, my invincible fleet will let you know what sea overlord is."

"Invincible fleet?"

"Sea overlord?"

"Don't you have only one boat parked over there? Where's the fleet? "

Gray looked back at Anna. "Don't you think I came out with all the troops of the kingdom?"

Then he looked at Prince Hans with interest. "Well, to tell you the truth, I'm interested in why you did all this."

Now it's time to finish. How can it be a perfect ending if the prince's purpose is not revealed.

"I'd like to tell the truth. Please don't attack South els." Prince Hans shuddered. There was a lie detector. Lying really didn't work. There was only a dead end if he didn't explain.

"Pa!" Gray slapped him in the face.

"Why hit me!" Prince Hans was angry and the others looked at gray strangely.

"I see deceit in your eyes. I don't want to hear lies anymore." Gray said calmly.

He admitted that he couldn't help seeing him like this just now, but it doesn't matter. He said that if there was fraud, there would be fraud.

Prince Hans clenched his teeth, no longer cared about such a small matter, and whispered his idea of trying to seize arendale.

Anna was so angry at the speech that she punched him in the eye and kicked him in the stomach.

This guy approached himself at the beginning just to kill Aisha. He regarded him as true love. It's unforgivable.

All the truth has surfaced, all things have never been clear, and things have been solved perfectly.

Let the soldiers escort the prince and two soldiers. Christopher and Xuebao are responsible for watching them. Gray flies to arendale with the queen and princess.

Before leaving, Anna remembered about Xuebao and asked Aisha to help her. Don't let it melt in summer.

Aisha looked at Xuebao and liked it very much. She added a separate snow cloud to it, which can ensure that it has always been the temperature in winter and will not be melted by the summer sun.

Snow treasure has its own clouds and doesn't bother to sit on the flying broom together. It happily follows two Sven. It also likes the elk.

Here, gray took the two men to fly directly to arendale. Because the wind and snow disappeared, he flew faster, but he didn't enter arendale until after dark.

At this time, although alendale had entered the night, the lights were still bright and there was no atmosphere of the arrival of the night.

Asha and Anna got off the flying broom. After gray put away the broom, the three walked side by side to the front.

Along the way, whenever anyone saw Aisha, they stopped in amazement and saluted her in a panic.

The three came all the way to the castle. Aisha asked the soldiers to call everyone. She had something to say.

Before long, a group of people gathered in the square in front of the castle. An old man with a funny appearance rushed out of the crowd and ran to see Aisha standing in front of him alive. Duke Weston was lost for a moment.

The winter was lifted. He thought that the two men he sent had succeeded. Now it seems that the queen herself lifted the winter.

However, he quickly reacted that the queen was fine, which showed that the two people he sent should not have met the queen, which relieved him and left room for relaxation.

The two men found that the cold winter had lifted, and they should come back soon. They should not continue to carry out his orders. Everything was as peaceful and beautiful as before.

On the high platform, Aisha and Anna also saw the Duke. They all knew him. Anna subconsciously wanted someone to catch him.

Gray grabbed her arm and said softly, "when the soldiers come back to identify him, this is not the most important thing now."

"Anna, the most important thing now is to ensure the peace of arendale. We'll talk about the Duke of Weston later." Aisha also whispered.

On the way back, gray told her that on the first day back, it's enough to tell everyone that the cold winter has passed and will not come again in the future. For others, it's not too late to wait until the soldiers come back.

Anna nodded and endured, but she didn't have a good face for the Duke. She looked at him with cold eyes every time.

Seeing that the people were almost here, gray gave Aisha a sound amplification magic. Aisha took a deep breath and began to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as the queen of alendale, I'm sorry to put you in crisis···

···From tomorrow, every family can receive a compensation in the castle. I hope you will accept my apology. "

After reciting a full and flowing manuscript, Aisha bowed deeply and apologized for the disaster she had brought to arendale.

On the square, people were silent for a moment, and then burst into cheers that overturned the roof. Many people said that her majesty didn't mean it. It's not her Majesty's fault. Moreover, it's a very rare experience for them to feel the cool of winter in summer.

For such a flatterer, gray can only say... Well done!

Under their leadership, the civilians who had some disagreements in their hearts put down their unhappiness and forgave the queen.

That's the queen. Even if they're upset, what else can they do?

Besides, the queen didn't mean to apologize to them and compensate them. For an individual monarch, she not only didn't have anything, but also continued to squeeze you. Therefore, she should be content and can't ask too much.

Gray shook his head slightly. He originally wanted to blame the prince for the cold winter. In this way, things would be more perfect, but Aisha disagreed. She said that one person should do one thing and one person should not let others carry the pot.

At night, in the castle attic, the two sisters sat on the ground. Anna looked bitter, her chin in her palm and frowned.

"Aisha, I just found out now that we are so poor." Cried Anna.

They just calculated that after the castle apologized to everyone this time, the castle's property will shrink by more than half. Next, they will save money.

"It doesn't matter. Everything will get better and better." Asha smiled. She didn't care too much about these. As long as alendale was all right, everyone was all right. Others can be found slowly in the future.

Besides, the castle should not lose too much this time.

"Well, I see. It must be that guy's idea!" Anna said with certainty.

"He didn't say anything. He just said money. Don't worry. Someone will help us out."

"The man he said was himself?"

Aisha shook her head quickly. "I don't know. It shouldn't be. His country is across the sea. How can he give us money for no reason? Maybe he has another way? "

"Isn't he still thinking about war?"

"No, he can't use arendale's soldiers. He has only one boat himself. How can he fight?" Aisha shook her head and hit a hatchet. "It's probably another way. Don't think about it. Go to bed."

"I want to sleep here!" Anna threw herself on the bed, hugged a pillow and huddled together.

"I don't understand. Why do you have to sleep together? You're so old. Do you want to listen to bedtime stories?"

"This is to prove that the Aisha I used to know is back!" Anna grabbed Asha lying down, locked her hands and feet, and said seriously, "don't run!"