Nameless waters.

A ship was running away in a hurry, and some unimportant things were thrown into the sea just to reduce the weight of the hull and run faster.

"Come on, throw away everything you can. Those damn pirates are catching up."

The crew were frightened and poured everything that could be thrown off the ship into the sea. Some even fell regardless of whether they could fall down. It's time to die. Who cares?

"Damn it, are you pigs? Hurry up!" The captain yelled and joined in himself.

At the back of the ship, a pirate caught up. The pirates waved their weapons, and the bow gun fired a shell from time to time. Some failed to hit, and some would directly open a hole in the merchant ship.

"Foolish upright apes, speed up. Don't you want glittering gold jewelry?" Barbosa stood on the podium, commanding the pirates with high spirits.

After a few months, he Barbosa came back, and he will become stronger and become the strongest... Second most powerful pirate on the sea.

"Captain, you can't escape. Jump off the ship. Maybe these pirates won't care about us!" The sailor suggested.

"No, we fight!" The captain looked at the pirate ship chasing behind him with firm eyes. "You see, this ship is just a broken boat. It's not a big pirate at all. As long as we work together, we can defeat these pirates."

"I promise that after defeating the pirates this time, I will give half of the profits from the sale of the goods on board as a reward to everyone. The injured and unfortunate people will get rich pensions."

The captain figured out that if the goods were destined to be lost and he was destined to die, why not take up arms and give these pirates a head-on blow?

Even if they die, let them understand that their choice to attack the ship is the wrong decision they have made in their life.

"Fight! Fight back! " Under the pressure of death and the temptation of the captain, the sailors finally overcame their fear of pirates and took up arms to fight.

However, this is only a merchant ship. The so-called weapons are only guns and swords. There are no cannons. In sea combat, if it is not a side to side battle, the role of these weapons is indeed limited.

"Attack!" The pirate ship named Haisha by Barbosa has caught up with the merchant ship and drove side by side with them. Sailors have long been standing behind the cannon on this side, the muzzle is aimed at the merchant ship, and then the lead is lit.

"Boom, boom!" More than a dozen shells flew from the pirate ship to the merchant ship and directly opened several big holes in the merchant ship. Several unlucky sailors were directly hit by the shells and all their bones and viscera were broken. They walked through a short life in an instant.

"Well done, fill the shells and continue the attack!" Barbosa went to the side of the ship and shouted.

"Fight back!" The captain of the merchant ship opposite, holding a musket, fired a shot at Barbosa.

He could see that this man was the pirate leader. Kill him and the merchant ship might be saved.

However, the accuracy of the musket was not very good, and the captain's shooting method was not very good. Even if he killed himself to aim, the bullet finally wiped Barbosa's hat and flew over, and then hit a pirate's shoulder behind him.

"Fuck, I'm shot and kill them!"

Of course, no one listened to him. He was just a little pirate. He was neither the captain nor the first mate. His words were useless. It was the same thing when he died, and no one cared about his injury.

So after two more rounds of bombing, the pirates began to fight on the side at the command of Barbosa.

Originally, according to their experience, the side contact was very easy. The sailors of these merchant ships were basically on the verge of collapse and could not organize any effective defense at all.

But today they found that there were hard bones in the merchant ship. The merchant ship's eyes were red. As soon as he met, he killed a pirate with a newly filled gun, and then launched a suicide attack with a weapon.

There is no skill, even if you fight for injury or even death, you have to stab you.

Influenced by the captain, those sailors who had planned to escape or surrender also inspired their courage and rose up to resist.

More than ten minutes later, Barbosa's face was not very good-looking. This was his first battle after he got his new ship. As a result, he encountered this hard stubble and lost a little.

But it doesn't matter. The most important thing in the world is people. This batch of materials can be pulled to toltuga, and then another batch of people can be recruited.

"Captain, what about the remaining survivors?" A pirate came up to Barbosa and asked, pointing to the captured crew.

"No survivors!" Barbosa is a 100% pure pirate. He is unhappy and naturally will not be very tolerant.

"I see!" The pirate nodded and waved his hand. The pirate's hand behind the survivor fell with a knife.


"Captain, there seems to be a battle ahead!" Jack took out a telescope and looked at the two ships leaning against each other in the distance.

"Lean up and have a look!" Gray cheer up. The sea is really boring. It's not a thing to exercise power and control every day. It's best to have fun.

If you encounter pirate robbery, you can go and kill the pirates, and then spread the reputation of the sea god. As a God, no one knows and no one believes, isn't that too low?

Although the pirates were a little puzzled at the beginning when they saw that the captain would help them kill the pirates instead of robbing the merchant ship, they all understood one thing after the captain repeatedly explained that he was just a kind-hearted adventurer, not a pirate.

They followed the wrong captain. They didn't want to be adventurers. They wanted to be pirates and rob money, but the captain was too strong to run away and had to muddle along.

Of course, under normal circumstances, if gray encounters pirates alone on the sea, he is too lazy to care. Otherwise, he will become a real Navy and a vigilante. He doesn't have much time and leisure. Moreover, there are so many pirates in the world, and he can't care.

When he saw the pirates doing evil, he would take care of it and clean it up, so as to make his heart smoother.

"Huh? Is it Barbosa? " Gray suddenly made a noise.

"Captain, do you mean that Barbosa is the one who did it in front?" Jack was curious. He couldn't see the people in front of him at all. He only saw two ships side by side.

"It should be!" Gray certainly didn't see Barbosa, but he sensed a lot of contracts.

Yes, the contracts signed by the Black Pearl members with him before.

Although it was given to Barbosa, the contract was not terminated. He could still sense the position of the pirates. When the distance was closer, it became more obvious.

Therefore, the front should be Barbosa and the crew he sent out.

"Captain, Barbosa seems to be looting. Let's go up and kill him." Jack rolled his eyes and said excitedly.

Since the captain doesn't like piracy, of course, he encouraged him to kill Barbosa. If he has a chance, he also wants to kill Barbosa to repay his hatred. His bullet is still kept for Barbosa.