Philip is a very spiritual horse. It seems that there are so many spiritual animals around every princess. Philip is not surprised.

Led by Philip, they soon came to a strange place.

Here, green and white are distinct, just like an invisible barrier separating the two places. That is the eternal cold winter. Here are the changes of the four seasons.

"Strange place, dad must have entered this strange place." Said belle.

Gray nodded. If Philip didn't take the wrong way, this is where movis disappeared.

"Don't worry, I have experience in dealing with such a place." Gray said with relief, "not long ago, I just arrived at a place where there has been ice and snow for a hundred years. It's a little more Pediatrics here than there."

"Narnia!" The elf cried, looking carefully at the ice and snow ahead, "gray, is there a white witch here, too?"

"No, the white witch has been driven away."

"Yes, Aslan said she had gone to another world. Could it be here?" Little jasmine's brain hole is wide open.

"Shall we go in and have a look? If it's the white witch, defeat her again. "

Gray did not continue to explain to the elves the difference between the two worlds in Aslan's mouth and the two worlds they knew, and explained that the white witch could not reach the world, but went on as she said.

"Who is the white witch? Who is Aslan? "

Bell, who felt that she was about to hear a wonderful story, couldn't restrain her curiosity. Moreover, she felt that she was a little confused and didn't know what to do. She needed something else to divert her attention and restore her calm, otherwise she would go crazy.

"Time is pressing. We said as we walked." As a gentleman and king, gray would not refuse the interest of beautiful girls, and he picked up the topic himself.

The two continued to move forward. Gray and Belle were on the road in parallel. "First of all, I want to say that our world is not as big as we see, but there is a bigger world outside our sight."

"And I am a traveler. What I like most is to go to different places and see different worlds."

To pave the way, briefly explain the world background, and gray began to talk about his fantasy journey.

Of course, the story is Narnia's story. After all, the environment is quite similar to that before Narnia. It may sound a little resonant to belle.

Of course, at the beginning of the story, it is reasonable to add a little artistic processing to the story creation, which is reasonable.

"The people of Narnia are so poor." After hearing gray talk about the experience of the people of Narnia under the white witch, Belle said sympathetically, "father, don't meet an evil wizard like the white witch."

"Don't worry, movis will be fine. With your beautiful and kind daughter, how can he be willing to leave you?"“

Gray was about to go on, when he suddenly saw a conspicuous broken carriage in the snow in front. There were many goods beside the broken carriage. His face suddenly changed and stopped. He urged the horse to come forward quickly.

"Belle, is this your father's carriage?" Asked gray, dismounting to the side of the carriage.

"Yes, it's my father's carriage." Belle nodded hard and reached out to pick up a handicraft made by her father by the carriage. She looked gloomy. "Something really happened to him."

"No!" Gray stood up, looked around and said softly, "there's no blood here. Movis will be fine. He may have overturned the carriage, so he went ahead."

After comforting Belle, gray came to her, "you see, there are horse hoof marks on the ground. Philip should have left them last night. They must have gone to the front. Forget the carriage. Let's go to the front."

"Good!" Belle, put things down.

"Plum blossom!" Little Molly pointed to a snow and said.

"What?" Gray and Belle looked over together and saw the plum blossom shaped footprints left in the snow.


"It's a wolf!" Said gray.

As soon as his voice fell, a wolf howl sounded behind him. Turning around, a gray wolf was calling his companions.

"Go!" Gray shouted that he usually didn't choose to fight when there were people in need of protection.

Quickly turn over and get on the horse. Belle also came to Philip, but she didn't climb up because she was nervous.

Gray rode over, bent down, hugged Belle's waist, pulled her onto her horse and sat in front of her. "Philip, go!"

A whip hit the white horse's ass, gray clamped his feet on the horse's belly, and the two horses ran quickly.

"Ouch!" The wolf howled more and more, closer and closer.

"It's wolves!" Belle's face was a little white. It was obvious that she was frightened by these wolves when she lived in a peaceful town since childhood, but she tried to calm her tone and not show her fear.

"Don't be afraid, I'll protect you!"

Gray's voice sounded in his ear. Bell felt confident at the bottom of his heart, and the fear was dissipated quickly, but his heart beat very fast.

Philip was very fast, and there was no one on his back, so he soon drew a distance from them.

A wild wolf jumped out of the roadside and jumped at Philip in front. Bell's heart tightened and shouted, "Philip, be careful!"

Philip is full of spirit. He staggered with the wolf. He avoided the attack and quickly got rid of it.

"Bell, you ride!" Gray handed the reins to bell.

As soon as bell was about to speak, he saw that gray took out a blue black spear inlaid with countless crystals and gemstones from nowhere, and stared solemnly at the wolf blocking the road ahead.

"Don't be afraid!" Gray patted her shoulder with his generous palm, "just a few Warcraft wolves. In small scenes, the werewolf army is not my opponent."

Infected by his confidence, Belle nodded slightly relaxed, took a deep breath, and rode quickly towards the wolf blocking the road.

Believe it or not, she will continue to move forward. There is no way back now.

A wolf bared its teeth and looked fiercely at the two men and a horse. It doesn't matter if the food ran before, but the food behind is more abundant.

In the back, there are seven or eight wild wolves coming quickly.

The two sides staggered in an instant, and the wolf jumped up and jumped on the man on the horse.

Belle looked at several wild wolves and felt her heart beating violently. The heartbeat was clear and audible. She could even clearly see the cold light on the wild wolf's tusks.

At this time, a long gun pierced the wolf who jumped at him. The gun shook, and the long gun beat the wolf with the wolf on the other wolf.

In a twinkling, two wild wolves landed on the roadside and rolled out so far that they didn't get up for a long time.

Gray quickly pulled back the long gun and exchanged it from the back to his left hand. The barrel blocked a sharp tusk. Then the long gun shook and broke one of its tusks.

The right hand naturally hugged Belle's lower abdomen, "look, I said it would be all right."

Getting rid of the wolves, they felt that the wind and snow were getting heavier and heavier in front. Soon they saw a huge castle in front.

Philip was already standing outside the gate of the castle, walking uneasily. He saw them arrive and hummed and leaned over.