Walking into the town alone again, gray looked at the surrounding buildings destroyed by himself and slowly passed through the town.

Soon, gray saw Henrik waiting for him on the road.

But instead of going over, he nodded at him, turned back and walked into the town again.

When he came to a still intact building, he stopped. The sword in the lake was put into his backpack and the long gun appeared in his hand.

But without waiting for any action, he suddenly felt a dangerous approach, as if something sharp was aimed at his eyes.

The long gun swept hard in front of my eyes, as if it had caught something and swept it out.

Although he hurt something, in front of him, it was still an empty street, and there was no sound of anything falling to the ground.

Gray turned to the other direction and poked with the end of his long gun. He directly poked a soft thing that should be a human body by hand.

"Who?" Henrik took the cross sword in his hand and put it in a defensive position. Just now, he felt something stabbing himself, but he didn't feel the danger.

Gray didn't hear his voice, as if they were really far away.

He blew a breath around him, and countless white fog gushed out of his hands, covering hundreds of meters around him.

"Show shape!" Gray drank it in his mouth and forced his long gun on the ground. The surrounding ground suddenly vibrated gently. However, if you feel it carefully, you can find that the vibration is not the ground, but the surrounding space.

Driven by gray, the white fog rotates rapidly to form a huge white vortex.

The fog kept turning like a tide, and something gray couldn't see showed some vague outline under the fog.

I saw countless human shaped things around me, forming a half bag circle and wrapping them inside. No, it should be said that they just knelt there in a large area without any action.

There was only a small piece of human shape, which seemed to be hit by the one gray just flew out.

Behind gray, a vague figure holding a long sword gradually appeared.

"Gray, is that you?" Henrik hesitated and looked at the people around him with horror in his eyes.

A figure holding a dagger stabbed him in the head. He quickly grabbed each other's wrist, then stabbed each other in the abdomen with a sword, and finally kicked him far away.

"It's me. Be careful and don't move!"

Gray nodded. Now he could hear Henrik's voice, and in addition to his voice, there were the voices of the figures kneeling on the ground. They seemed to be performing some kind of ceremony, singing a sacrificial song, which had the effect of confusing people's minds.

"Little jasmine, give me a BGM to purify my heart."

"Good, good!" Of course, the elf immediately agreed to such a request.

Then she sat on Gray's shoulder, shook her feet and sang softly. It was not any song with lyrics, but the voice of nature belonging to the elf itself.

The crisp and flexible sound sounded, and the vibration around was more intense. The sacrificial voice of those in front was also disturbed, which no longer had the effect of bewitching people.

"Spread out!" Gray stamped his long gun on the ground, and the white fog evaporated instantly. At the same time, the surrounding fantasy was fragmented at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, the whole town appeared in front of them with a new scene.

At this time, the town is already dusk. The yellow sunlight divides the world into two parts. The sunlight shines on the houses in those towns, and the houses here cover a large shadow, just covering the kneeling people in front.

Henrik looked at the assailant who fell to the ground and didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and went to gray. "What's the situation?"

"Look where!" Gray pointed to the kneeling direction of the people. There was a huge disc. On the disc, there was an eye the size of a basketball. At this time, he was facing Sen Sen's pupils to the two.

At this time, the people kneeling on the ground also stopped singing and looked back at them one by one.

The reason for "looking" is that these people have no eyes in their eyes, but bloody holes.

Thousands of people looked at them like this. They both felt cold behind them. Little Molly grabbed gray tightly and stopped singing.

"Shit, that guy didn't want to kill me just now, but to dig my eyes?" Henrik was afraid. He didn't want to be like these people.

Suddenly, the empty eyes of these people enlarged, and a powerful spiritual oppression hit them.

Gray felt sharp, raised his long gun in advance, and nearly formed a real spiritual storm, which destroyed the street buildings around them. Only the place where they stood under their feet was intact, and a semicircular magic boundary protected them.

But the magic enchantment gradually became fragmented and soon could not support it.

However, the first to fall was not the magic barrier, but a group of people kneeling on the ground.

With the release of this spiritual storm, most of the people directly fell to the ground with seven holes bleeding, and the rest were covered with blood. The scene instantly became a human hell.

"Shit!" Henrik scolded angrily and asked his teeth to look at the eyeballs on the disc. "Eye demons, nicknamed eyeball monsters, are good at mind control and dreamland manufacturing. These people should be controlled and sacrificed. Now they are all its puppets."

"I see!"

Gray nodded, clubbed his long gun on the ground and shouted arrogantly, "the eye monster opposite, you have been surrounded. If you are sensible, put down your weapons and catch them with your hands, otherwise you will know grandpa's power."

"Demon hunter, it's just a little bigger mole ant." The Yan devil sent out a mental wave and sneered.

"Big eyed monster, it's just the dregs of hell. Do you have your own name? The cannon fodder sent by hell! " Gray raised a middle finger and mocked ruthlessly.

"Listen, this king is hell..."

"Forget it, it's hard for you to make up a name. After all, you don't look very smart. If you are willing to surrender and become my running dog, I don't mind giving you a name. What do you think of the name fool?"

Gray's arrogant appearance made the beholder angry, and he no longer had any quarrel with him. He vibrated his spirit and said angrily with a smile: "go to death, human!"

"You're going to die!" Gray squatted on his knees and stood the spear in front of him with both hands.

At this time, Henrik behind him had raised his crossbow, aimed at the beholder on the disc and pulled the trigger.

The crossbow arrow, like a black lightning, crossed the sky of the hell on earth, came to the beholder in front of the beholder and pointed directly at the core of the beholder.