Anna wanted to go to Aisha, but what just happened proved that Aisha was right. Hans had no feelings for her and was lying to her before. Her true love was a joke, so she can't wipe her face now.

Finally, she tore a piece of cloth from the prince and sealed his mouth. She didn't want to hear his voice anymore.

Just finished this, a sound of trampling on the snow came, and kostoff came here on Sven.

Anna turned her head and looked at her six eyes. "Christophe, and Sven, why are you here?"

"I heard they were looking for the queen. I felt it might be bad for you, so I followed up and prepared to help." Kostoff shrugged. "You don't need my help. You're great."

He saw Anna sealing the prince, so his first reaction was that Anna subdued him.

"No, gray did it all." Anna explained and touched Sven's head.

"Is this blanket yours? Thank you! " Kostoff took a blanket from Sven's back.

"No, it's gray's. He said he covered you for fear of your illness." Anna took the blanket and suddenly thought, "by the way, did you eat? If not, we still have some barbecue. "

Kostoff's eyes lit up. Although he liked carrots, he now chewed carrots all the time. When he was thirsty, he ate snow balls. He ate exactly the same as Sven. He felt that his mouth was almost unbearable. It was great to eat meat.

So he chose to accept her kindness without hesitation and bit it down. Kostoff felt the strong smell of meat burst in his mouth. He had suffered all these days at this time.

"Did you do it? It's delicious. It's the best barbecue I've ever had. " Kostoff was generous in his praise.

"It's made by gray. He also coated it with his secret sauce. It's really delicious." Anna nodded and explained again.

Kostoff was suddenly stunned. He suddenly felt that the barbecue in his mouth was not delicious. He tilted his mouth and whispered, "gray, gray, it's all gray. He has everything."

"Hello, my name is Xuebao. I like a warm hug." Xuebao suddenly ran over and introduced himself warmly, which startled Christophe. He just thought it was a real snowman, but he didn't expect it to be alive.

"What is this?"

"Don't be afraid. This is Xuebao. The snowman made by Aisha is a warm and kind snowman." Anna patted Xuebao's big head and smiled. Gray was upset about it. She liked the snowman very much. It was made for her by Aisha when she was a child. It was their childhood memories.

Kostoff smiled far fetched and ignored it. He was a magical creature with some horror. He didn't bother to talk to him. Sven came together and forced the top snow treasure.

"It's impolite, Anna. What's the name of this wonderful donkey." Xuebao looked at kestoff and asked.

Anna thought she didn't know reindeer. She took reindeer as a donkey and smiled softly, "that's Sven!"

"What's the name of this reindeer?"


You just said that the one who looks like a donkey is Christophe.


"Well, they are... Sven and... Sven!" Xuebao pointed to them and read it again, indicating that he remembered it clearly.

"No, his name is... Anna knew that Xuebao misunderstood. In fact, she didn't expect that Xuebao could recognize the reindeer. The donkey it asked was Christophe.

However, just when Anna wanted to explain, magic shot out from the front. Where the magic breeze passed, ice and snow melted one after another, revealing green trees and flowers, leaving no trace of ice and snow.

Anna was stunned by the accident, and then she was ecstatic. She picked up Xuebao and turned around happily, "it's done, Aisha has done it, and summer is back."

"Oh, I like summer." Xuebao also said happily, then ran to a cluster of flowers, stretched out his head and smelled it, "I like summer, I like the taste of flowers, it's wonderful."

"I also want to bask in the sun on the beach, swim in the sea, drink with ice, and play with bees. I like summer, I love summer."

"Sorry to interrupt you. You're melting. You can't see everything you say." Kostoff pointed to Xuebao and said maliciously.

He didn't forget that he had just been described as a donkey and his name was changed to Sven.

"No, I didn't melt!" The little hand of the snow treasure branch poked at him, and then looked angrily at Christophe. "Liar, Anna, he's a liar. Catch him."

"You haven't melted yet, just because there is no sun in your heart. When the sun rises tomorrow, you will melt." Kostoff snorted coldly.

"All right, Christophe, don't quarrel with Xuebao." Anna stood up and made a round, "Xuebao, don't worry, you'll be fine. Don't forget, we have two magicians. They must have a way."

Although she has only been with Xuebao for one day, Anna has fallen in love with this little guy and doesn't want it to disappear after the cold winter is lifted.

"Even if it is..."

"Mr. kostoff, are you full?" Anna gave him a hard look and forbade him to say any more.

"Well, I'm sorry!" Kostoff shrugged, apologized insincerely and went on with the barbecue.

The magic breeze continues to fly forward, flying over the mountains, thawing the mountains, flying over the forests, lush forests, flying over the grasslands, and the grasslands are covered with grass.

The magic breeze flew all the way to arendale, to the distant ocean. Where the breeze passed, the ice melted and summer returned.

In alendale City, people immediately noticed the change of temperature, pushed open the windows and walked out of the house, greeted acquaintances and cheered with their families to celebrate the end of the cold winter.

On the distant sea, Carus stood at the bow of the ship when he was free, staring at the ice sheet ahead.

Suddenly, the ice sheet thawed. In a moment, the miles of ice sheet turned into blue waves. Carus couldn't believe it. He opened his eyes and rubbed it hard. Then he looked at it and found that he was right.

Carus took off his thick winter clothes again and again, cheering at the soldiers on board, "Your Majesty has succeeded. The cold winter has passed and the weather has returned to normal."

A ship of soldiers ran to the bow to see that the ice sheet had indeed disappeared, and a burst of cheers like mountains and tsunamis broke out.

"I knew, your majesty, no problem can't be solved." Carus clenched his fist and said excitedly.

"Your Majesty is getting stronger and stronger." The five werewolves watched the scene silently, and their hearts were full of shock. Such a large ice field and such a terrible disaster. As a result, gray only went for two days, and the matter had been solved perfectly.

Looking at each other, the wolf people feel that life is good now. In the future, it's better not to do anything stupid.

"Captain Carus, let's go and meet your majesty now!" Kevin suggested.

Carus nodded. His majesty had solved the biggest problem. If they let his majesty fly back to the sea in person, they would be incompetent even as tool men.

"Go back to your post, pull up the anchor, raise the sail and move north."

Carus gave a loud order, and the sailors on the ship began to move quickly as they took off their thick clothes.

The weather is very strange. It's only just restored to summer, but the cold air seems to have disappeared completely. I can't feel any cool air. The temperature directly reaches the standard of summer.

Those thick clothes will directly heat people to death.