For the first time, she was comforted by a man at close range with such intimate actions, and she was still a strict man who wanted to kill. For a moment, Aisha felt her heart pounding, a heat flow from the top of the pipe, and her whole body was as hot as being roasted by fire.

"I... I'll try!"

Aisha said forcefully and calmly, and then immediately turned to face the snow mountain on the side of the castle and breathed out quickly.

"You go on. I'll examine your practice results in an hour." His majesty stopped, did not continue to do anything excessive, took back his palm, said a word, and turned into the ice castle.

"Poop, poop, poop!"

A strange sound came. Asha turned her head. Anna leaned behind her and made a strange sound in her mouth.

"You feel it. Your whole body is like boiling. The whole person is elated. His steps are like stepping on clouds. It feels like he is going to fly. This is love, true love." Anna put her hands on her chest and said with an intoxicated expression.

"In any case, marrying a strange man you just met is a very irresponsible thing for yourself." Aisha calmed down and finally restored her sister's dignity.

"Even if you are true love, you should pass the textual research of time, rather than rush to make a marriage oath on the first day of meeting. Even if your parents are here, they won't agree."

Aisha looked at her seriously, "if a man meets you for the first time, he will tell you how much he loves you, obey you, cater to your preferences in all aspects, and his mouth is full of beautiful flattery."

"Then he is probably lying to you, not love and true love at first sight. According to the performance of his royal highness, I think he is lying to you, not for true love."

"That's true love. He loves me and I love him." Anna insisted that even if Aisha was in front of her, she wouldn't give in to love.

"You've only met for less than a day..."

"Anna, what are you talking about?" Gray had just stepped into the castle, stopped and turned to look at them. "At this time, I'm still in the mood to say these useless things. Arendale doesn't want them?"

Gray looked at Anna ferociously. He didn't know when to say anything. At this time, is it useful to discuss this thing?

It doesn't make any sense at all. Even if true love is destroyed by arendale, what future can there be?

Don't you have time to solve arendale's crisis and discuss it slowly?

Not to mention he knew it wasn't true love at all, it was just a scam.

So he was very angry. At this time, Aisha had begun to master her power. If the scam got out of control again, his previous efforts would be in vain.

"True love is not irrelevant." Anna retorted stubbornly, but seeing Gray's dark face, she finally chose to talk from her heart, "but we can discuss it later."

Gray thought for a moment, "it's hard to tell if it's true love, but it's easy to tell if it's not a scam. When this matter is completely solved, I can ask little Molly to help you. She can tell the truth or a lie."

Little Molly forked her waist and raised her head, "I'm super powerful."

"At that time, whether it was true love or fraud, it was up to you to decide, so you'd better not mention this insignificant matter now." Gray warned again.

"It's not irrelevant." Anna whispered, but did not dare to argue any more.

Asha took a deep breath and some excitement calmed down.

It can be proved. Whether it's true love or fraud, everyone can make a clear choice.

If the final decision is true love, she can also support Anna's decision, but it is impossible to get engaged immediately, at least for a period of time.

"I'm going to keep practicing!" Asha said to Anna, turning farther away so that she wouldn't disturb herself.

Gray is right. The most important thing now is arendale. Everything else should stand aside. Only when arendale is saved can other things be discussed.

With a wave of her hand, a snowman more than one meter high appeared in front of her. Aisha took a deep breath and played a magic again. The snowman became bigger.

"Come again!"

When a huge snowman with a height of more than ten meters appeared in the castle window, Gray was preparing a new medicine.

Seeing this, he jumped out of the window.

In the face of the growing snowman, Aisha was a little flustered. Just like the students who were afraid of being caught by the teacher, she hurried to eliminate her mistakes. Unexpectedly, the more mistakes she made, the more mistakes she made.

When gray jumped out, Aisha was startled. A magic was played, and the huge snowman was eliminated in an instant.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Gray swallowed the reprimand and sneered.

When I'm here, I can still have some effect. When I'm not there, I'm getting worse and worse. Why, I'm still a gain buff?

"No, I can do it." Aisha nervously waved her hand, waved her hand to hit a snowdrift, and then waved her hand again, and the snowdrift disappeared.

"OK, I'll look at you here." Gray nodded, moved out a chair and sat down, watching her start debugging the medicine.

The reagent was not complicated. It was a simplified version of a drug he had debugged before, and it was soon completed.

Then he looked up and saw that a huge snow mountain was about to drown the castle. If he found it later, he might be drowned.

But at the moment when his eyes fell on Aisha, Aisha's delicate body trembled, her small hand played a magic, and the huge snow mountain disappeared in an instant.

Gray pulled the corners of his mouth and really regarded himself as a gain buff?

"You should remember this feeling and look for it instead of releasing magic."

Gray went over and handed a potion to her. "Drink it. It can help you calm the magic in your body and make them softer and easier to control."

Aisha took the medicine, nodded gently and drank it.

After drinking the medicine, Aisha felt a force running down her body, calming the restless force in her body.

Gray explained the demonstration and took the trouble to teach her to control her power.

Anna quietly moved to the elf. "Little Molly, can you really tell all the lies?"

"Of course!" Little jasmine said angrily, "even if gray lied, I can see it."

"I don't believe it!"

"Xuebao is the most beautiful and lovely snowman in the world." Xuebao joins the fun.

The elf looked at it. "Although you didn't lie, I don't agree with you."

"You don't think it's the cutest, but it doesn't lie?" Anna wondered, "is it because in Xuebao's eyes, what it says is the truth?"

"So if you want to cheat you, you must cheat yourself and make yourself believe that what you say is true."

Gray turned back in his busy schedule and looked at Anna in surprise. He didn't expect that she could find out little jasmine's ability so soon.

But knowing is one thing, and whether you can do it is another.

Because when people convince themselves to believe their lies, they already know that they are lying. At this time, it is not generally difficult to convince themselves. In addition to metamorphosis, it is difficult for anyone to do it.

Even if it is Xuebao, it thinks it is the most beautiful and lovely, so what it says is really the real idea in its heart, and it doesn't lie.

If a person knows that he is lying and wants to tell himself that it is true, it is basically impossible, unless he completely forgets the relevant memory that it is a lie.