Just about to break the mast with the water rope, gray stopped again and stopped squeezing the hull with the sea water.

It's a pity to destroy such a good ship.

Blackbeard doesn't have the habit of waiting to die. Although it seems that the daughter who just recognized him is right and he regrets coming up so recklessly, it's more important to save himself at this time.

On Queen Anne's revenge, countless cables like sea snakes survived, frantically strangling those sea ropes in an attempt to break free from the shackles.

But although water can be cut off, it is also endless.

Gray looked at Blackbeard's move, washed his breath and pressed his hand down sharply.

The giant hand composed of sea water grabbed Queen Anne's revenge and began to descend rapidly, but before they showed their joy, everyone on board found that the ship was still sinking.

The sea water began to flow into the cabin from each cannon window. Soon, the sea water overflowed the side of the ship, and the surrounding sea water closed in the middle, making the sailors on the ship dizzy, and then the sea water poured into their noses and ears.

In less than a minute, the ship, known as the devil at sea, sank to the bottom of the sea together with its captain.

If gray doesn't do it again, maybe a few lucky people will survive the whirlpool, but most of them will die here.

As a kind captain, gray felt them struggling in the water and decided to protect them from such pain.

In an instant, the sea water around the pirates turned into a deadly butcher's knife. The water knife almost completely integrated with the sea water gently scratched their throats when they didn't notice, helping them end their short and evil life.

But to Gray's surprise, there were several guys who were immortal. They didn't have anything to do with the water knife.

He immediately thought that Blackbeard knew witchcraft. These were the zombies he made. Although there were not many, the effect was similar to the curse they had received before. Moreover, there was no negative impact, and the combat effectiveness was very strong. It was a powerful help for Blackbeard to dominate the sea.

"I want to try another way to kill undead monsters."

Gray thought, the sea water wrapped with zombies and pirates under the sea instantly became countless steel knives, and the water knife turned into a meat grinder immediately.

The blue sea was soon red with blood. Queen Anne's Revenge rose slowly from the water, and the sea water in the cabin was pumped out. Soon, the ship returned to the sea again.

But different from before, now the ship is too quiet, and all kinds of materials are washed up by the sea. The only two remaining people are lying on the deck spitting out the sea water.

One is the middle-aged version of Blackbeard, and the other is angelica.

Queen Anne's revenge and the Black Pearl leaned together. Gray looked at the movement on toltuga Island, muttered a word of trouble, and quickly left the harbor with two ships.

Let the pirate crew perform their duties, gray came to the deck of Queen Anne's revenge, and they both vomited almost.

Blackbeard staggered to his feet and drove the ship's cable with anger, trying to deal with him once.

"Father, stop it!" Angelica vomited a mouthful of sea water and hurriedly stopped.

Now they have lost completely. It's no good to continue to fight tenaciously. It will only annoy each other and make each other hurt.

Based on her understanding of gray, gray didn't kill them. It must be that they still have some use, but if she continues to annoy him, that little use may not be enough for him to let them go.

But Blackbeard didn't want to listen to her. He threw his hand and pushed Angelica down on the deck to continue to command the cable attack.

"Why attack me?" Gray walked over step by step. Every time those cables came to him, they would be blocked by a layer of seawater and could not touch his body.

"Captain, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding. My father just wants to say hello to you." Angelica quickly explained.

"It's strange. Do you rely on shells to say hello now?" Gray shook his head slightly. This excuse is too bad for normal people to believe.

"I just want to catch you or kill you." Blackbeard said angrily.

Gray smiled and praised him. "I like honest people!"

Then, a part of the sea boundary around him was instantly separated into two sea spears, which nailed Blackbeard firmly to the deck.

"Captain, please, my father just wants to know the ceremony of Bu Lao Quan. He doesn't mean to offend you." Angelica begged. It's nothing to lie with your eyes open for the father you just met.

Oh, no, pirates are liars, so it's normal for her to lie.

Gray waved, angelica was pressed to the ground by a mass of sea water, and then looked at Blackbeard and asked seriously, "for the sake of the fountain of youth? Are you afraid of death? "

Blackbeard realized that the other party didn't seem to want to kill himself, so he still had hope of survival?

Before the angry attack, only because all the people on the ship except him and anjilika died and his foundation of dominating the sea was destroyed, he thought gray left him just to torture him, so he wanted to attack each other and ask for a simple way to die.

He also likes to torture those who resist him, so he knows that there are many ways to make a life worse than death, and he doesn't want to try.

But now that he could live, he didn't want to die, so he nodded decisively. His attitude was very different from that a few seconds ago, "yes! I'm afraid of death! Please forgive me! "

Although he is a famous pirate, he is definitely more decisive than anyone when it's time to counsel.

"I underestimated your strength and brought you trouble. I'm very sorry. I'm willing to compensate you for your loss with all my treasures."

Blackbeard knew that apology was the most useless means of begging for mercy. Only interests could buy his own life.

Gray reached out and took his saber from Blackbeard's hand. Starting with the saber, he immediately felt that the whole ship could feel his will and drive with his heart.

"Nice boat!" Gray nodded with satisfaction. This is a better ship than black pearl. Both firepower and speed are perfect. Even if there is no wind, it can run the fastest speed.

"It's yours!" Blackbeard said at once.

"I heard you can do witchcraft and put some ships in bottles for collection?" With a knife in his hands, gray asked curiously.

"I am willing to contribute all to you." Blackbeard is not surprised. The other party obviously knows witchcraft and is stronger than him, so it's reasonable for the other party to want to collect more witchcraft.

"Since you know current affairs so well, I can let you go." Gray nodded slightly. He likes people who know each other. Talking can save a lot of time.

"As long as you give me all your witchcraft, I promise to let you and your daughter go and never repent. You can ask your daughter. I am a very honest person."

"No, sir." Blackbeard looked at him and said seriously, "I believe you are an honest man, but I want to say, if I don't need you to let anjilika go, I wonder if you can give me another boat when you let me go?

You don't need Queen Anne revenge, just choose the worst one in my collection.

I have a lot of boats in my collection. Of course, they are yours now. "